Indian nationalism Flashcards
what were the inter war expectations towards India ?
- India would be given more political autonomy
Impact of war on Independence
- growing support for independence
What did Britain do in order to stop growing support for independence ?
- more self government in India
Reaction to 1919 Government of India Act ?
Act was met with widespread anger and discontent among Indians, especially in the Punjab region.
What sparked the Amritsar Massacre
- the news that prominent Indian leaders had been arrested and banished from that city sparked protests
What Act was also passed along side the Government of India Act, 1919 ?
Rowlatt Actin 1919
What was the Rowlatts Act ?
- extended wartime repressive measures
how did the war grow Indian independence ?
- repressive measures in India
- economic and social cost of the war in India
India declared war on Germany but what was missing ?
- didn’t consult Congress
Congress leaders attitude towards war ?
- Congress leaders showed disapproval again
What did Congress leaders want for support of the war ?
- Would only support the war if they were allowed free elections
Reaction of Congress that the Viceroy would not give them free elections ?
- Congress began civil disobedience again with many members of Congress imprisoned for much of the next 5 years
Attempts at appeasement by the British ?
- Round Table Conferences
What former policy did the British turn to during the 1930s ?
’ Divide and rule ‘
Divisions within the nationalist movement ?
- Muslim League - argued for Muslim rights, and ultimately a separate, independent Muslim state : Pakistan
- The Hindu Congress movement - desired a united India state .
British reaction to divisions within India ?
- The British suggested the the divisions between Hindus and Muslims proved the necessity of continued British rule.
Why did the Quit India campaign happen ?
Sir Strafford Crisps, a Labour member of wartime coalition government, was sent to India to promise the Indians full Dominion status. However, this was not enough.
What was the ‘ Quit India ‘ campaign
- a non violent campaign, calling for the British to leave India entirely. Campaign turned violent .
When was the ‘ Quit India campaign ‘
- August 1942
Who was Gandhi ?
- Gandhi became President of the Indian National Congress in 1915
What campaigns/ movements/ protests was Gandhi involved in ?
- helped organise the Non - Co - operation Movement of 1920, the Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930 - 31 and the Quit India movement of 1942.
Who was Muhammad Ali Jinnah
leader of the All India Muslim League
- following his efforts to create Pakistan, became the first Governor - General in 1947
role/ impact of Muhammad Ali Jinnah ?
- under his leadership, Muslim League grew more vociferous in its representation of India’s substantial Muslim minority