Important Highlighted Flashcards
For charts the smaller the ratio the more detailed the chart is
Example: 1; 50,000 is a harbor chart
Longitude lines are also called?
Meridian lines
How to remember about safe speed:
Determining safe speed
Density (of traffic)
Back scatter (background light)
Wind- sea current
Circular shaped buoys
Indicates that certain operating restrictions are in effect within the marked area (reduce speed, etc)
Isophase lights
A light where the duration s of light and darkness are equal
Example: ⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️
Safe water buoy shows?
Morse code lighting (A)
Safe water buoy shows?
Morse code lighting (A)
Topics in the coast pilot include?
Channel descriptions
Nav regulations
Small craft facilities
Neap tides
When the moon is in quadrature (quarter moon) which results in lower tidal ranges
Spring tides
Full and new moons- The sun’s gravitational pull lines up with the moon, which results in higher tides
Range for tides
The difference between the heights of a successive high tide and low tide , found by subtracting the height of low water from the height of high water
Stand of the tide
The period at high or low tide during which there is no change in the height of the water
Flood stream (which direction in regards to tides)
Horizontal movement of water toward land following a low tide
Ebb (stream) - which direction of tide?
Horizontal movement of water away from land following a high tide
Slack water (referring to current)
The period of minimum or no current
Running fix
A position made by using two or more lines of position (LOP)
Radio detection and ranging
Target range (in regards to RADAR)
The most accurate determination made by radar is that of range (distance)- more accurate than bearings or directions
Related to bad weather- low pressure area or storm . Usually means cloudy weather and precipitation
Low pressure cyclone (what type of weather?)
Not to be confused with tropical cyclones of the Indian Ocean, they bring about bad weather
Veering wind (which direction?)
Winds which shift in a clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere
Backing wind (which direction?)
Winds which shift in counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere
Types of clouds
Cirro- high
Nimbo- rain
Cúmulo- fluffy
Strato- layered
Fog (when does it occur?)
Fog occurs when the difference between temperature and dew point is less than 5 degrees and decreasing. It’s the Condensation of water vapor close to the surface of water or land. It requires moist air and a cooling medium
Values are indicated in both millibars and inches of mercury
Dew point
The temperature to which air must be cooled at a constant: pressure/water vapor content to reach saturation
Navigable semi circle
Bring the wind on the starboard quarter(135 relative) hold course and make as much way as possible.
Manila line
Strongest of natural fibers.
Synthetic fiber line
Resistant to rot and mildew
Nylon line
Is the strongest of the synthetic fibers , elasticity and resistance to weather . Best suitable to withstand sudden shock loads
Very little stretch
A tapered wood pin used to splice natural or synthetic line
Marlin spike
A tapered metal pin used to splice wire or to open shackles
VHF - from 156 to 174 MHz used for line of sight communications. 20 mile range
Channel 13
Navigational ship to ship also used at locks and bridges
Attaches the chafing chain to the detachable link allowing the line to spin freely.
Line and chain length/scope recommendations
In bad weather with heavy winds and currents the anchor rode scope should be?
What to do when dragging anchor
Increase your scope
Use your engine and set anchor or set another anchor
Get underway
Set a sentinel (Kellet’s, anchor angel, or buddies)
Weighing anchor means?
Lifting it from the bottom
Veering the anchor?
Pay out more chain or line
Submarines may display what lights?
Intermediate flashing amber (yellow) light with a sequence of one flash per second for 3 seconds o by a 3 sec off period
Underway means?
A vessel is not moored, anchored or made fast to the shore or aground
Rule 15- inland crossing
On the Great Lakes , western rivers or waters specified by the secretary a power driven vessel crossing a River shall keep out of the way of a power driven vessel ascending or descending the river
Air cushion vessel when operating in non displacement mode shall in addition to the lights prescribed exhibit
An all around flashing yellow light
WIG craft is all around flashing red light
Yellow over yellow I’m pushing or hip towing a fellow
Can have two yellow instead of a stern
Rule 24- inland (Mississippi)
On the western rivers ( except below the Huey p long bridge on the Mississippi) a power driven vessel when pushing ahead or towing along side shall exhibit
Two towing lights in a vertical line
Which vessel is not recognized by inland rules?
CBD Constrained by draft
A vessel aground shall exhibit
2 all around red lights in a vertical line
Three balls in a vertical line
Four vessels that may not impede passage in a narrow channel
20 meter
Four vessels that may not impede passage in a narrow channel
20 meter
Five vessels that never show masthead lights
Being Towed
One prolonged blast followed by 3 short blasts in fog indicates a
Manned vessel being towed
Two prolonged blasts every two minutes in fog indicates
A power driven vessel underway and NOT making way through the water
3 strokes of a bell, rapid ringing of the bell and three more strokes of the bell is sounded by?
A vessel aground less than 100 meters in the fog
A vessel of less than 20 meters or a sailing vessel shall not impede the safe passage of a power driven vessel following a traffic lane