Immunisation and prophylaxis Flashcards
Who gets immunised?
○ Childhood schedule
○ Special patient groups
○ Occupational
○ Travelers
Who gets prophylaxis?
○ Travelers
○ Post-exposure
○ Post-exposure (HIV)
○ Surgical
What are live attenuated vaccines?
it is alive and is more likely to stimulate the immune system
Give examples of live attenuated vaccines?
□ Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) □ BCG □ Varicella-zoster virus □ Yellow fever □ Smallpox □ Typhoid (oral) □ Polio (oral) □ Rotavirus (oral)
What are inactive vaccines?
It is not possible to become infected with this vaccine
Give examples of inactive vaccines?
□ Polio (in combined vaccine D/T/P/Hib) □ Hepatitis A □ Cholera (oral) □ Rabies □ Japanese encephalitis □ Tick-borne encephalitis □ Influenza
What is detoxified exotoxin vaccination (give examples of this)?
- Toxin → treat with formalin → Toxoid
- Diphtheria, tetanus
What is a subunit of a microorganism vaccination?
- purified microbial products
- Recombinant
□ DNA segment coding for HBsAg → removed, purified, mixed with plasmids → Inserted into yeasts → fermented → HBsAg produced
Give examples of a subunit of microorganism vaccination?
□ Pertussis (acellular) □ Haemophilus influenzae type b □ Meningococcus (group C) conjugated: capsular polysaccharide antigen & Corynebacterium diphtheria protein □ Pneumococcus □ Typhoid □ Anthrax □ Hepatitis B
What is the 1 in 6 vaccine: infanrix hexa?
○ D = purified diphtheria toxoid ○ T = purified tetanus toxoid ○ aP = purified Bordetella pertussis ○ IPV = inactivated polio virus ○ Hib = purified component of Haemophilus influenzae b ○ HBV = hepatitis B rDNA
What is the UK childhood immunisation schedule?
○ 2 months: 6-in-1 vaccine + pneumococcal conjugate + rotavirus + Men B
○ 3 months: 6-in-1 vaccine + rotavirus
○ 4 months: 6-in-1 vaccine + pneumococcal conjugate + Men B
○ 1 year: Hib/Men C+ MMR + pneumococcal conjugate + men B
○ 2 -8 years: influenza nasal
○ 3 - 5 years: 4-in-1 booster (DTaP/IPV) + MMR
○ Girls, 12-13 years: Human papilloma virus
○ 14 years: 3-in-1 booster (dT/IPV) + Men ACWY
What are the immunsations special patient and occupational groups get?
○ BCG ○ influenza ○ pneumococcal ○ hepatitis B ○ varicella-zoster (chickenpox) ○ herpes-zoster (shingles)
What is human normal immunoglobulin?
- contains antibodies against hepatitis A, rubella, measles
- used in immunoglobulin deficiencies
- treatment of some autoimmune disorders, e.g. myasthenia gravis
Give examles of disease specific immunoglobulin?
- hepatitis B Ig
- rabies Ig
- tetanus anti-toxin Ig
- varicella (chickenpox) Ig
- diphtheria anti-toxin Ig (horse)
- botulinum anti-toxin Ig
What should you consider when doing a risk assessment for immunisation and prophylaxis for travellers?
□ Health of Traveller □ Previous immunisation and prophylaxis □ Area to be visited □ Duration of visit □ Accommodation □ Activities □ Remote areas □ Recent outbreaks