Immutable.js Flashcards
Create a new immutable _____ containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
\_\_\_\_\_<T>():\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter: SetIterable<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>):\_\_\_\_\_<any>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(array: Array<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterable: Object):\_\_\_\_\_<T>
1 construction methods.
Create a new immutable List containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
List<T>(): List<T>List<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): List<T>List<T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): List<T>List<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): List<any>List<T>(array: Array<T>): List<T>List<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): List<T>List<T>(iterable: Object): List<T>
True if the provided value is a List
List.isList(maybeList: any): boolean
2 static methods methods.
True if the provided value is a List
List.isList(maybeList: any): boolean
Creates a new List containing values
List.of<T>(...values: T[]): List<T>
2 static methods methods.
Creates a new List containing values
List.of<T>(...values: T[]): List<T>
Returns a new List which includes value
at index
. If index
already exists in this List, it will be replaced.
\_\_\_\_\_(index: number, value: T): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List which includes value
at index
. If index
already exists in this List, it will be replaced.
set(index: number, value: T): List<T>
Returns a new List which excludes this index
and with a size 1 less than this List. Values at indicies above index
are shifted down by 1 to fill the position.
\_\_\_\_\_(index: number): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List which excludes this index
and with a size 1 less than this List. Values at indicies above index
are shifted down by 1 to fill the position.
delete(index: number): List<T>
Returns a new List with 0 size and no values.
\_\_\_\_\_(): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List with 0 size and no values.
clear(): List<T>
Returns a new List with the provided values
appended, starting at this List’s size
\_\_\_\_\_(...values: T[]): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List with the provided values
appended, starting at this List’s size
push(...values: T[]): List<T>
Returns a new List with a size ones less than this List, excluding the last index in this List.
\_\_\_\_\_(): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List with a size ones less than this List, excluding the last index in this List.
pop(): List<T>
Returns a new List with the provided values
prepended, shifting other values ahead to higher indices.
\_\_\_\_\_(...values: T[]): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List with the provided values
prepended, shifting other values ahead to higher indices.
unshift(...values: T[]): List<T>
Returns a new List with a size ones less than this List, excluding the first index in this List, _____ing all other values to a lower index.
\_\_\_\_\_(): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List with a size ones less than this List, excluding the first index in this List, shifting all other values to a lower index.
shift(): List<T>
Returns a new List with an _____d value at index
with the return value of calling \_\_\_\_\_r
with the existing value, or notSetValue
if index
was not set. If called with a single argument, \_\_\_\_\_r
is called with the List itself.
\_\_\_\_\_(\_\_\_\_\_r: (value: List<T>) => List<T>): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(index: number,\_\_\_\_\_r: (value: T) => T): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(index: number, notSetValue: T,\_\_\_\_\_r: (value: T) => T): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List with an updated value at index
with the return value of calling updater
with the existing value, or notSetValue
if index
was not set. If called with a single argument, updater
is called with the List itself.
update(updater: (value: List<T>) => List<T>): List<T>update(index: number, updater: (value: T) => T): List<T>update(index: number, notSetValue: T, updater: (value: T) => T): List<T>
List\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
mergemerge(...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>merge(...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,...iterables: Array<T>[]</T></T>
): List<T>`</T>
13 persistent changes methods.
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>mergeWith(
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,...iterables: Array<T>[]</T></T>
): List<T>`</T>
List\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
mergeDeepmergeDeep(...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>mergeDeep(...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,...iterables: Array<T>[]</T></T>
): List<T>`</T>
13 persistent changes methods.
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>mergeDeepWith(
merger: (previous?: T, next?: T, key?: number) => T,...iterables: Array<T>[]</T></T>
): List<T>`</T>
Returns a new List with size size
. If size
is less than this List’s size, the new List will exclude values at the higher indices. If size
is greater than this List’s size, the new List will have undefined values for the newly available indices.
