Indications Flashcards
Pain (adult)
Fever (pediatric)
activated charcoal
Poisonings and overdoses
(including after patient has evacuated poisons)
Stable, regular, narrow-complex SVT
Narrow-complex reentry tachycardia
Diagnostically for stable, regular, monomorphic wide-complex tachycardia
Considered for unstable narrow-complex reentry tachycardia (while preparing for
Inhaled airway/respiratory irritants
● V-fib and pulseless v-tach in cardiac arrest after defibrillation and epinephrine
● Stable, regular narrow-complex tachycardia (if the rhythm persists despite vagal
maneuvers or adenosine, or the tachycardia is recurrent)
● A-Fib with RVR without preexcitation
● A-Fib with RVR and A-Flutter refractory to first-line treatments
● Stable wide-complex tachycardia
● Unstable V-Tach refractory to cardioversion
● Polymorphic V-tach with a normal QT interval
New-onset chest discomfort suggestive of ACS
atropine sulfate
Hemodynamically unstable bradycardia
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor poisonings
RSI in pediatrics
calcium chloride
Overdose: beta blocker, calcium channel blocker
calcium gluconate
● Hypocalcemia
● Hyperkalemia/magnesemia
● Overdose: beta blocker, calcium channel blocker
● Topical use in hydrofluoric acid burns
● Anaphylaxis
● Asthma exacerbation
● Acute mountain sickness (AMS)
● High altitude cerebral edema (HACE)
● Blunt spinal cord injury
● Croup
● Elevated ICP
● Shock management
● Hypoglycemia
● Acutely altered mental status secondary to suspected hypoglycemia
● Coma or seizure of unknown origin
● Status epilepticus
● Pre-treatment for crush injury
● Uncontrolled shivering associated with hyperthermia
● Active seizures
● Chemical restraint (pediatric)
● Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor poisoning
● Stable narrow-complex tachycardia that is refractory to vagal maneuvers or adenosine
● A-Fib with RVR or A-Flutter without preexcitation
diphenhydramine hydrochloride
● Symptomatic allergic reaction
● Adjunct to epinephrine in anaphylaxis
● Dystonic/extrapyramidal symptoms secondary to phenothiazines
● Nausea/vomiting
● Chemical restraint
dopamine hydrochloride
● Hypotension with low cardiac output states, such as cardiogenic or septic shock
● Hypotension post-ROSC
● Symptomatic bradycardia
● Crush injury
● Cardiac arrest
● Bradycardia
● Shock
● Anaphylaxis
● Severe allergic reactions
● Severe refractory wheezing
● Croup/bronchiolitis
● Premedication for RSI, transcutaneous pacing, or synchronized cardioversion
fentanyl citrate
● Pain management
● Anesthesia adjunct
● Respiratory depression secondary to benzodiazepine overdose
● Heart failure
● Pulmonary edema
● Hypertensive crisis
● Altered mental status when hypoglycemia is suspected
● Symptomatic bradycardia from beta blocker or calcium channel blocker OD
glucose, oral
Conscious patients with suspected hypoglycemia
● Acute psychosis
● Agitated or violent behavior
Pain management
Cyanide poisoning
Pain management
ipratropium bromide
Persistent bronchospasm
COPD exacerbation
Toxic inhalation (in conjunction with albuterol)
Procedural sedation
Agitated or violent behavior
Pain management
ketorolac tromethamine
Pain management
Febrile seizures (pediatric)
Moderate hypertension (SBP 160-179, DBP 100-109)
Severe hypertention (SBP @ least 180, DBP @ least 110)
lidocaine hydrochloride
V-Fib and pulseless V-Tach
● Stable pulsing V-Tach
● Stable polymorphic V-Tach with normal baseline QT interval (when ischemia is
treated and electrolyte imbalance is corrected)
● Stable polymorphic V-Tach with baseline QT interval prolongation (if Torsades
de Pointes is suspected)
● PVCs in MI or myocardial contusion, to prevent R-on-T
● Pain control in conscious IO
● Increased ICP during intubation
●Uncontrolled shivering associated with hyperthermia/heat exposure
● Active seizures
● Chemical restraint
● Anxiety/sedation (procedural sedation for intubation, cardioversion and TCP)
● Acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms
magnesium sulfate
● Torsades de Pointes
● Recurrent or refractory V-Tach (pulsing and pulseless) and V-Fib
● Post-infarct, to decrease dysrhythmias
● Severe bronchoconstriction with impending respiratory failure
● Status asthmaticus
● Maternal seizure: after 20 weeks of pregnancy OR postpartum
●ICP reduction in neurologic emergencies (i.e., cerebral edema)
●Promote diuresis for excretion of toxic substances and metabolites
methylprednisolon sodium succinate
●Severe Allergic Reaction
●Asthma that is refractory to other treatments
midazolam hydrochloride
●Uncontrolled shivering associated with hyperthermia/heat exposure
● Active seizures
● Chemical restraint
● Sedation for cardioversion, TCP and intubation
●Poisoning/overdose (stimulants)
morphine sulfate
Pain management
naloxone hydrochloride
Opioid-induced respiratory depression
●Ischemic chest pain
●Acute and symptomatic hypertension
●Heart failure
●Pulmonary edema
norepinephrine bitartrate
●Neurogenic shock
●Hypotension refractory to fluid resuscitation
ondansetron hydrochloride
Nausea and vomiting
Dyspnea, shortness of breath, hypoxia, etc
Postpartum hemorrhage refractory to fundal massage
●Reduce bleeding during NT intubation
Organophosphate and nerve gas poisoning
procainamide hydrochloride
●Stable monomorphic V-Tach with normal QT interval
● Stable wide-complex tachycardia of unknown origin
● V-Fib and pulseless V-Tach
● Reentry SVT uncontrolled by vagal maneuvers and adenosine if BP is stable
● A-Fib with a rapid ventricular rate in patients with WPW
promethazine hydrochloride
Nausea and vomiting
Paralytic for RSI
sodium bicarbonate
● Cardiac arrest due to suspected hyperkalemia or TCA overdose
● QRS prolongation in known or suspected TCA overdose
● Crush syndrome
● Severe hyperkalemia
succinylcholine chloride
Paralytic for RSI
terbutaline sulfate
Premature labor contractions
thiamine hydrochloride
Administration of dextrose or glucagon in the alcoholic or malnourished patient
tranexamic acid
● Blunt or penetrating trauma with hemodynamic compromise
● Bleeding
vecuronium bromide
Paralytic in RSI
verapamil hydrochloride
● Stable narrow-complex tachycardia (if the rhythm persists despite vagal maneuvers and /or adenosine, or if the tachycardia is recurrent)
● A-Fib with RVR or A-Flutter without preexcitation