Immunology Flashcards
What are the non-specific responses
- mechanical: skin, mucosa, respiratory cilia
- secretions: saliva, urine
- stomach acid
What is inflammation triggered by?
bacteria, damage, dead cells
What are the signs of inflammation
- calor (heat)
- rubor (red)
- tumor (swelling)
- Dolor (pain)
- functio laesa (loss of function)
What is the bodys response to inflammation
increased permeability
increased blood flow
What are white blood cells role (monocytes)
- secrete reactive substances (chemicals to denature bacteria e.g peroxide/ oxygen radicals)
- phagocytosis
3.act like antigen- presenting cells (ink between specific and non specific)
- promote wound healing
What is the classical pathway dependent on and what is it triggered by?
Depends on conversion C1-> C1’
-triggered by inflammation, bacteria, viruses, tissue damage
What does the classifical pathway end with?
Final common pathway (production of activated complement)
What is the function of complement factors
- cell kysis
- cell inflammation
What is meant by cell mediated immunity
cells engage with target (rather than b-cell producing antibiodies)
What is cell mediated immunity effective for>
tumour cells
non self cells
virus infected cells
How does Cell mediated immunity work?
- Detects abnormal antigens & t-cel activated
- t cell secrete cytotoxic substances & cytokines causing cells to die
- clonal expansion
What is an autoimmune disease
Immune system mounts a response to antigens produced by the body
What are different autoimmune diseases that affect the bone and tissues
Rheumatoid arthritis
What are different autoimmune diseases that affect the GI Tract
Pernicious anaemia
What are different autoimmune diseases that affect the PNS/CNS:
Multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia Gravis→ affects neuromuscular junction (weakness→ unable to move muscles as well)
What are different autoimmune diseases that affect the skin
What are different autoimmune diseases that affect the saliva/ tear glands
sjogrens syndrome
What are different autoimmune diseases that affect the heart
following Rheumatoid fever: streptococcal
What is the management of autoimmune diseases
Immune suppression:
Biological response modifiers
What is immunodeficiency
Immune system does not work hard enough
What are the causes of immunodeficiency
Patients on steroids/ immunosuppressants ( rheumatoid artheritis/ lupus)
Immune suppressed (more likely to develop infections, oimpaired healing, problems following surgery/ tootg extractions)
Chemotherapy→ reduce white blood cells circulating
Transplant patients
Immunosuppressed to prevent host vs graft reaction
Patients with disorders of blood system→ affect white blood cells so not working very well
Lymphoma, leukaemia, myeloma, inherited immune deficiencies