imiwa_tongo_2_16_14 Flashcards
警官 けいかん
消火器 しょうかき
fire extinguisher
パトロールカー, パトロール・カー
patrol car, police car
消防車 しょうぼうしゃ
火災警報 かさいけいほう
fire alarm
消防士 しょうぼうし
fireman, firefighter
unbalanced, imbalance, ambulance
救急車 きゅうきゅうしゃ
火事 かじ
fire, conflagration
消防署 しょうぼうしょ
fire station
得る, 獲る える
to get, to earn, to acquire, to procure, to gain, to secure, to attain, to obtain, to win, to understand, to comprehend, to receive something undesirable
奇跡, 奇蹟 きせき
miracle, wonder, marvel
犠牲 ぎせい
victim, sacrifice, scapegoat
宣べ伝える のべつたえる
to proclaim
耐える, 堪える, 怺える たえる, こらえる, こたえる
to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, to be equal to
差し伸べる, 差し延べる, 差伸べる, 差延べる さしのべる
to hold out, to extend
恵み めぐみ
blessing, grace
成長 せいちょう
growth, grow to adulthood
教科書 きょうかしょ
textbook, text book
意識 いしき
consciousness, awareness, sense
良心 りょうしん
不幸 ふこう
unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, death
失う, 喪う うしなう
to lose, to part with
柔順, 従順 じゅうじゅん
obedient, gentle, meek, submissive, docile
着実 ちゃくじつ
steady, sound, trustworthy, solid
自身 じしん
by oneself, personally
自信 じしん
self-confidence, confidence
推薦 すいせん
recommendation, referral, endorsement
推薦状 すいせんじょう
letter of invitation, letter of recommendation, reference
社会 しゃかい
society, public, community, the world, social studies
儀式 ぎしき
ceremony, rite, ritual, service
執り行う とりおこなう
to hold a ceremony
知識, 智識 ちしき
knowledge, information
不滅 ふめつ
immortal, undying, indestructible
不死 ふし
immortality, eternal life, undeath, undead
徳 とく
virtue, benevolence, profit, benefit, advantage
節制 せっせい
moderation, self-restraint, temperance
決心 けっしん
determination, resolution
変換 へんかん
change, conversion, transformation, translation
now, come
ぴんと来る ぴんとくる
to get
挫折 ざせつ
setback, failure
精神 せいしん
mind, soul, heart, spirit, intention
或いは, 或は あるいは, あるは
or, possibly
仲裁 ちゅうさい
arbitration, intercession, mediation
反省 はんせい
reflection, reconsideration, introspection, meditation, contemplation
引用 いんよう
quotation, citation, reference
従う, 随う, 順う, 隨う, 從う したがう
to abide
軈て, 頓て, 漸て やがて
before long, soon, almost, nearly, finally, in the end, eventually
掲示板 けいじばん
bulletin board, display board, notice board, electronic bulletin board
能力 のうりょく
ability, faculty
高慢 こうまん
haughty, arrogant, proud
合本 がっぽん
collection in one volume
建設 けんせつ
construction, establishment
行動 こうどう
action, conduct, behavior, behavior, mobilization
迫る, 逼る せまる, せる
to approach, to draw near, to be imminent, to press
情状 じょうじょう
物質 ぶっしつ
material, substance
僕, 下部 しもべ
servant, manservant, menial
人類 じんるい
mankind, humanity
清い, 浄い きよい
clear, pure, noble
存在 そんざい
existence, being
青少年 せいしょうねん
youth, young person
確証 かくしょう
positive proof
提議 ていぎ
proposal, motion
忠実 ちゅうじつ, まめ
faithful, loyal, devoted, hardworking, painstaking, diligent, healthy, fit
忠実な僕 ちゅうじつなしもべ
faithful servant
地上 ちじょう
above ground, surface, earth, world
忍耐 にんたい
endurance, perseverance, patience
試練, 試煉, 試錬 しれん
test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulation
隣人 りんじん
neighbor, neighbor, neighborhood, neighborhood
当日 とうじつ
appointed day, very day
頼る, 便る たよる
to rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on
昨日 きのう, さくじつ
剥奪 はくだつ
deprivation, divestiture, revocation
係属, 繋属 けいぞく
relationship, connection, affiliation, pending
確か, 確, 慥か たしか
certain, sure, definite, if I’m not mistaken, if I remember correctly
不可能 ふかのう
生産 せいさん
production, manufacture
評価 ひょうか
valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation, rating, to value, to assess, to rate, to estimate value, to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value
期待 きたい
expectation, anticipation, hope
implement, implementation
容量 ようりょう
capacity, electrical capacitance
密度 みつど
期待に応える きたいにこたえる
to live up to expectations, to meet expectations
長期的 ちょうきてき
long term
短期間 たんきかん
short term, short time
間欠的, 間歇的 かんけつてき
測定 そくてい
引き算, 引算 ひきざん
数理 すうり
数学 すうがく
mathematics, arithmetic
達成感 たっせいかん
sense of accomplishment
出世 しゅっせ
