Indigenous Religons Flashcards
American Indian religious freedom act (1978)
U.S. law to guarantee freedom of religious practice for native Americans
Axis mundi
An academic term for the centre of the world, which connects with the heavens
Black Elk
Famous Lakota religious leader
Changing Woman
Mythic ancestor of the Navajo people who created the first humans
Basis of Navajo ceremonial practice; includes chants, prayers, songs and other ritual practices
Ghost Dance
Religious resistance movements in 1870 and 1890 that originated in Nevada among Paiute peoples
A sacred structure of pueblo peoples
Holy People
Ancestors to the Navajo people described in mythic narratives
Holy wind
Navajo conception of a spiritual force that inhabits every element of creation
Jump Dance
Renewal dance of the Yurok people
Pueblo spiritual beings
Rite of passage for young Navajo women
McKay Mabel
Pomo woman well known for healing and basket weaving
Native American Church
Founded in the twentieth century based on peyote religion
Hallucinogenic cactus used in many Native American religions