in class lecture notes Flashcards
the drive to complete a task, function, or idea
example of motivation
facing the giants movie shows motivation (death crawl)
a very useful motivational theory
steps (of expectancy model)
Step 1.) desire to perform
- Desire= Function(valency, instrumentality)
- Function
- valence (V): the anticipated value or satisfaction that one thinks they will receive from obtaining a certain outcome
- instrumentality (I): what one thinks are the steps necessary to obtain a certain outcome
- Function
Step 2.) Effort
- Effort = valence x instrumentality x expectancy - Expectancy (e): do you actually believe you can do those steps
Step 3.) Performance
- performance = effort + ability + focus - Focus (f): the expenditure of physical and mental resources on tasks relevant to goal achievement
“hardwork wont garuntee success but w/o it you dont stand a chance”
patrick wiley
effort does not equal performance
- video of Bill porter w/ cerebal palsey
- shows he exerted great effort and clearly saw he did all the steps to do what he desired to do
leaders (most important topic we cover)
ex: the blind side
- sandra bullock was a leader to michael and helped him be better (even more than the coach)
those who are able to influence others and poses managerial authority
types of leaders
- directive
- transactional
- visionary
- empowering
directive leaders
- leeads by commanding and has followers bc theyre afraid
- ex: the devil wears prada clip
transactional leaders
- leads by offering reqardss and has followers bc they want that reward (a transaction)
- ex: remember the titans (ran to grave)
- ex: fedex having issuess and they suggested what if you pauy them full and after 6 months everything was fixed (by as transaction)
- ex: in class choosing the reward we want and not what we think the others actually want (what maanagerss think the employees want is not actually what they want)
visionary leaders
- leads by creating a vision for the organization nand has followers bc they believe in the vision
- ex: maartin luther king jr. and his speeches (emotionally commited)
empowering leaders:
- leads by having the goal to empower others (creating self leaders) and has followers bc they want to be self leaders. the whole goal is to create self leaders
- ex: new amsterdam clip shows he empowered by asking what they needed to succeed
- ex: hoosiers movie shows head coach puposely getting kicked out so assisatant coach could gain onfidence and be a self leader
effective leadership
is one that affects others well
self goal setting
- new years resolutions
- 25% resolutions broken in 1st week
elements for goal attainments
- writing down goals
- break into chunks (short term aadd up to long term)
- specific not fuzzy
- publicly announce
- less is more “if you have more than 3 priorities, then you dont have any”
- set meetings with yourself
- prop your ladder against the proper wall
4 steps of goal achievement
- ) start small (something you cant say no to)
- ) 1% rule on improving things
- ) follow seinfields advice on consistency
- ) 2 minute rule to getting started
- ) focus on process and not outcomes
- ) remember “escape velocity”
building natural rewards into a task
- physically or mentally redesigning a task to make it more naturally enjoyable to perform the task
- ex: the fun theory- making stairs fun
- if you want something to get done, make it fun
- ex: duck dynasty CEO
power of constraints
ex: green eggs and ham- only be 50 words, helped developed his style
- inspire creativity
- force you to get something done
Lyrit Edmund class?? real world skill
- accuracy
-real world skills: teamwork dead lines priotitization quality
big picture thinking
- the ability to influence decisions
- to get things done the way one wants them to be done
9 sources of power
- ) reward- (transactional leaadeership)
- ) coercive- ability to punish
ex: movie whiplash- “not quite my tempo” - ) legitimate- power from title
- ) referent- power from esteem others have of you; look up to them
ex: pirates of the carribbean - ) expert- stems from knowledge/expertise
ex: shaawshank redemption - ) uncertainty reduction
- ) resource information control
ex: pelton aassigns classrooms - ) substainability- w/ power cant be easily replaces
- ) centrality- central to decision making
- the use of power
- power in action
ex movie: the one who flew over the kookoos nest
- performance of multiple tasks at one time
- listening to music impairs task focus
- avg. of 120 seconds to get back to what you were doing
cortisol vs. dopamine
damaging part of brain for emotion control
when you check phone
makes you feel good short term
brain flustered
darrin shneck guest speaker
like it or not, youre inn sales
darrin schneck
- goal without a plan is only a dream
- do the un-fun things to get ahead of others
- asking for raises
- seeking a promotion
- prove that you are very good at current job and will do good in next one
persuasion skills
- your learned approach
- how to improve
- a funny story
golden rules
- be nice
- map out a plan for how a convo will go (interview)
- model yourself after people you want to become
change the narrative
- sales is a persuasive conversation
- tell the positive side of your skills/experience
- need to have talking points in interview/internships etc
“I paint pictures in other people minds”
ethic plan proverb
“when spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion”-
shows teamwork
what is a group
2 or more ppl who interact w eachother to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs
what is a team
a purposeful group formed to accomplish a prjct, task, or goal
positives (+) of groups
ex: movie clip “scent of a woman”- blind man, young man, woman, band, frank, charlie, donna, teamwork to do the tango
- enhanced performance
- improved creativity
ex: movie apollo 13, team on the ground working together to save rocket
- esperit de corps (togetherness, trust, teamspirit)
ex: movie coach carter- one person had to do conditioning so everyone it bc if one person on the team has to, they all do
negatives (-) of groups
- pressure to conform
ex: movie dead poets society- in the courtyard walking in a line - pressures to perform at group mean level
- social loafing
ex: video clip social loafing (when an individual is not putting in all their effort bc they are in a group - when you add more to a group, the more likely people will slack off
what causes it?- participation is optional
- loss of a sense of individual responsibility
- reduced belief in the value of contributions
how to manage social loafing
collab, content, choice
- no place to hide such attitudes
- accountability what people do best
team think
balancing the “me” with the “we”
- movie ex: MR. 3000- baseball he lost the game intentionally bc he was only playing for himself