success in life, getting ahead, successful career, promotion, climbing the corporate ladder, eminence
入力 にゅうりょく
概要 がいよう
outline, summary, overview, abridgment, synopsis
製造 せいぞう
manufacture, production
相関 そうかん
correlation, interrelation
低温 ていおん
low temperature
定義 ていぎ
記述 きじゅつ
description, descriptor
出荷 しゅっか
shipping, outgoing freight, forwarding
画面 がめん
terminal screen, scene, picture, the field
購買, 校売 こうばい
procurement, purchase, buying, school store, co-op, school canteen, tuck shop
量産 りょうさん
mass production
統計 とうけい
再計算 さいけいさん
recalculation, recalculate
限界 げんかい
limit, bound
代表 だいひょう
representative, representation, delegation, type, example, model
検討 けんとう
consideration, examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, discussion, analysis
分析 ぶんせき
定期的に ていきてきに
at fixed intervals
露光 ろこう
(photographic) exposure
focus, forecast
貸与 たいよ
loan, lending
提供 ていきょう
offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing, provisioning, supply
意思 いし
intention, purpose
趣旨, 主旨 しゅし
meaning, point
含める ふくめる
to include
踏み込む ふみこむ
to step into
主題 しゅだい
subject, theme, motif
環境整備 かんきょうせいび
environmental maintenance, environmental improvement
自動, 自働 じどう
automatic, self-motion, intransitive verb
品名 ひんめい
name of product
推進 すいしん
propulsion, driving force, implementation, promotion
対処 たいしょ
deal with, cope
提案 ていあん
proposal, proposition, suggestion
小出し こだし
(apportioning) in small amounts
製品 せいひん
manufactured goods, finished goods, product
引っ掛かる, 引っ掛る, 引っかかる ひっかかる
to be caught in, to be stuck in, to stop by, to drop in for a short visit, to be delayed, to take time, to get mixed up in
利益 りえき, りやく
profit, gains, benefit, advantage, interest
環境 かんきょう
environment, circumstance
会議 かいぎ
meeting, conference, session, assembly, council, convention, congress
強化 きょうか
strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify, enhancement
開発 かいはつ, かいほつ
development, exploitation
落とす, 落す おとす
to drop, to lose, to let fall, to shed
協力, 共力 きょうりょく
cooperation, collaboration
業務 ぎょうむ
business, affairs, duties, work, procedure, task, action, function,
明確 めいかく
clear, precise, definite, distinct
合併 がっぺい, ごうへい
combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, annexation, affiliation, incorporation
連携 れんけい
cooperation, coordination, link
分量 ぶんりょう
amount, quantity
入社 にゅうしゃ
joining a company, getting a job with a company, entering a company
新入社員 しんにゅうしゃいん
new employee, freshman employee, new hire
発行 はっこう
作業 さぎょう
work, operation, manufacturing, fatigue duty
指定 してい
designation, specification, assignment, appointment, pointing at
共有 きょうゆう
share, joint ownership, co-ownership
認識 にんしき
recognition, cognizance, cognisance, knowledge, realization, realization, awareness, perception
選別 せんべつ
selection, classification, sorting, screening, triage
識別, 職別 しきべつ
discrimination, discernment, identification
判定 はんてい
judgment, judgment, decision, adjudication, award, verdict, determination
雇用, 雇傭 こよう
履歴書 りれきしょ
personal history, curriculum vitae, resume
定着 ていちゃく
taking hold, getting attached, becoming established, becoming entrenched, establishing
出張 しゅっちょう
official tour, business trip
欠陥 けっかん
defect, fault, deficiency, deformity, shortage, gap
検査 けんさ
期間 きかん
period, term, interval
積極的 せっきょくてき
assertive, positive, active, proactive
制限 せいげん
restriction, restraint, limitation, limit
歩み寄る あゆみよる
to step up, to compromise, to meet halfway
すり合わせ, 擦り合わせ, 摺り合わせ, すり合せ, 擦り合せ, 摺り合せ すりあわせ
comparing and adjusting, reconciling, knocking into shape, bouncing of ideas, opinions, etc. off each other to obtain a fine-tuned integrated whole, lapping, precision surface finishing, mating by rubbing together, margination
稼働, 稼動 かどう
清算 せいさん
会計監査 かいけいかんさ
(financial) audit, auditing
各 かく
each, every, all
窓口 まどぐち
ticket window, teller window, counter, contact person, point of contact
予備装置 よびそうち
reserve equipment, backup unit, spare
出来上がる, 出来上る, でき上がる できあがる
