Balance of Payments and Trade Flashcards
Balance of Payments
A record of all economic transactions that occur
- An idea can be formed as to the state of the economy
- Measured over a period of 1 year
Current Account
Contains several key accounts:
goods / merchandise account
services account
income account
Goods in the Current Account
Records all transactions involving physical goods
Exports are credits
Imports are debits
- Net balance of Merch. trade balance = total value of export - imports into a country
Services in the Current Account
Recalls all transactions including services, such as tourism, banking and legal consultations
- Services BY residents TO foreigners = credit
- Services BY foreigners TO residents = debit
- T.V. of Services by residents - Services by foreigners
Trade Balance In Current Acc.
Exports - Imports
Income in Current Account
Records all income earnt such as wages, salaries, interests and payments
- earned by residents from foreigners = credit.
- paid to foreigners by residents = debit
credit - debits = Net income
Current Account Balance
Total value of a countrys balance on goods and services, and net income
Neg. Current Account Balance = Current acc deficit
- More leakages than injections
Pos. Current Account Balance = Current acc surplus
- More injections than leakages
Capital and Financial Account
Record of all the physical capital and financial transactions such as shares and bonds.
- Receive money from foreigners = credit
- Residents pay money to foreigners = debit
Records all capital transactions, and any transactions of non produced, non financial assets
records all transactions associated with changes of ownership of a countries foreign financial assets and liabilities.
Reasons for Trade
- specialise and influence a country to trade
Endowment of natural resources
- i.e china buying iron and coal from Australia to produce goods
Differences in labour and capital
- Specialising in producing goods and services based on skills in labour and specialised capital equipment.
Differences in technology
Benefits from trade
Composition of Trade
exports; resources, services, manufactures, rurals, other goods
imports: intermediate, consumption, capital, services, other goods
Components of Capital and Financial Account
Capital Transfers credits
capital transfers debits
Disposal of Non-produced and non financial assets
acquisition of non produced and non financial assets
Foreign investment into australia
Australia investment abroad