\_\_\_\_\_(size: number): List<T>
13 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List with size size
. If size
is less than this List’s size, the new List will exclude values at the higher indices. If size
is greater than this List’s size, the new List will have undefined values for the newly available indices.
setSize(size: number): List<T>
Returns a new List having set value
at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, a new immutable Map will be created at that key.
\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, value: any): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: any): List<T>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List having set value
at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, a new immutable Map will be created at that key.
setIn(keyPath: Array<any>, value: any): List<T>setIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: any): List<T>
Returns a new List having removed the value at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, no change will occur.
\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>): List<T>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
Returns a new List having removed the value at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, no change will occur.
deleteIn(keyPath: Array<any>): List<T>deleteIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>): List<T>
`_____(keyPath: Array<any>, updater: (value: any) => any): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(
keyPath: Array<any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any</any></T></any>
): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, updater: (value: any) => any): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any</T></T>
): List<T>`</T>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
`updateIn(keyPath: Array<any>, updater: (value: any) => any): List<T>updateIn(
keyPath: Array<any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any</any></T></any>
): List<T>updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, updater: (value: any) => any): List<T>updateIn(
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any</T></T>
): List<T>`</T>
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>`</T></T></any></T></T></any></T>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>mergeIn(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>mergeIn(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>`</T></T></any></T></T></any></T>
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>`</T></T></any></T></T></any></T>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,…iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]</T>
): List<T>mergeDeepIn(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: IndexedIterable<T>[]): List<T>mergeDeepIn(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Array<T>[]): List<T>`</T></T></any></T></T></any></T>
Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within \_\_\_\_\_
! Only set
, push
, pop
, shift
, unshift
and merge
may be used mutatively.
\_\_\_\_\_(mutator: (mutable: List<T>) => any): List<T>
3 transient changes methods.
Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within withMutations
! Only set
, push
, pop
, shift
, unshift
and merge
may be used mutatively.
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: List<T>) => any): List<T>
List\_\_\_\_\_(): List<T>
3 transient changes methods.
asMutableasMutable(): List<T>
List\_\_\_\_\_(): List<T>
3 transient changes methods.
asImmutableasImmutable(): List<T>
Creates a new Immutable _____.
\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>():\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: Iterable<any, Array<any>>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(array: Array<Array<any>>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}):\_\_\_\_\_<string, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iterator: Iterator<Array<any>>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iterable: Object):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>
1 construction methods.
Creates a new Immutable Map.
Map<K, V>(): Map<K, V>Map<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): Map<K, V>Map<K, V>(iter: Iterable<any, Array<any>>): Map<K, V>Map<K, V>(array: Array<Array<any>>): Map<K, V>Map<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): Map<string, V>Map<K, V>(iterator: Iterator<Array<any>>): Map<K, V>Map<K, V>(iterable: Object): Map<K, V>
True if the provided value is a Map
Map.isMap(maybeMap: any): boolean
1 static methods methods.
True if the provided value is a Map
Map.isMap(maybeMap: any): boolean
Returns a new Map also containing the new key, value pair. If an equivalent key already exists in this Map, it will be replaced.
\_\_\_\_\_(key: K, value: V): Map<K, V>
8 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map also containing the new key, value pair. If an equivalent key already exists in this Map, it will be replaced.
set(key: K, value: V): Map<K, V>
Returns a new Map which excludes this key
\_\_\_\_\_(key: K): Map<K, V>
8 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map which excludes this key
delete(key: K): Map<K, V>
Returns a new Map containing no keys or values.
\_\_\_\_\_(): Map<K, V>
8 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map containing no keys or values.
clear(): Map<K, V>
Returns a new Map having _____d the value at this key
with the return value of calling \_\_\_\_\_r
with the existing value, or notSetValue
if the key was not set. If called with only a single argument, \_\_\_\_\_r
is called with the Map itself.
