In Europa Flashcards
What are friends eating?
Was essen die Freunde?
They eat specialties from different countries
Sie essen Spezialitäten aus verschiedenen Ländern
Gazpacho is eaten in Spain
Gazpacho isst man in Spanien
In France, you eat a lot of cheese
In Frankreich isst man viel Käse
man (explain)
In German we use “man “ when an indeterminate number of people do something on a regular basis.
das Indefinitpronomen: Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things that are indeterminate. They are used when one does not know, or does not wish to say exactly who, or how many, are doing something.
In Japan many people drink tea
In Japan trinkt man viel Tee
And what does one eat and drink there?
Und was isst und trinkt man dort?
In Germany you eat a lot of bread and you like to drink coffee
In Deutschland isst man viel Brot und man trinkt gern Kaffee
And where is it coming from?
Und woher kommt das?
Gazpacho is a specialty from Spain
Gazpacho ist eine Spezialität aus Spanien
Yesterday we were in Rome
Gestern waren wir in Rom
We were in Colosseum
Wir waren im Kolosseum
The food is also super
Das Essen ist auch super
Here, one eat really good and a lot
Hier isst man sehr gut und viel
Pizza is my favorite food
Pizza ist mein Lieblingsessen