Impact of Digital Technology Flashcards
Open Plan
One room with Partial screens, plants, furniture to separate work areas (shared equipment)
Open Plan ADV
Less space wasted (cheaper for business)
Colleges motivate each other (team spirit)
Easier to supervise staff
Open Plan DISADV
Lack of privacy
Many distractions
Difficult to suit personal needs (heating)
Individual offices - few people share - have own equipment
Cellular ADV
Able to personalise your space
Safer to store confidential items with locked rooms
Can control ergonomics (environment)
Cellular DISADV
Lack team spirit
Difficult to supervise
Wastes space (more costly for business)
Hot desking
Terminals that are provided to employees who occasionally need to work in the office (must be booked out in advance)
Touchdown area
Areas for clients/customers who require ICT for a short time period - not booked out but free to use
When the employee works between 35 to 40 hours a week typically divided between 5 days with 8 hours each day
When an employee works fewer hours than that of a full-time worker, this has no specific hours
Employee chooses when to start and end work (agreed limits) but works certain core hours e.g. 10 am to 4 pm everyday
Flexi-Time ADV
Boosts productivity
Improved morale
Easier to recruit employees
Flexi-Time DISADV
Communication difficulties
Possible lack of career progression
Job Share
Where 2 or more employees literally divide a job between them to cover a full-time role
Job Share ADV
Less stress
More flexibility
Greater exchange of skills and knowledge
Job Share DISADV
Reduced pay/benefits
Compatibility issues
Less flexibility to change terms
When employee will work from home permanently or split between home working and office working
Homeworking ADV
Fewer Distractions
Increased productivity
Improves work-life balance
Homeworking DISADV
Home distractions
Cost of equipment
Overdependence o technology
Similar to home working but more likely to be done while travelling
Teleworking ADV
Allows work from anywhere
Improves concentration
Reduces conflict in companies
Teleworking DISADV
Emotional disengagement
Lack of team working
Feeling of isolation
Video/Web Conferencing
Uses video/audio to connect 2+ points across the internet for 2 way conferencing over a distance
Video/Web Conferencing ADV
Saves time
Improves communication
Saves money (which would be for travelling)
Video/Web Conferencing DISADV
Feels impersonal
Network connection issues
Comply with laws (unable to record meetings)
Impact of ICT on working practices
Has allowed for homeworking meaning staff are motivated since they have a better work-life balance
Hot desking/Home working allows for costs to be saved in the office on smaller premises as they don’t need to accommodate everyone in the office
Video/Web conferencing has allowed for meetings to take place remotely saving travel time and cost
Impact of ICT on Workflow
Less paper required since files are transferred electronically
Communication is easier as video conferencing allows meeting over a distance
Backing up materials allows for less documents to go missing
Time spent on boring repetitive tasks is reduced
Improvements to accuracy and appearance of information
The speed that information can be processed is greater
Financial Implications of using ICT
Purchasing/upgrading equipment
Training staff
Employing specialists to maintain/operate equipment
Internet allowed for
You to speak to someone regardless of time and location
People to express their selves
Accelerated the business world
MoC Face to Face ADV
Opportunity for immediate feedback
Able to gauge body language and facial expressions
MoC Oral ADV
Customers don’t need to leave their homes
Useful for general/brief queries
Usually takes less time than face to face
Does not create rapport
Impossible to pick up on visual cues
MoC Written ADV
Creates a record
Provides confidence and reassurance
Confirms understanding - read over and over and understand
MoC Electronic ADV
Allows for immediate delivery of information
Allows people to communicate any time and any place
Gives access to a wide range of information/opinion
Barriers to communication
Information overload
Emotional barriers
Information distorted when passed on
Use of jargon
Loss of interest points made