Important Names And Events Flashcards
What is 사대/사대주의?
- lit. Serving the great
- kissing up to the ones in power
- for China, Korea actually believed that Chinese classics were better and to be respected
What is 교린?
- Japanese-Korean relations
- small envoys sent to Japan because Korea saw Japanese as pirates
- about 100 Japanese were living in Busan
What is Tsushima Island?
- small island between Korea and Japan
- off the coast of Busan
- where the daimyo lived and acted as intermediary to Korea (from Japan)
What is Hamel?
- 1653
- Dutchman gets stranded on Jeju Island
- writes a journal about his life
When did major Wedtern powers finally get to Korea?
- 16/17th century
What is 서학? What is 시학?
- western learning
- practical learning (inspired by western learning)
What was Korea’s isolation policy?
- from late 18th century- 19th century
- discouraging 서학
- prohibited trade and relations with mainly western groups (after Catholicism)
What happened in 1842?
Koreans learned about the opium wars in China (Qing) with Britain
What is the 쇄국?
- Taewongun’s isolation policy in Korea during the 1800s
Who is Taewongun?
- 1821-1898
- leader/Korean king regent
- King Kojong was 12 when he became king
- many reforms, including a rebuilding of Gyeongbok Palace
- his domestic reforms weakened Korea’s economy
What is 1866?
- year of foreign disturbances
- Frenchman sends letter for port opening
- American ship “sunrise” (crew was treated well but sent back to China)
- American ship General Sherman conflict with local Koreans and burn boat
- French fleet comes to Korea and they blockage Han River, loot and burn from Ganghwa Island
What was the Low-Rogers Expedition?
- 1871
- to figure out what happened to General Sherman
- largest fleet ever assembled to Ganghwa Island
- first American-Korean war
- opened up Korea
Who was Commodore Perry?
- Matthew c. Perry
- naval officer who opened Japan in 1853
What is Un’yō?
- Japanese gunboat that Japan purchased
- 1873 disturbance to Korea
- upset that Korea rejected Japan’s “emperor”
Who is Li Hongzhang?
- scholar who wrote the plan to open Korea to Japan and Westerners
- important in diplomacy between America and Korea
- concept to manage all the barbarians
What is the Kanghwa Treaty?
- 1876
- declared that Korea was a sovereign nation (remove from Qing influence)
- several ports are to be opened up
- establishment of Japanese settlements under Japanese laws
- with Meiji Japan getting the most
What is 개화?
- Koreans are starting to travel abroad
- also travel to Japan
What is the Good Offices Clause?
- Americans will do everything to help their new friends, Koreans
- Friendship Clause
- no real legal binding though
What is the Enlightenment Faction?
- the 개화
What is 신사유람단?
- Gentleman’s Tour of USA 1881
- includes So Jae-pil aka Philip Jaisohn
- also tours to other places (Japan)
- King Kojong’s kids, young officials
- the 개화
What is the Kapshin Coup of 1884?
- includes Kim Ok-kyun
- Pak Yonghyo (개화, pro-Japanese)
- Hong Yongsik
- So Kwangbom (개화, Kabo Reforms)
- So Chaepil (Philip Jaisohn)
- KILL all the people who are stopping the reforms (yangban folks)
- leads to collapse of enlightenment faction and reestablishment of China’s leadership
What is Tonghak?
- began as a spiritual gathering under Choe Cheu
- was declared illegal for heresy by Korean court
- monotheist though not Christian or Islamic
- most followers were peasant farmers
Who is Choe Cheu?
- born in Gyeongju in 1824
- father was a fallen yangban (chanban)
- mother was a concubine and remarried widow
- had experienced divine healing in 1860 and started preaching about Tonghak
- was executed in 1864, burned his writings, sent Tonghak underground
What is chanban?
- Fallen yangban
- poorest of yangban
- lost access to highest government posts
What is soja/서자?
- children of yangban and concubines
- seen as illegitimate kids
What is the Tonghak Rebellion/Revolution of 1894?
- Tonghak leaders and mostly other peasant farmers (not Tonghak) against the yangban and elites
- seen as a people’s movement (so praised)
- half only wanted to clear Choe Cheu’s name
- not really a Revolution because didn’t overturn anything
- came out of concerns with the opening of the ports, spread of western learning, etc.
- Korean court asked China and Japan to send soldiers to intervene (Japan did)
What is yongbu?
- talisman of Tonghak
- works with chumun (sacred incantation) to heal divinely
- attracted a lot of peasants
Who is Choe Si-hyong?
- religious name: haewol
- distant relative of Choe Cheu, was given authority by him
- second patriarch of Tonghak
- created a more cohesive organization
Who is Chon Pongjun?
- leader of the Tonghak Peasant Uprising
What is 자주?
- lit. Rule yourself
- autonomy
What is the 1888 Treaty with France?
- legalization of Catholicism
Who is Horace Allen?
- American ambassador to Korea
- doctor
- missionary
- treated a Min royal relative after Gapsin Coup (1884)
- got close to King Kojong
- founder of Severance Hospital
Who is Inoue Kaoru (1836-1915)
- Japanese ambassador to Korea
- attempted to make Korea dependent on Japan economically
What are the Kabo Reforms?
- pro-Japanese
- govt documents start with year of dynasty reign not Qing
- Chinese treaties are to be revised with special ambassador dispatched to each country
- distinctions of hereditary status eliminated. now based on ability.
- hierarchy abolished between civil and military officials (only considered interacting among officials)
- family destruction bc of one person’s punishment abolished
- adoption only allowed when there are no legitimate or 서자
- early marriage forbidden (20 and 16 now)
- widows can remarry
- private and public slavery abolished
- commoners allowed to make suggestions to Deliberative Council
Who are the Kabo reformers?
- Pak Yonghyo (Gapsin Coup, 개화), royal relative
- So Kwangbum (Gapsin Coup, 개화)
- Kim Hongjip
- Kim Yunsik
- O Yun Jung
- CAME BACK for these but either died or fled to other countries
Who is Queen Min (1851-1895)?
- King Kojong’s wife
- influenced Kojong to take his place as king
- family was all over gov’t (just promoted no qualifications)
- Japanese with Taewongun colluded to assassinate her (what they said)
- masterless samurai, minura, doing it without Japanese gov’t knowing
Who is Philip Jaisohn?
- idependence activist
- 1st naturalized Korean-American
- 1864-1951
- started Independence Club, Kwangmu Reforms, The Independent newspaper
- first bilingual newspaper
- So Chaepil
- 개화 and Gapsin Coup
Who are the Kochang Kims?
- Kim Songsu
- Kim Yonsu
- founders of Korea University
- wealthy landowners who studied in Japan
- founders of Kyongbang Spinning and Weaving Company
- invested in Manchuria
Who is Noguchi Shitagu (1873-1944)
- founder of Korean Nitrogen Fertilizer Company
Who is Ugaki Kazushige (1868-1956)?
- general of Kanto Army in Manchuria
- begins the rural revitalization
- believed in cooperation with Korea
- pushed to decrease absentee landlords, tenancy disputes
What was the Wanpaosan Incident (1931)?
- Korean & Chinese farmers arguing over access to water
- Japanese fight on behalf of the Koreans
Who is Saitō Matoko?
- Japanese colonial governor general of Korea (1920s)
- relax censorship but increase police (who were Korean too)
- educational reforms
- local gov’t reforms
What is budan seiji?
military rule (in Japanese)
What is bunka seiji?
cultural rule (in Japanese)
What is naichi echoshugi?
Concept of extended Japanese laws to the colonies