Incarnation Flashcards
What does incarnation mean?
‘In flesh.’ Also, it means God in the form of a human, God made flesh.”
Who was the incarnation?
Does Luke or Matthew teach us about the annunciation?
Does Luke or Matthew teach us about the angel Gabriel visiting Joseph?
Why was Joseph important to Jesus?
Jospeh supported Mary to raise a child. Also, Jospeh’s courage and loyalty helped shape Jesus’ human character. Also, Jospeh is an ancestor of great Jewish leaders
Name the three things Jesus is called.
Word of God, Son of Man and Son of God
What does jesus do to the ten commandments and what are they called?
Condenses them and calls them the greatest commandments
Name the two commandments given by Jesus
Love your God
Love your neighbour as you love yourself
List the 6 things the good people did in the parable of the sheep and the goats.
Fed the hungry Gave homeless shelter Gave clothes Took care of the sick Hydrated the thirsty Visited those in prison
What did Jesus say would happen to those who did not help those in need.
They went to hell
What are the Beatitudes?
Encourages different types of people to stay faithful even though their lives are difficult on earth
When did jesus say the Beatitudes?
At the beginning of the sermon on the mount
Describe the ichthus
A symbol of a fish drawn by prosecuted Christians to show they were christian
What do the Alpha and Omega represent?
The beginning and end of all things as they are the first and last letters of the greek alphabet
What does the Chi-Ro represent?
Jesus and an affirmation he is the messiah
Define moral teaching
Teaching on how to be good and how to behave
Who was St. Irenaeus?
A theologian who showed how the incarnation was important for bringing humans and god closer together
What do the documents “Dei Verbum 4” and “Verbum Domini” try to do?
Create a balance between presenting Jesus as fully human and fully God
What is grace?
God’s love
How do we receive grace?
Ask for it
What can Grace do?
Fixes us, makes us stronger, forgives, brings us closer to God and helps us to do good and be better
Define Sacrament
Rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace.
Name the seven sacraments
Baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, reconciliation, marriage, sacrament of the sick and ordination
Name the repeatable sacraments
Eucharist, reconciliation and sacrament of the sick
Name the sacraments of initiation
Baptism, eucharist and confirmation
Define “Imago Dei”
The image of God. God made us in his image
Define conception
When the male sperm fertilises the female ovum, seen by catholics as the start of life
Define abortion
The removal of a foetus from from the womb to end a pregnancy, usually before the foetus is 24 weeks old