INCOMPLETE Gr 8 Unit A Test (Section 1-2) Flashcards
What does WHMIS stand for?
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
What is a hazard symbol?
A sign that has a safety warning and a shape to show how hazardous the material is
What is the compressed gas symbol and what does it mean?
It is a picture of a bottle inside a circle. It means that the substance is compressed gas. It is in class A
What are 3 examples of substances with the compressed gas logo?
Propane bottles, butane bottles, and acetylene bottles
What is the poisonous and infectious symbol and what does it mean?
☠️It is the skull and bones inside a circle. It means that the substance is toxic when ingested It is a class D-1 warning
What are 3 examples of substances with the poisonous and infectious symbol?
Bleach, Mr. Clean, and Tide
What is the oxidizing substance symbol and what does it mean?
It is an O with flames on it in a circle. It means that the substance produces oxygen or can oxidize burnable materials so it increases the risk of fire
What are 3 examples of substances with the oxidizing symbol?
Bromine, nitric acid, and peroxides
What is the dangerously reactive symbol and what does it mean?
It is an R with a test tube in the middle with wavy lines coming out of the tube (in a circle). It means that when this chemical is mixed with (an)other chemical(s), there will be harmful side effects
What is an example of chemicals that will react dangerously when mixed?
Mixing bleach, drain cleaner, and ammonia will form a toxic gas
What is the flammable and combustible symbol and what does it mean?
🔥It is a picture of a flame inside a circle. It means that certain substances will react with a flame and burn. If something is highly flammable, it will ignite with little effort
What are 3 examples of a flammable substance?
Gas, oil, and rubbing alcohol
What is the corrosive symbol and what does it mean?
It is a stick dissolving with a substance being poured on it and a hand dissolving with a substance being poured on it (in a circle). It means that the substance can chemically destroy substances
What are 3 examples of corrosive substances?
Bleach, battery acid, and rust removers
What is the Toxic/Infectious symbol and what does it mean?
It is a T with a dot underneath it - like an exclamation mark - inside a circle. It means that the substance could cause delayed toxic effects