\_\_\_\_\_(\_\_\_\_\_r: (value: Map<K, V>) => Map<K, V>): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(key: K,\_\_\_\_\_r: (value: V) => V): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(key: K, notSetValue: V,\_\_\_\_\_r: (value: V) => V): Map<K, V>
8 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map having updated the value at this key
with the return value of calling updater
with the existing value, or notSetValue
if the key was not set. If called with only a single argument, updater
is called with the Map itself.
update(updater: (value: Map<K, V>) => Map<K, V>): Map<K, V>update(key: K, updater: (value: V) => V): Map<K, V>update(key: K, notSetValue: V, updater: (value: V) => V): Map<K, V>
Returns a new Map resulting from merging the provided Iterables (or JS objects) into this Map. In other words, this takes each entry of each iterable and sets it on this Map.
\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>
8 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map resulting from merging the provided Iterables (or JS objects) into this Map. In other words, this takes each entry of each iterable and sets it on this Map.
merge(...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>merge(...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>
Like merge()
, \_\_\_\_\_()
returns a new Map resulting from merging the provided Iterables (or JS objects) into this Map, but uses the merger
function for dealing with conflicts.
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>_____(
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>`
8 persistent changes methods.
Like merge()
, mergeWith()
returns a new Map resulting from merging the provided Iterables (or JS objects) into this Map, but uses the merger
function for dealing with conflicts.
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>mergeWith(
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>`
Like merge()
, but when two Iterables conflict, it merges them as well, recursing deeply through the nested data.
\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>
8 persistent changes methods.
Like merge()
, but when two Iterables conflict, it merges them as well, recursing deeply through the nested data.
mergeDeep(...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>mergeDeep(...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>
Like mergeDeep()
, but when two non-Iterables conflict, it uses the merger
function to determine the resulting value.
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>_____(
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>`
8 persistent changes methods.
Like mergeDeep()
, but when two non-Iterables conflict, it uses the merger
function to determine the resulting value.
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>mergeDeepWith(
merger: (previous?: V, next?: V, key?: K) => V,…iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]
): Map<string, V>`
Returns a new Map having set value
at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, a new immutable Map will be created at that key.
\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, value: any): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(KeyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: any): Map<K, V>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map having set value
at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, a new immutable Map will be created at that key.
setIn(keyPath: Array<any>, value: any): Map<K, V>setIn(KeyPath: Iterable<any, any>, value: any): Map<K, V>
Returns a new Map having removed the value at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, no change will occur.
\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>): Map<K, V>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map having removed the value at this keyPath
. If any keys in keyPath
do not exist, no change will occur.
deleteIn(keyPath: Array<any>): Map<K, V>deleteIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>): Map<K, V>
Returns a new Map having applied the updater
to the entry found at the keyPath.
`_____(keyPath: Array<any>, updater: (value: any) => any): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(
keyPath: Array<any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any</any></any>
): Map<K, V>_____(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, updater: (value: any) => any): Map<K, V>_____(
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any
): Map<K, V>`
5 deep persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Map having applied the updater
to the entry found at the keyPath.
`updateIn(keyPath: Array<any>, updater: (value: any) => any): Map<K, V>updateIn(
keyPath: Array<any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any</any></any>
): Map<K, V>updateIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, updater: (value: any) => any): Map<K, V>updateIn(
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,notSetValue: any,updater: (value: any) => any
): Map<K, V>`
A combination of updateIn
and merge
, returning a new Map, but performing the merge at a point arrived at by following the keyPath. In other words, these two lines are equivalent:
\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, ...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>
5 deep persistent changes methods.
A combination of updateIn
and merge
, returning a new Map, but performing the merge at a point arrived at by following the keyPath. In other words, these two lines are equivalent:
mergeIn(keyPath: Iterable<any, any>, ...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>mergeIn(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>mergeIn(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]): Map<string, V>
A combination of updateIn
and mergeDeep
, returning a new Map, but performing the deep merge at a point arrived at by following the keyPath. In other words, these two lines are equivalent:
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,…iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>_____(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_(
keyPath: Array<any>,...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]</any></any>
): Map<string, V>`
5 deep persistent changes methods.
