Income Distribution and Taxation Flashcards
What four functions does Australian taxation play in our economy
Raising revenue
redistribution of income from wealthy to poor
decisions in how resources are allocated
regulates economic fluctuations associated with business cycle
direct taxation
collected directly from tax payers income, impact and incidence is on the same person
indirect taxation
collected through taxpayers expenditure, impact and incidence fall on different people.
progressive taxes
claim an increasing proportion of income as income increases.
direct relationship
burden of progressive tax falls on those who earn higher levels of income
regressive taxes
places a greater burden on lower income earners.
takes a decreasing proportion of income as income increases
inverse relationship
proportional tax
takes a constant proportion of income, no matter what level has been earned.
specific tax
charged on the volume of sales
ad valorem
levied as a percentage of price
four basic criteria to determine a good taxation system
equity, economy, certainty, convenient
- features both horizontal and vertical equity,
- those that can pay more will pay more
- earn the same amount = pay same amount
- process of collection should be convenient to tax payers and collectors
- taxpayers should be able to understand how much to pay
- benefits outweigh the cost
- minimise excess burden
personal income tax:
levied on all wage and salary income, at rates which specify how much of the last dollar will be paid in tax
income and incidence fall on the same person
direct tax
company tax:
proportional tax
impact falls on individual company
incidence falls on consumers
Fringe benefits Tax
levied on the value of non cash benefits given to employees as part of their salary package
Notions that people should pay tax according to their ability to pay, and those on the same income level should pay the same amount of tax
Goods and services tax
broad-based tax levied at 10 per cent of the price of most goods and services sold in Australia
Replaced the WST in 2000
Impact of the GST falls on the seller of the goods and services, incidence falls on consumer
Tax decreases as income rises
Excise Duties:
imposed at a flat rate on domestically produced goods such as alcohol, cigarettes
raises a great deal of revenue for the government
levied on price inelastic goods
Capital Gains Tax:
progressive tax
levied on profits from the sale of assets held for a period longer than 12 months
Does not apply to personal items such as houses and items purchased before 1985
Stamp Duty:
Regressive tax
applies to transfers of properties and assets
Tax Reform
A Capital gains tax a Fringe benefits tax GST which introduces more certainty A move to self assessment of tax liability PAYG system
Formula for Gini Co-efficient
A/ A+B
Difference between a households assets and its liabilities
current value of assets a household has accumulated over time
Gini-coffecient measures
Degree of income inequality in an economy
Why is there income inequality in Australia
differences in education, training and exp.
occupational conditions e.g geographical location
personal aptitude
opportunity e.g family background
involuntary factors e.g sickness or disability