Incorporation Flashcards
Texas Business Organizations Code
organization that governs Texas corporations
To form a corporation
Need: person, paper and an act
An organizer who executes the certificate and delivers to secretary of state
Can be a person or another entity
Does not have to be a TX resident
The Certificate of Formation
- need name and address of company
- need name and address of organizer
- number of initial directors
- name and addresses of directors
- name of the corporate agent and post office address
- statement of purpose
Name of the Corporation requirement
all corporation names must include either:
- corporation
- company
- Incorporated
abbreviation of these are OK
Reserving a company name
before forming company you can reserve a company name with the Secretary of State for 120 days
Duration of a company
not required to be specified in the certificate of formation
if not, will last forever
statement of purpose
in the certificate of formation
Does not need to be specific, but if it is then the corporation’s actions must stay within the stated purpose’s scope
Outside scope: ultra vires activity
*Ultra Vires Activity
When corporation is acting outside the scope of its stated purpose
- *ultra vires acts are not voidable by the corp.
- SH can sue for an injunction
- the responsible managers are liable to the corporation for ultra vires losses
*Stock requirements for the Certificate of Formation
Must include:
- authorized stock
- number of shares per class
- Information on par value, voting rights and preferences fo each class
Authorized Stock
The maximum number of shares of stock that the corporate can sell
Outstanding stock
shares the corporation has issued and not reacquired
The Act
The organizer signs the certificate of formation, delivers it to the Texas Secretary of state and pays the required fee.
Electronic submissions are OK
Secretary of state then will file it and send an acknowledgment of filing to the corporation
Effect of the Secretary fo state filing the certificate of formation?
Corporation existence begins!!!
Organizational meeting
Held by the initial directors of a corporation after the articles of formation are filed
- selects officers
- adopts the initial bylaws
- may transact other company business
3 day notice required before the meeting
Does not need to be held in TX
Operating manual for the corporation
Required for all TX corporation unless a closed corporation
Not filed with the state, an internal document
Can be repeal by the Board or SH