Income tax Flashcards
What is income?
Generally money received will be income if there is an element of recurrence e.g salary, interest
Who pays?
Individuals, partnerships, PRs and trustees (pay income tax on the income produced by the trust fund)
How to calculate income tax
1) Calculate total income
2) Deduct reliefs
This produces NET INCOME
3) Deduct any personal allowances
This produces TAXABLE INCOME
4) Separate 3 types of income and calculate the tax on each type of income at applicable rates
5) Add together amount of taxes
Various types of income
1) NSNDI- everything except savings and dividends - Trading, property and employment
2) Savings income - interest from various sources
3) Dividend income
Step 1 Total income -
Trading income (profits of trade) + Property income (rents and other receipts from land) + Employment income (salary) + Savings income (Interest) + Dividends = Total income
Step 2 - Deduct Reliefs - Allowable reliefs
Interest payments on a qualifying loan:
- A loan to buy a share in a partnership
- A loan to invest in a close trading company
- A loan to PRs to pay inheritance tax
Step 3 Deduct any personal allowances - Rates
1) If you earn up to £100,000 Personal allowance = £12,570
2) Lose £1 for every £2 over £100,000 - £12,570 - (net income - £100,000 divided 2)
2) If income over £125,140 = £0
Step 3 Deduct any personal allowances - How can it be set against
It can be set against income of any kind but it is applied in the following order:
2) If there is surplus then against savings income
3) Any remaining surplus is applied against dividend income
Any unused cannot be carried forward
Step 4 - calculate the tax on each type of income - Order in which to tax
2) Savings income
3) Dividend income
Step 4 Calculate the tax on each type of income - How to tax NSNDI
Taxable income (point 3) - savings and dividend income = taxable NSNDI
Step 4 calculate the tax on each type of income - NSNDI rates
Basic rate (£0-£37,700): 20%
Higher rate £37,701-£125,140): 40%
Additional rate (over £125,140): 45%
Step 4 calculate the tax on each type of income - Calculating taxable savings income
Savings income - Personal savings allowance (£1000 if earn under £37,700, £500 if earn £37,700 - £125,140) = taxable savings income
Step 4 calculate the tax on each type of income - How to tax taxable savings income
Add remaining taxable savings income to total taxable NSNDI figure then apply savings income rates
Step 4 - calculate the tax on each type of income - Savings Income rates
1) Starting rate (£0-£5000) = 0%
2) Basic rate (£5,001 - £37,700): 20%
3) Higher rate (£37,701 - £125,140)= 40%
4) Additional rate (over £125,140)= 45%
Step 4 calculate the tax on each type of income - How to tax dividend income
Dividend income - dividend allowance (£500) = remaining taxable dividend income
Step 4 calculate the tax on each type of income - Calculating dividend income
Add the dividend allowance to total taxable NSNDI and total savings income
Step 4 - calculate the tax on each type of income - Dividend income rates
1) Earn less than £37,700 = 8.75%
2) More than £37,700 but less than £125,140 = 33.75%
3) More than £125,140 = 39.35%
Step 5 - Calculate overall tax
Total tax - tax already paid = tax due
Add together amount of tax