immortals - scholarship - Iliad Flashcards
How many scholars reference the role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
What scholars reference the role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
- Camps
- Jones
- Yilmaz
- Powell
- Silk
- Anderson
- Wilcock
Who wrote:
“Because of their [the heroes’] mortal condition they aquire - as carefree and immortal gods cannot - the moral dignity of effort and endurance.”
What did Camps write on role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
“Because of their [the heroes’] mortal condition they acquire - as carefree and immortal gods cannot - the moral dignity of effort and endurance.”
Who wrote:
that to understand the ancient gods we need to divorce ourselves from the modern ones which are systematic, coherent and self-consistent as these characteristics cannot be applied. For the ancients the gods were blind forces like gravity. All one had to do was to acknowledge its power on a cliff edge.
this is partially paraphrased
What did Jones write on role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
that to understand the ancient gods we need to divorce ourselves from the modern ones which are systematic, coherent and self-consistent as these characteristics cannot be applied. For the ancients the gods were blind forces like gravity. All one had to do was to acknowledge its power on a cliff edge
this is paraphrased - should acknowledge the author - vital
paraphrased - cite author but dont use quote marks
Who wrote:
The gods are humanised so that the audience can empathise with them.
Who wrote:
“Without their [the gods’] intervension the poem would not have continued.”
Who wrote:
“Zeus’ will is the ultimate law since he is the monarch and acknowledged.”
Who wrote:
“the first intevension of Apollo leads to the angering of Agamemnon and then Achilles’ withdrawing from the battle.”
Who wrote:
“If the goddess Aphrodite did not intervene in the battle, Paris would have died and the Trojans would have lost the victory to the Achaeans.”
Who wrote:
[Book 4 Zeus sends Athena to stir up war by breaking the truce.] “By the intervention of Athena, the war continues”
Who wrote:
“If Athena had not intervened at this point, the entire plot would have been changed; without Agamemnon there will be no war and without Achilles there would be no hero and rage, thus the intervention of the gods greatly affects the plot of the whole epic.”
[Athena prevents him [Achilles] from losing his temper. Achilles doesn’t kill Agamemnon but pulls his men out of the war.]
Who wrote:
“Poseidon, who actually favours the Greeks, steps in to help the Trojan [Aeneas] and intervenes to prevent Achilles from killing Aeneas, who destiny required hiim to live”
[book 20]
paraphrase this one
Who wrote:
“Homer’s Iliad reflects the conflicts of the gods as similar to a conflict of humans. The Greeks and Trojans are on the point of ending the war, but the gods are not ready for this and stir them up to continue battling each other because the gods still want to resolve their own struggles, so they use the men for their own purposes. We can say that the battle turns to be a war of the gods.”
Who wrote:
“The gods are represented as the controllers of human lives”
What does Yilmaz write of the specific intervention of gods in specific events in the Iliad
- “the first intervention of Apollo leads to the angering of Agamemnon and then Achilles’ withdrawal for the battle”
- “If the goddess Aphrodite did not intervene in the battle, Paris would have died and the Trojans would have lost the victory to the Achaeans.”
- “By the intervention of Athena, the war continues” [book 4]
- “If Athena had not intervened at this point, the entire plot would have been changed; without Agamemnon there will be no war and without Achilles there would be no hero and rage, thus the intervention of the gods greatly affects the plot of the epic.”
- “Poseidon, who actually favours the Greeks, steps in to help the Trojan [Aeneas] and intervenes to prevent Achilles from killing Aeneas, whose destiny required him to live” [book 20]
What does Yilmaz write in general about the role of gods in the Iliad
- The gods are humanised so that the audience can empathise with them.
- “without their [the gods] intervention the poem would not have continued.”
- “Zeus’ will is the ultimate law since he is the monarch and acknowledged.”
- Homer’s Iliad reflects the conflicts of the gods as similar to a conflict of humans. The mortals almost end the war with the duel, but the gods are not ready for this and stir them up to continue battling each other because the gods still want to resolve their own struggles, so they use the men for their own purposes.
- “The gods are represented as the controllers of human lives”
What did Yilmaz write on role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
- the gods are humanised so that the audience can empathise with them.
- “without their [the gods] intervention the poem would not have continued.”
- “Zeus’ will is the ultimate law since he is the monarch and acknowledged.”
- “the first intervention of Apollo leads to the angering of Agamemnon and then Achilles’ withdrawal for the battle”
- “If the goddess Aphrodite did not intervene in the battle, Paris would have died and the Trojans would have lost the victory to the Achaeans.”
- “By the intervention of Athena, the war continues” [book 4]
- “If Athena had not intervened at this point, the entire plot would have been changed; without Agamemnon there will be no war and without Achilles there would be no hero and rage, thus the intervention of the gods greatly affects the plot of the epic.”
- “Poseidon, who actually favours the Greeks, steps in to help the Trojan [Aeneas] and intervenes to prevent Achilles from killing Aeneas, whose destiny required him to live” [book 20]
- Homer’s Iliad reflects the conflicts of the gods as similar to a conflict of humans. The mortals almost end the war with the duel, but the gods are not ready for this and stir them up to continue battling each other because the gods still want to resolve their own struggles, so they use the men for their own purposes.
- “The gods are represented as the controllers of human lives”
Who wrote:
“curious tension between the gods’ carefree world and the heroes’ world of violence and pain”
What did Powell write on role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
“Curious tension between the gods’ carefree world and the heroes’ world of violence and pain”
Who wrote:
“heroes’ quarrel is set to bring death and destruction: the gods’, by comparison, is aimless and even frivioulous.”
What did Silk write on role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
“heroes’ quarrel is set to bring death and destruction: the gods’, by comparison, is aimless and even frivilous.”
Who wrote:
“Achilles has a uniquely privilaged relationship with the divine”
who wrote:
“The olympic counterpart to Nestor is hephaestus, and his speech begins with a similar point to Nestor’s; that dissent in leadership is disasterous for the whole team”
Book 1 - Nestor tries to diffuse Agamemnon and Achilles’ quarrel.
/Hephaestus tries to diffuse Hera and Zeus’ quarrel.
Who wrote:
“Helen sees through the goddesses disguise, and (astonishingly) refuses to comply… No other character in Homer talks back to divinity like this, let alone gets away with it.”
Book 3
who wrote:
“The massed gods are increasingly ill at ease with Achilles’ conduct.”
book 24
What did Wilcock write on role of the immortals and relationship between immortals and mortals in the Iliad
- “Achilles has a uniquely privilaged relationship with the divine”
- “The olympic counterpart to Nestor is hephaestus, and his speech begins with a similar point to Nestor’s; that dissent in leadership is disasterous for the whole team”
-“Helen sees through the goddesses disguise, and (astonishingly) refuses to comply… No other character in Homer talks back to divinity like this, let alone gets away with it.”
“The massed gods are increasingly ill at ease with Achilles’ conduct.”