Important for 2023 exam Flashcards
How many cervical vertebrae in small birds and swans?
small birds - 8
Swans - 25
Name one fused bone of the vertebral column
Name two parts of ingluvies?
Ostium ingluviale
Fundus Ingluvialis
Name two ornamental outgrowths of the skin on the head?
comb (crista galli)
wattles (palea)
Name two types of contour on feathers?
Converts (tectrices)
Flight feathers of the wings (Reminges)
Tail (rectrices)
Two types of ribs
Costa vertebralis and costa sternalis
Three bones of zonopodium in Latin
Scapula, coracoideum, clavicula
Name the process that overlaps the next rib. They give attachment to muscles and ligaments and strengthen thoracic wall
Processus uncinatus
Where do the ducutus deferens terminate
Low papilla on the lateral wall of the urodeum.
Name 3 openings or urodeum
Ostium clocale ureteris
Ostium cloacale ductus deferentis
Ostium cloacale oviductus sinistri