Important Flashcards
How old should a person be to make a will
Unless privileged
How many PRs (executors/administrators) are appointed to administer the estate
Max 4
Types of gifts under a will
1. Specific
2. General
3. Demonstrative
4. Residuary
- Particular item
- Not distinguished eg shares in a company
- General but paid from a specific fund eg 100$ from X to X account
- Anything not disposed of
What is it? To who does it apply?
Gift will fail if it is no longer in the estate
Only applies to specific gifts
What is it? What does it NOT apply to?
Order in which assets are applied by executors towards payment of estate expenses:
- specific
- general
- residuary
DOES NOT apply to demonstrative
When T and B die together
1. Who is assumed to die first?
2. If T is older, where does it gift go?
3. If B is older, where goes the gift go?
- Older person
- Passes to B and becomes part of B’s estate
- Gift lapses
Do you need probate for DMC
Gift takes effect on delivery
Grant of probate when deceased left a will
Beneficiary (all are entitled equally but max 4 can act)
PR of beneficiary
PR of creditor
If executor is appointed- they will do it, else an executor w reserved power
A renounced executor cannot do it
If appointed executor dies+ they have appointed an executor (ie does not die intestate) then their executor will become the new executor of this estate due to the Chain of Representation
Grant of probate registry = Grant de Bonis Non
Order of grant when deceased died intestate
Nieces/ nephews
Half- siblings/ their children
When is IHT paid
Who pays it
Before grant of probate & 6 months after the end of the month of death
PR (on property) but ultimate burden borne by B (as IHT will be paid from the estate)
IHT tax rate
Nil rate tax band
Tax free threshold for direct descendants on residential property
500K (estate must be under 2M)
Can unused nil rate band be transferred to surviving spouse/ partner
IHT valuation of the property
- If held by spouse/ partner as JT
- If held by anyone else as JT
- Divide value by 2
- Divide by no of people, then deduct further 10% to value of deceased’s share
During period of administration of an estate what taxes are paid and who pays them
Income tax - PR
Capital gains - PR (annual exempt amount 6K)
Remb, when you value gain on shares/ property - last sale price minus date of death price
What are the 3 main specified investments under FSMA?
- Securities
- company shares
- debentures
- gilts
- unit trusts
- open ended investment companies - Insurance distribution activities
- life insurance, investment bonds, pension scheme (ie contracts of insurance)
- insurance policies, mortgage, accident, building, legal, land, beneficiary etc (ie general/ protection only insurance contracts) - Regulated mortgage contracts
- endowment mortgage, interest only mortgage, pension mortgage etc
What are 5 unregulated/ unspecified investments under FSMA?
- land
- deposits in bank/ building scheme
- national saving and investments (national savings income, capital bonds, national savings premium bonds and bank accounts)
- occupational pension scheme
- chattel, fine art, gold, wines, stamps, vintage cars
Judicial review - what does it mean?
- issue of illegality
- procedural impropriety
- irrationality
- when you fetter in the exercise of discretion
- failed to give adequate reasons/ act in a biased manner
- failed to act reasonable