A combination of updateIn
and mergeDeep
, returning a new Map, but performing the deep merge at a point arrived at by following the keyPath. In other words, these two lines are equivalent:
keyPath: Iterable<any, any>,…iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]
): Map<K, V>mergeDeepIn(keyPath: Array<any>, ...iterables: Iterable<K, V>[]): Map<K, V>mergeDeepIn(
keyPath: Array<any>,...iterables: {[key: string]: V}[]</any></any>
): Map<string, V>`
Every time you call one of the above functions, a new immutable Map is created. If a pure function calls a number of these to produce a final return value, then a penalty on performance and memory has been paid by creating all of the intermediate immutable Maps.
\_\_\_\_\_(mutator: (mutable: Map<K, V>) => any): Map<K, V>
3 transient changes methods.
Every time you call one of the above functions, a new immutable Map is created. If a pure function calls a number of these to produce a final return value, then a penalty on performance and memory has been paid by creating all of the intermediate immutable Maps.
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: Map<K, V>) => any): Map<K, V>
Another way to avoid creation of intermediate Immutable maps is to create a mutable copy of this collection. Mutable copies always return this
, and thus shouldn’t be used for equality. Your function should never return a mutable copy of a collection, only use it internally to create a new collection. If possible, use withMutations
as it provides an easier to use API.
\_\_\_\_\_(): Map<K, V>
3 transient changes methods.
Another way to avoid creation of intermediate Immutable maps is to create a mutable copy of this collection. Mutable copies always return this
, and thus shouldn’t be used for equality. Your function should never return a mutable copy of a collection, only use it internally to create a new collection. If possible, use withMutations
as it provides an easier to use API.
asMutable(): Map<K, V>
The yin to asMutable
’s yang. Because it applies to mutable collections, this operation is mutable and returns itself. Once performed, the mutable copy has become immutable and can be safely returned from a function.
\_\_\_\_\_(): Map<K, V>
3 transient changes methods.
The yin to asMutable
’s yang. Because it applies to mutable collections, this operation is mutable and returns itself. Once performed, the mutable copy has become immutable and can be safely returned from a function.
asImmutable(): Map<K, V>
Creates a new Immutable _____.
\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>():\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: Iterable<any, Array<any>>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(array: Array<Array<any>>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}):\_\_\_\_\_<string, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iterator: Iterator<Array<any>>):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iterable: Object):\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>
1 construction methods.
Creates a new Immutable OrderedMap.
OrderedMap<K, V>(): OrderedMap<K, V>OrderedMap<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): OrderedMap<K, V>OrderedMap<K, V>(iter: Iterable<any, Array<any>>): OrderedMap<K, V>OrderedMap<K, V>(array: Array<Array<any>>): OrderedMap<K, V>OrderedMap<V>(obj: {[key: string]: V}): OrderedMap<string, V>OrderedMap<K, V>(iterator: Iterator<Array<any>>): OrderedMap<K, V>OrderedMap<K, V>(iterable: Object): OrderedMap<K, V>
True if the provided value is an OrderedMap.
OrderedMap.isOrderedMap(maybeOrderedMap: any): boolean
1 static methods methods.
True if the provided value is an OrderedMap.
OrderedMap.isOrderedMap(maybeOrderedMap: any): boolean
Create a new immutable _____ containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
\_\_\_\_\_<T>():\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter:\_\_\_\_\_Iterable<T>): \_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): \_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): \_\_\_\_\_<any>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(array: Array<T>): \_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): \_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterable: Object): \_\_\_\_\_<T>
1 construction methods.
Create a new immutable Set containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
Set<T>(): Set<T>Set<T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): Set<T>Set<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): Set<T>Set<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): Set<any>Set<T>(array: Array<T>): Set<T>Set<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): Set<T>Set<T>(iterable: Object): Set<T>
True if the provided value is a Set
Set.isSet(maybeSet: any): boolean
3 static methods methods.
True if the provided value is a Set
Set.isSet(maybeSet: any): boolean
Creates a new Set containing values
Set.of<T>(...values: T[]): Set<T>
3 static methods methods.
