Implementation - Web Flashcards
CSS stands for
Cascading Style Sheets
HTML stands for
HYper Text Markup Language
CSS is used for
styling a webpage and how html elements should be displayed
HTML is used for
creating a webpage
Javascript is used for
adding interactivity to webpages
what are the CSS selectors
selector - html tag followed by a {
this creates a rule
the rule is finished when } is put in
inline css
css is used in the html element
internal css
css used in the page that is being styled
external css
kept on a seperate style sheet
advantages of external stylesheets
-insures consistency
-changes needs to be made only once
- improves load times as it only needs to be downloads once
can be styled with a dot .
styles applied to multiple html tags
can be styled with a hash #
can only be applied to 1 tag
opening and closing
<source src= \_\_\_\_\_ type="audio/">
- unordered lists <ul>
-ordered lists <ol>
items in lists <li>
DIVs are used
to split the html code into sections
-internal (same page within the same website)
-external (other webpage on a different website)
absolute (absolute URL) -shows the complete address/ points to an external website. Gives the entire path to that file
relative (relative URl0 only shows a partial address. Points to a page within the same website. SHows where file is relative to the current location to the website.
two javascript events are
onmouseover - triggered when the mouse passes over it
onmouseout-triggered when the mouse goes out of it