Indicies Flashcards
An index that combines a debris score and a calculus score using specific surfaces of six teeth
A determination of accuracy and consistency between examiners; affects the reliability of data collection
An index that measures conditions that are not able to be changed; in other words, evidence of the condition will remain even after treatment; example is dental caries
Periodontal screening index used for community oral health surveillance that can be used in conjunction with a code related to loss of attachment
Index that measures fluorosis using six categories
A sweeping motion of the dental probe determines bleeding evaluation when this index is used
Gingival Index (GI)
Ramfjord teeth #’s
3, 9, 12, 19, 25, 28
Type of index that measures all the evidence of a condition past and present`
Total number of cases of some disease or condition in a given population
Index used to assess thickness of dental biofilm at gingival area
Plaque index (PL I)
Index uses unwaxed dental floss to determine areas of interproximal gingival bleeding
Refers to a brief initial exam for an individual or an assessment of many individuals to determine a certain characteristic in a population
Type of index that measures a condition that can be changed and no evidence of the condition will remain; example is dental biofilm
An expression of clinical observations in numerical values
A factor that is measured and analyzed to describe health status
Refers to the number of new cases of a disease that occur during a certain period of time
Systematic collection of oral health data for use in planning public health programs
Category of indices that measures the only presence or absence of a condition
Measures what it is intended to measure
Consistency of measurement; enhanced by calibration of examiners
Index uses triangular wooden interdental cleaner to identify areas of interproximal bleeding
Index used to determine caries experience
Index similar to the community periodontal index that is used to screen individual patients in a private practice
To record the presence of dental biofilm on individual tooth surfaces to permit the patient to visualize progress while learning biofilm control
Plaque Control Record
To determine the location, number and percentage of biofilm-free surfaces for individual motivation and instruction
Plaque-Free Score
To assess the extent of biofilm and debris over a tooth surface; debris is defined as the soft foreign material consisting of dental biofilm, material alba, and food debris that is loosely attached to the tooth
Patient Hygiene Performance (PHP)
To assess oral cleanliness by estimating the tooth surfaces covered with debris and/or calculus