Impact Of Inequality On BAME Flashcards
P - Health inequality
E- BAME people are less likely to be healthy than white people this being with both men and woman, more noticeable in older woman. The difference are worse in northern and poorer areas, but across all classes ethnic minorities have poorer health than white people. Groups argue that this is due to systemic inequality that puts BAME people in harms way such as during the 2020 pandemic, BAME people were more at risk of covid19 due to the type of jobs they had such as care workers. Black African men were 3.4 times more likely to die from vid 19 than white men.
E- an example of this was a briefing published in 2018 which explained that the fear of racism and racist attack has a negative impact on the mental health of minorities and can lead to stress. The authors of the briefing concluded that there is growing evidence that those who is experience racism are more likely to struggle with depression and substance misuse.
H- this argument is opposed by individualist who argue that it is difficult to separate out the impact of being someone from an ethnic minority background from the general impact of poverty as they tend to be poorer than white people. Some also argue that certain Races are naturally inclined to poorer health or are more likely to make unhealthy life choices, but there is little evident to support this
Wealth inequality
E- BAME people are more likely to live in low income households than white people. Ethnic minorities are more likely to be lone parents have higher children, numbers of children and be unemployed. However even still with these factors there is a massive difference between white people and BAME people in poverty. According to the Mcgreger smith review BAME people are less likely to be in higher paying jobs and less likely to be promoted leading to racial bias in the hiring process.
E- a business in the community reported race as the top. Revisited, published in June 2020 found that just 54,900 of the 3.9M mangers,directors and senior officials in the UK are black. In the private sector only 1.5% of senior roles are filled by BAME employees and this has only improved by 1% since 2014
H- people argue that these statistics exaggerate the problem as the number of ethnic family’s living in poverty has decreased since the last few years, with households from Indian, Chinese and white groups have the highest income. They also argue BAME people are less likely to be highly educated than white and less like to have better jobs.
Educational inequality
E - Historically, ethnic minorities have tended to have poorer educational outcomes than whites people people. However this has been improving, but not equally across all ethnic minorities groups. People from Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Caribbean descents are less likely than white people to have a degree level qualification. 56.8% of people who identify as Irish travellers have no qualifications compared to 18.2% of white people. Studies have shown that ethnic minorities are less likely to receive uni offers even when they have the same grades as white students
E- there are clear inequalities in Britain’s schools, with black pupils of Caribbean descents 3 times more likely to be excluded than white boys, and between a quarter and third if Muslim woman in the UK having no qualification at all.
E - individualist, who argue that these numbers are rapidly changing. In many ethnic groups the educational outcomes are better than white British pupils with Chinese black and Indian having a degree level qualification than white British people. This is due to the UKs strict immigration requirements when having to enter the country. Immigrants need to be far more educated and wealth. If we just considered British born ethnic minorites there are still significant inequality inequalities
Racial bias
E - people of colour are more likely to experience negative treatment based on their ethnicity than white people. A report showed that 75% of Roman have experienced racism at work and 27% having suffered racial slurs. Groups argue that racial bias not only affects people directly but also when hiring people, even more when so with senior roles. One study applied for 3,200 jobs. They used the same application only changing the names. They found that 24% of white British applicants received a call back, compared to only 15% of ethnic minority heritage
E- police chiefs want to give police officers more options for stopping and searching people based on them looking suspicious or that they potential to commit a crime. David lammy, a London MP has said that this leads to racial bias. Researched published 2023 found that in April 2020 to march 2022 there was 27.2 stop and searches form every 1000 black people and 9.4 per 1000 of people with mixed ethnicity were carried out compared to only 5.6 for every 1000 white people.
H- this argument is opposed by individualist who have pointed out that many of these studies are based on whether people feel like other people used racial bias against them. More than 50% of BAME respondents to the guidance survey had not been the target of racial language in the last 5 year’s .individualist argue that ‘real racism’ is at its low