Impact of 2nd Lang. Acquisition & Bilingual Dev. 3/18 Slides 22 - 56 Flashcards
What is stage 1 of Second Language Acquisition Sequential Learners called?
What does Stage 1 include?
- 10 hours- 6 months English exposure
- Beginning to comprehend silent period
- Beginning to communicate–gestures, body language, and pointing
What is stage 2 of Second Language Acquisition Sequential Learners called?
Early Production
What does Stage 2 include?
- 3 months - 1 year English exposure
- 1 - 2 word verbal responses
- Answers simple yes/no wh- questions
- Uses routines and formulas
What is stage 3 of Second Language Acquisition Sequential Learners called?
Speech emergence
What does Stage 3 include?
- 1 - 3 years of exposure
- Using phrases and sentences
- Answers “why” & “how” questions
- Understands a lot, expresses effectively in simple sentences; some grammatical errors
What is stage 4 of Second Language Acquisition Sequential Learners called?
Intermediate Fluency
What does Stage 4 include?
- 3 - 4 years of English Exposure
- Beginning to develop solid academic English
- Engages in extended discourse
- Writes essays, critiques & analyzes information
What are some second language learning styles and strategies?
- Avoidance
- Use of routines and formulas
- Practice opportunities
- Modeling
What is the Separate Underlying Proficiency (SUP)?
This holds that L1 & L2 proficiencies are totally separate, and building skills in one language will not help the other language
What do people who believe in SUP try to do to the students?
Eradicate their L1 through placing these children through a “sink or swim” all English classrooms and telling the parents to “speak English only at home”
What does the Common Underlying Proficiency (CUP) model state?
- Building up one language positively affects the development of the other language
- *** Parents need to speak to their child in the language in which they are most comfortable
Cummins (1992, 2000) promoted the Common Underlying Proficiency (CUP) model which states what?
- “…the literacy-related aspects of a bilingual’s proficiency in L1 & L2 are seen as common or interdependent across languages”
- “…experience with either language can promote development of the proficiency underlying both languages, given adequate motivation and exposure to both, either in school or in the environment.”
What are the practical implications for CUP?
- Build up L1 skills
- The stronger the student’s L1 foundation, the more easily she will learn concepts in English
- Additive bilingualism – academic success
Why do older learners with a solid L1 foundation perform quite well academically?
- Because their solid L1 foundation supports the learning of English & academic content
T/F: Unfortunately, many of out ELL students experience limited bilingualism?