In The Beginning Review Flashcards
What is revelation?
The ways in which God reveals Himself to humanity.
What are the 2 ways to know about God?
Natural Revelation/Reason - through creation, without interference
Divine Revelation - direct intervention, faith
What are the 4 natural ways to know God exists?
1) natural desire for God
2) mark of the Creator
3) proofs for existence of God
4) conscience
What is the telos for man? What does this mean?
To be in communion with God. This means our goal is to share love and knowledge with God
How did St. Augustine describe man’s natural desire for God?
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
Where do we get our knowledge about Jesus?
Sacred Scripture/Divine Revelation and Sacred Tradition
What is faith? What does it do?
It is a supernatural virtue which helps us believe in all the truth God reveals.
Why do we study theology?
To fulfill the purpose of our lives; to know and love God which is to be in communion with Him.