Immunology 1: Intro to Immunology Flashcards
Which cells make up the innate immune system?
Mast cell, NK cells, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cell
Name the functions of the innate immune system
- Recruitment of immune cells
- Phagocytosis and oxidative killing
What are the different types of T cells?
- T helper cells (CD4+)
- Cytotoxic T cells (CD8+)
Describe the functions of a dendritic cell
- Sentinel for the immune system
- Activates the adaptive immune system
- Internalises pathogen and processes it into peptides which it presents (antigen)
- Naive T cells are then activated
How do T helper cells facilitate the activation of other immune cells?
The production and release of cytokines
What are cytokines and what is their function?
- Large and heterogeneous soluble proteins
- Regulate and co-ordinate the cells of the innate and adaptive immune response
Name the factors that cause cytokines to be produced
- Normal haematopoiesis
- Microbes, tissue damage and other antigens
- Produced by macrophages and T helper cells for example
What are NK cells and how do they work?
- Part of the innate system
- Important against intracellular pathogens
- They can kill infected cells
- They produce IFN-g which helps to stimulate macrophages, Th1 cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells
When do we start producing the different antibodies?
- IgM: produced as a foetus
- IgG: produced after birth
- IgA: produced 1-2months after birth (breast milk contains IgA)
What is opsonization?
The tagging of a microbe so that it is phagocytosed more easily and efficiently
What is the complement cascade?
An enzyme cascade system which can be activated to help the immune response
Which antibodies are released first when the B cells are differentiated into plasma cells?
- IgM is first followed by a small amount of IgG
- Memory B cells are also produced at the same time
How is the complement activated?
- Chemostasis of phagocytes to sites of inflamm
- Opsonisation
- Lysis of micro-organisms
- Maintain solubility of Ag/Ab complexes