ES5 + Lodash (Coderpad) Flashcards
Max value of a collection or object
_.max({ 5: ‘a’, 3: ‘b’ }, (value, key) => key)
Repeat a string X times
_.repeat('*', 3); // → '***'
_.repeat(‘abc’, 2);
// → ‘abcabc’
_.repeat(‘abc’, 0);
// → ‘’
Are any elements of this object or truthy?
The default value of the predicate parameter is _.identity.
Create the range [-1, 0, 1]
_.range(-1, 2)
Optional third param: step
Remove an array element from an array.
_.reject(collection, arr => _.isEqual(arr, toRemove))
- _.without() uses ES SameValueZero, which compares if objects are the exact same thing.*
- _.remove mutates!*
Check if n is between 0 and 4.
_.inRange(n, 0, 5)
Ranges seem to be exclusive.
Add an array to an array without mutation
[1, [0, 1]].concat([[0, 0]])
=> [1, [0, 1], [0, 0]]
Generate a new string with a char at index i replaced
str.slice(0, i) + newChar + str.slice(i + 1, str.length)
Add a list of elements to an array, return the array
List([1, 2]).push(1, 2)
Class with a class method
class Dog { static bark() {} }
Class with a class variable
class Dog {} Dog.type = 'awesome'
Range from 0 to n, inclusive
Range(0, n + 1)
Range from 0 to n by 2, inclusive
Range(0, n + 1, 2)
Range from n to 0, inclusive
Range(n, -1) // end is always exclusive
Repeat value ‘a’ n times
Repeat(‘a’, 5)