Creates a new Set containing values
Set.of<T>(...values: T[]): Set<T>
creates a new immutable Set containing the keys from this Iterable or JavaScript Object.
Set.fromKeys<T>(iter: Iterable<T, any>): Set<T>Set.fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): Set<string>
3 static methods methods.
creates a new immutable Set containing the keys from this Iterable or JavaScript Object.
Set.fromKeys<T>(iter: Iterable<T, any>): Set<T>Set.fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): Set<string>
Returns a new Set which also includes this value.
\_\_\_\_\_(value: T): Set<T>
6 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Set which also includes this value.
add(value: T): Set<T>
Returns a new Set which excludes this value.
\_\_\_\_\_(value: T): Set<T>
6 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Set which excludes this value.
delete(value: T): Set<T>
Returns a new Set containing no values.
\_\_\_\_\_(): Set<T>
6 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Set containing no values.
clear(): Set<T>
Returns a Set including any value from iterables
that does not already exist in this Set.
\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>
6 persistent changes methods.
Returns a Set including any value from iterables
that does not already exist in this Set.
union(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>union(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>
Returns a Set which has removed any values not also contained within iterables
\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>
6 persistent changes methods.
Returns a Set which has removed any values not also contained within iterables
intersect(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>intersect(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>
Returns a Set excluding any values contained within iterables
\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>\_\_\_\_\_(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>
6 persistent changes methods.
Returns a Set excluding any values contained within iterables
subtract(...iterables: Iterable<any, T>[]): Set<T>subtract(...iterables: Array<T>[]): Set<T>
Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within \_\_\_\_\_
! Only add
may be used mutatively.
\_\_\_\_\_(mutator: (mutable: Set<T>) => any): Set<T>
3 transient changes methods.
Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within withMutations
! Only add
may be used mutatively.
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: Set<T>) => any): Set<T>
Set\_\_\_\_\_(): Set<T>
3 transient changes methods.
asMutableasMutable(): Set<T>
Set\_\_\_\_\_(): Set<T>
3 transient changes methods.
asImmutableasImmutable(): Set<T>
Create a new immutable _____ containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
\_\_\_\_\_<T>():\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter: SetIterable<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>):\_\_\_\_\_<any>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(array: Array<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterable: Object):\_\_\_\_\_<T>
1 construction methods.
Create a new immutable OrderedSet containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
OrderedSet<T>(): OrderedSet<T>OrderedSet<T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): OrderedSet<T>OrderedSet<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): OrderedSet<T>OrderedSet<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): OrderedSet<any>OrderedSet<T>(array: Array<T>): OrderedSet<T>OrderedSet<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): OrderedSet<T>OrderedSet<T>(iterable: Object): OrderedSet<T>
True if the provided value is an OrderedSet.
OrderedSet.isOrderedSet(maybeOrderedSet: any): boolean
3 static methods methods.
True if the provided value is an OrderedSet.
OrderedSet.isOrderedSet(maybeOrderedSet: any): boolean
Creates a new OrderedSet containing values
OrderedSet.of<T>(...values: T[]): OrderedSet<T>
3 static methods methods.
Creates a new OrderedSet containing values
OrderedSet.of<T>(...values: T[]): OrderedSet<T>
creates a new immutable OrderedSet containing the keys from this Iterable or JavaScript Object.
OrderedSet.fromKeys<T>(iter: Iterable<T, any>): OrderedSet<T>OrderedSet.fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): OrderedSet<string>
3 static methods methods.
creates a new immutable OrderedSet containing the keys from this Iterable or JavaScript Object.
OrderedSet.fromKeys<T>(iter: Iterable<T, any>): OrderedSet<T>OrderedSet.fromKeys(obj: {[key: string]: any}): OrderedSet<string>
Create a new immutable _____ containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
\_\_\_\_\_<T>():\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iter: SetIterable<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>):\_\_\_\_\_<any>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(array: Array<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>):\_\_\_\_\_<T>\_\_\_\_\_<T>(iterable: Object):\_\_\_\_\_<T>
1 construction methods.
