Impact Of Adding Chemicals Flashcards
How many 3” tabs to raise reduce acid 1 point?
7 tabs
Impact of adding 20 oz Bleach
Raise Free Chlorine by 1 ppm
Ideal Ph for eye comfort
PH can be raised in three ways:
borax, soda ash, and aeration
What has the biggest impact on raising TA when raising pH
soda ash will raise both the PH and TA levels Borax is usually the best choice. Borax raises the PH and also raises the TA level just a little.
What is the detergent name for soda ash?
ARM & HAMMER® Super Washing Soda Detergent Booster.
How is soda ash put in a pool?
Soda ash is best added by pre-dissolving it in a bucket of water and then pouring that slowly in front of a return.
How do you buy borax?
Borax is available as 20 Mule Team® Borax Natural Laundry Booster.
Ideal Alkalinity for plaster pools
60-80 ppm
Ideal Calcium for plaster pools
350-550 ppm
Ideal Cyanuric Acid
FC target with CYA of 50
6-8, min 4
FC target with CYA of 30
4-6, min 2
FC target with CYA of 40
5-7, min of 3
FC target with CYA of 60
7-9 min 5
SLAM as a function of CYA
CYA 20 CL 10
CYA 30 CL 12
CYA 40 CL 16
What is the chemical name of Soda Ash
Sodium Carbonate, also known as washing soda or salt soda, is used with dyes
What is the chemical name of Borax?
sodium borate
What is typically contained in liquid and powdered laundry detergents?
Powder laundry detergents usually contain washing soda in their formula, while liquid laundry detergents have borax, usually with alcohol (plus other chemicals).
What laundry detergent ingredient requires hot water to be most effective? And what does not?
Borax, also limits PH. Washing Soda, aka Soda Ash, doesn’t require hot water and does not limit pH
How much soda ash to raise a 20,000 gallon pool 0.5 if pH is approximately 7.2
32 oz (Add pool pH increaser at a rate of 1 pound per 10,000 gallons, to raise pH level by 0.52.)
45 oz per trouble free pool, also raises TA by 16!
How much Borax to raise PH 0.5 and what is the impact on TA?
96 oz, or 6 lbs , and this will increase the TA by 9 per trouble free pool.
What are the ways to raise TA?
Baking Soda (minor increase in pH)
Soda Ash (2 lbs raises TA by 10 and pH by .3
Borax ( 6 lbs raises TA by 10 and pH by 0.5)
Method to raise PH without raising Total Alkalinity
Aeration is the only means of increasing pH that will not increase the Total Alkalinity
What is the chemical name of baking soda?
Sodium Bicarbonate
How do you raise TA by 10 ppm using Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)
Add 3 lbs (48 oz)
What environmental conditions lower pH?
Heavy rain (pH of 5). Bathing load.
What is the difference between baking soda and baking powder?
Baking powder is baking soda with an added ingredient that has acid. Baking powder reacts to water and heat, and is sometimes called a double acting baking powder as a result of baking soda is also used in pools as a primary ingredient to raise acid.
What does LS I stand for?
The Langelier Saturation Index
Define LSI
measurement of water balance, as defined by calcium carbonate saturation. It determines if our water is aggressive/corrosive (low LSI), balanced, or scale-forming (high LSI).
What are the six factors that make up LSi?
pH,Temp,CH,Carbonate Alkalinity (CA), CYA,TDS
Which is is most commonly used and which is more accurate of LSI and CSI
LSI is more common and CSI is more accurate
What are the two situations we’re chlorine looses effectiveness?
Chlorine lock, which is high CYA; and High Chlorine demand, which is fixed by shocking.
When is TA too high?
When pH is no longer stable, and is constantly rising.
How do you lower TA?
Ut is a two step process using muriatic acid to lower both pH and alkalinity, then using a process called “aeration” to raise pH back up in isolation.
How do you prevent rising Total Alkalinity?
Shock regularly which consumes carbon dioxide and pushed up pH level.
Avoid high pH chemicals such as borax (sodium borate) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to remedy pool chemistry
Use aeration to increase pH, or soda ash.
When is chorine demand a problem?
when the chlorine demand exceeds the free chlorine available in the water. For example, if you’re only maintaining a level of 3 ppm where the daily demand is 5 ppm.
What is the negative result of excess chlorine demand?
Alge and unable to fully oxidize the used-up chlorine (chloramines) floating in your water, which soon results in a nasty chlorine-smelling pool.
What does shocking the pool do?
Breaks down organic compounds and oxidizes chloramines.
What is combined chlorine also called?
How are chloramine formed?
Chlorine+ ammonia and/or nitrogen, such as from humans or rain
What does shocking do to chlorinates?
Breaks the molecular bond of the chlorine.
What is the formula for chlorinates?
Total Chlorine- Free Chlorine=Combined Chlorine (ie, Chlorimates)
What is the acceptable level of combined chlorine and what r the two ways to detected detect it?
< 0.3 ppm and any coloration “or slightly discernible color” of reagent 3 added and smell the water.
How many 3” tabs to raise CYA by 10 points in a 20,000 gal pool.
6 Tabs
How many 3” tabs are equal to 1 gal jug of liquid chlorine?
2 tabs
At what CYA is the OGT pool clorine demand very low?
50 ppm
How do you lower ph without lowering TA
2 step process, lower PH and TA with Muratic Acid, then raise TA with sodium carbonate (baking soda)
What is Muriatic Acid?
Hydrochloric Acid
What are the typical strengths of Muriatic Acid?
15 and 31%
When using Muriatic Acid, how much does TA go down?
For 0.1 drop in pH, TA goes down 1.6
What are the alternatives to muriatic acid to lower pool pH?
Dry acid or sodium bisulfate
Sulfuric acid, or sulfuric acid (rarely used.)
What is the main drawback of using Dry Acid (sodium bisulfate) in a pool?
It adds sulfates to water, which will attack plaster and metal in high concentrations
Lowering PH of 7.8 to 7.6 in a 20,000 gal pool takes how much 31% acid and what is the impact on TA?
From TFP, 9.8 oz and the TA will drop 1.9
What is the disadvantage of using dry acid to lower pH?
It adds sulfates to water that can attack the Gunnitte, Concrete and Metal if in high concentrations.