IMMS Flashcards
What is the anatomical position?
Standing erect with feet flat on the floor under the hip joints.
Straight back with eyes facing forward.
Arms by the side with forearms and palms facing forward.
Eyes focused on the horizon.
What is the coronal plane?
A plane that passes through the body at right angle to the sagittal planes and divides the body into front and back.
What does medial mean?
Closer to the sagittal plane. [closer to the centre of the body]
What are the three tissue types of joints?
Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial.
What does proximal mean?
Closer to the starting point.
What is meant by abduction?
movement away from the midline. e.g. for fingers it is the movement away from the middle finger.
What are the characteristics of a saddle joint?
Articular surfaces that are concave and convex. Two axes of movement. Permits flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and circumduction.
What is meant by the axial plane?
The plane that divides the body into top and bottom components.
What is meant by opposition?
It is a specialist movement of the thumb where the thumb is rotated to allow it to touch the little finger. The thumb opposes the little finger.
What are the characteristics of a condyloid joint?
Similar to saddle with movement in two axis but one is usually restricted.
Permits flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and circumduction.
What is meant by superior?
What is meant by supine?
This is a variation of the anatomical position where the body is lying flat on the back.
What is meant by protraction?
To move forwards, such as the jaw moving forward at the temporomandibular joints.
What are the characteristics of plane joints?
Articular surfaces are flat. The joint capsules are tight. Sliding movements in planes of articular surface.
what is the sagittal plane?
Vertical planes passing longitudinally through the body dividing it into right and left.