Incidents, accidents, emergencies Flashcards
What should you do if you breakdown?
Pull to side of road
Put Hazard warning lights on (amber)
Hazard warning triangle 45m behind car (not on motorway)
What should you do if you have an accident?
Stop at scene
Swap details: name, address, car registration number, insurance
If not possible- knock on door. If not in- call police within 24h to get incident number
What should you do if you come across an accident?
Put hazard lights on
Call ambulance ASAP
When assessing danger, how can you make the area safe?
Flag down motorists before approaching
Only move people if in further danger
Who should you check first in an accident scene?
Those who are not responding, as may not be breathing
Describe assessment of casualty
A: check airway, tilt head back
B: if unconscious, check for 10s
Compressions 5-6cm 120bpm
C: Heavy bleeding- compress + elevate above heart
3 features of shock
Rapid shallow breathing
How should you treat someone in shock?
Sit them down
Don’t leave them alone
Keep them warm + comfortable
NO food, drink or cigarettes
How should you treat someone with burns?
cold water for 20 mins
When should you remove a motor cycle helmet?
ONLY if absolutely necessary
to help them breathe
Which vehicles use a flashing amber light?
SLOW moving
Bin lorries
Road gritters
Which vehicles use a flashing green light?
Which vehicles use a flashing blue light?
Emergency services
Bomb disposal
5 tips for tunnels
Tune in to local radio frequency (if poss)
Dipped headlights ON
Tinted glasses OFF
Variable message signs within tunnel: speed limit, close lanes
5m gap between vehicles in stationary traffic
What should you do if you breakdown in a tunnel?
Pull over
Hazard lights on
Get out + stand clear
Use emergency phone
If car on fire in a tunnel, what should you do?
Keep going if the car is still drivable
If not, get out, stand clear + use emergency phone
Don’t return to burning vehicle, Don’t open bonnet
What is indicated by an amber light, then flashing red lights at a level crossing?
Train approaching
What should you do if you breakdown on a level crossing?
Get out + other passengers out
Use rail phone
What should you do if you reach a level crossing and the lights continue to flash?
There is probably another train coming
What should you do if the lights on a level crossing come on whilst you are driving across it?
Continue over
When you come to a concealed level crossing, how will you know?
There will be rectangular countdown markers in red + white
What is indicated by a steam train in a warning triangle?
Level crossing with no barrier
What is indicated by a gate in a warning triangle?
Level crossing with a barrier
What is indicated by a St Andrews Cross?
No barrier between you and train/ tram crossing