Immittance Measures: Tests of Middle Ear Functions Flashcards
Opposition to flow of energy through a system
Impedence is greatest when ME is _________, such as in:
Stiff/immobile, otitis media or otosclerosis
_______ ME system reflects less energy and can be caused by:
Flaccid, ossicular chain disruption
Relative ease w/ which energy flows through a system (if high, low impedance)
Acoustic immittance sensitive/objective tool to:
- fluid in middle ear
- evaluate eustachian tube function
- facial nerve function
- predict audiometric findings
- determine nature of HL
- assist in diagnosing site of lesion
- assess difficult to test PTs
Immittance Test Battery
Static Acoustic Immittance
Acoustic Reflex Threshold
measurement of mobility of ME when air pressure varies from -200 to +400 daPa in ear canal
Tells us: ME peak pressure, compliance
Static Acoustic Immittance
- Determine immittance @ 200 daPa (little energy flow)
- Measure eardrum @ most compliant point
* Can difference = “equivalent ear canal volume” in cm3
Equivalent Ear Canal Volume Norms
Children: 0.25 - 0.9 cm3
Adults: 0.9 - 2.0 cm3
Middle Ear Peak Pressure
Normal -150 to +50 daPa
Compliance norms
Normal: 0.3-1.6 mL
Stiff: 1.6
Type A Tympanogram
Normal ears
Peak b/t -150 mm and +50 mm H20
Curve large inverted “V”
Type As Tympanogram
Spike ~0 mmH20 = normal pressure but shallower
Stiff ME system (ex: stapes immobilization)
Type Ad Tympanogram
Type A pattern preserved but peak off the chart Flaccid eardrum (ossicles disarticulated)
Type B Tympanogram
Increased impedance
No peak (very stiff)
ME filled w/ fluid, wax blocks canal or hole in eardrum flat
Type C Tympanogram
Increased negative ME pressure (-150-400 mmH20)
ME pathology (possible eustachian tube dysfunction)
Found before Type B (fluid)
*Not necessarily clinically significant
Acoustic Reflex Threshold
Lowest possible intensity required to elicit ME muscle contraction of stapedius muscle
(Will temp ^ impedance)
Stimulating one ear (ear under test) will travel up brainstem to elicit BOTH reflexes
AR Thresholds help determine cochlear or retrocochlear pathology.
If cochlear loss
Cochlear: AR should be increased but present
Retrocochlear: No AR
AR Elicited in Normal Ears At:
Pure tones of 500, 1000, 2000 Hz
~ 65-95 dB