Create a new immutable Stack containing the values of the provided iterable-like.
Stack<T>(): Stack<T>Stack<T>(iter: IndexedIterable<T>): Stack<T>Stack<T>(iter: SetIterable<T>): Stack<T>Stack<K, V>(iter: KeyedIterable<K, V>): Stack<any>Stack<T>(array: Array<T>): Stack<T>Stack<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>): Stack<T>Stack<T>(iterable: Object): Stack<T>
True if the provided value is a Stack
Stack.isStack(maybeStack: any): boolean
2 static methods methods.
True if the provided value is a Stack
Stack.isStack(maybeStack: any): boolean
Creates a new Stack containing values
Stack.of<T>(...values: T[]): Stack<T>
2 static methods methods.
Creates a new Stack containing values
Stack.of<T>(...values: T[]): Stack<T>
Alias for Stack.first()
\_\_\_\_\_(): T
6 reading values methods.
Alias for Stack.first()
peek(): T
Returns a new Stack with 0 size and no values.
\_\_\_\_\_(): Stack<T>
7 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Stack with 0 size and no values.
clear(): Stack<T>
Returns a new Stack with the provided values
prepended, shifting other values ahead to higher indices.
\_\_\_\_\_(...values: T[]): Stack<T>
7 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Stack with the provided values
prepended, shifting other values ahead to higher indices.
unshift(...values: T[]): Stack<T>
Like Stack#unshift
, but accepts a iterable rather than varargs.
\_\_\_\_\_(iter: Iterable<any, T>): Stack<T>\_\_\_\_\_(iter: Array<T>): Stack<T>
7 persistent changes methods.
Like Stack#unshift
, but accepts a iterable rather than varargs.
unshiftAll(iter: Iterable<any, T>): Stack<T>unshiftAll(iter: Array<T>): Stack<T>
Returns a new Stack with a size ones less than this Stack, excluding the first item in this Stack, _____ing all other values to a lower index.
\_\_\_\_\_(): Stack<T>
7 persistent changes methods.
Returns a new Stack with a size ones less than this Stack, excluding the first item in this Stack, shifting all other values to a lower index.
shift(): Stack<T>
Alias for Stack#unshift
and is not equivalent to List#\_\_\_\_\_
\_\_\_\_\_(...values: T[]): Stack<T>
7 persistent changes methods.
Alias for Stack#unshift
and is not equivalent to List#push
push(...values: T[]): Stack<T>
Alias for Stack#unshiftAll
\_\_\_\_\_(iter: Iterable<any, T>): Stack<T>\_\_\_\_\_(iter: Array<T>): Stack<T>
7 persistent changes methods.
Alias for Stack#unshiftAll
pushAll(iter: Iterable<any, T>): Stack<T>pushAll(iter: Array<T>): Stack<T>
Alias for Stack#shift
and is not equivalent to List#\_\_\_\_\_
\_\_\_\_\_(): Stack<T>
7 persistent changes methods.
Alias for Stack#shift
and is not equivalent to List#pop
pop(): Stack<T>
Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within \_\_\_\_\_
! Only set
, push
, and pop
may be used mutatively.
\_\_\_\_\_(mutator: (mutable: Stack<T>) => any): Stack<T>
3 transient changes methods.
Note: Not all methods can be used on a mutable collection or within withMutations
! Only set
, push
, and pop
may be used mutatively.
withMutations(mutator: (mutable: Stack<T>) => any): Stack<T>
Stack\_\_\_\_\_(): Stack<T>
3 transient changes methods.
asMutableasMutable(): Stack<T>
Stack\_\_\_\_\_(): Stack<T>
3 transient changes methods.
asImmutableasImmutable(): Stack<T>
Record\_\_\_\_\_(defaultValues: {[key: string]: any}, name?: string):\_\_\_\_\_.Class
1 construction methods.
RecordRecord(defaultValues: {[key: string]: any}, name?: string): Record.Class