Impulse Control Disorders (Lauren đźŚ) Flashcards
What kind of therapy is this:
“Challenging people’s thoughts in order to change their feelings and as a result their behavior is changed”
What kind of therapy am I doing if I ask a patient, “What is your evidence that… alligator will eat you in the shower?”
Challenging her thoughts
What was Dr. Stoehr’s big phobia that he overcame
Public speaking
Can homework and journaling be a part of cognitive behavioral therapy?
If someone cuts you off and you get so mad that you follow them home and kill them, what disorder do you probably have?
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
What are the six DSM5 criteria that must be fulfilled to diagnose Intermittent Explosive Disroder?
- Episodes of aggressive behavior or verbal aggression
- Aggressiveness out of proportion to the precipitating stressor
- Not premeditated, not seeking a reward
- Cause distress, impairment, or financial/legal consequences
- At least 6 years old
- Behavior not accounted for by another substance or condition
How long do the outbursts of Intermittent Explosive Disorder last?
Less than 30 min
What are the risk factors for Intermittent Explosive DisordeR?
Serotonin disruption
Are the outbursts of Intermittent Explosive Disorder premeditated?
What is the treatment for intermittent Explosive Disorder?
Mood Stabilizers
Behavior Modification (Desensitization)
What are two examples of Behavioral Modification that he mentioned?
Desensitization (exposure)
Aversion (negative stimuli)
What are the risk factors for Conduct Disorder?
Parental rejection/neglect
Difficult infant temperament
Harsh discipline
Unstable family
What are the DSM5 Criteria for Conduct Disorder?
A.) *Rights of others or societal norms are violated- 3 of these in last 12 months: aggression to people and animals. Property destruction. Deceitfulness or theft. Serious violation of rules.
B.) Behavior causes impairment in **social, academic or occupational functioning **
C.) Can be diagnosed as an adult if they do not meet criteria for ASPD
What is the treatment for Conduct Disorder?
Individual and group therapy
Parental behavioral therapy
Pharmacotherapy (ADHD drugs, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics)
What is this:
“Recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures”
Oppositional Defiant Disorder