to be completed, to be finished, to be ready
事件 じけん
event, affair, incident, case, plot, trouble, scandal
組み立てる, 組立てる くみたてる
to assemble, to set up, to construct
裁判 さいばん
trial, judgment, judgment
実験 じっけん
項目 こうもく
(data) item, entry
水準 すいじゅん
level, standard, water level
最新 さいしん
latest, newest, late-breaking
見積もり, 見積り, 見積 みつもり
estimate, estimation, valuation, quotation
試作 しさく
trial manufacture, experiment, test piece, prototype
抽出, 捕出 ちゅうしゅつ
extraction, abstraction, selection
議論 ぎろん
argument, discussion, dispute, controversy
表記 ひょうき
writing on the surface
置き換える, 置き替える おきかえる
to replace, to move, to change the position of
適用 てきよう
記入 きにゅう
entry, filling in of forms
会談 かいだん
conversation, conference
一歩 いっぽ
(a) step, level, stage, small degree, small amount
建策 けんさく
making a plan, recommendation, suggestion
研削 けんさく
解析, 解折 かいせき
analysis, analytical study, parsing, parse
物理 ぶつり
physics, law of nature
息が詰まる いきがつまる
to choke, to have trouble breathing
靴紐を結ぶ, 靴ひもを結ぶ くつひもをむすぶ
to do up one’s shoelaces, to tie one’s shoes, to lace up one’s shoes
解く ほどく
to unfasten, to untie, to unwrap
交通渋滞 こうつうじゅうたい
traffic congestion, traffic jam,
嚏, 嚔 くしゃみ, くさめ, くっさめ, クシャミ
sneeze, spoken twice in response to someone sneezing as a charm against an early death
編集, 編修, 編輯 へんしゅう
editing, compilation, editorial
実家 じっか
(one’s parents’) home
盆地 ぼんち
赤血球 せっけっきゅう
red blood cell, erythrocyte
血漿, 血しょう けっしょう
plasma, blood plasma
副作用 ふくさよう
reaction, secondary effect, side effect
宇宙飛行士 うちゅうひこうし
白衣 はくい, びゃくい, びゃくえ
white robe,
車 くるま
car, automobile, vehicle, wheel
偶然 ぐうぜん
(by) chance, unexpectedly, suddenly, accident, fortuity, by coincidence
具合, 具合い, 工合 ぐあい
condition, state, manner, health
最終 さいしゅう
last, final, closing
最終目的 さいしゅうもくてき
ultimate goal
気に入る, 気にいる きにいる
to be pleased with, to suit
逆に ぎゃくに
conversely, on the contrary
涙, 泪, 涕 なみだ, なだ, なんだ
tear, tears, lachrymal secretion, sympathy
雲 くも
七面鳥 しちめんちょう, シチメンチョウ
合格 ごうかく
success, passing
ほうじ茶, 焙じ茶 ほうじちゃ
roasted green tea
早目に, 早めに はやめに
ahead of time, in good season
就職 しゅうしょく
finding employment, getting a job
部長 ぶちょう
パリパリ, ぱりぱり
crispy, crunchy, tearing, ripping, cracking, spirited, energetic, vigorous, brand-new and high quality
周り まわり
circumference, girth, surroundings, neighborhood, neighborhood, vicinity
変化 へんか
change, variation, alteration, mutation, transition, transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis, variety, diversity, inflection, declension, conjugation, sidestepping
突き放す, 突き離す つきはなす
to thrust away, to refuse bluntly, to forsake
結石 けっせき
尿管結石 にょうかんけっせき
ureteral stone, ureteral calculus, ureterolith
踏切, 踏切り, 踏み切り, 踏み切 ふみきり
railway crossing, railroad crossing, train crossing, level crossing, starting line, scratch, determination, stepping over the edge of the ring
幼稚園 ようちえん
尊敬 そんけい
respect, esteem, reverence, honour, honor
ふんわり, フンワリ
gently, airily, fluffy
確り, 聢り しっかり
同時に どうじに
coincident with, while, simultaneously
祭日 さいじつ
national holiday, festival day
確定 かくてい
decision, settlement, definition
分野 ぶんや
field, sphere, realm, division, branch
剥がす, 剥す はがす, へがす
to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of, to detach, to disconnect
不安 ふあん
anxiety, uneasiness, insecurity, suspense
屋台, 屋体, 家台 やたい
診断 しんだん
diagnosis, medical examination
健康診断 けんこうしんだん
physical examination
祝日 しゅくじつ
national holiday, public holiday
還付 かんぷ
return, restoration, refund,
滑らす ずらす
to shift, to slide
雑 ざつ
rough, crude, sloppy, messy, miscellaneous
粗末 そまつ
crude, rough, plain, humble, shabby
中途半端 ちゅうとはんぱ
halfway, half measures, unfinished, incomplete, by halves, half-baked, half-cocked
受験 じゅけん
taking an examination
部活 ぶかつ
club activities
築く きずく
to build, to pile up, to amass
気がする きがする
to have a certain mood or feeling, to have a hunch
停電 ていでん
power outage, electricity outage, blackout, failure of electricity supply
度々, 度度 たびたび
often, repeatedly, frequently
南極 なんきょく
South Pole, the Antarctic, Antarctica
北極 ほっきょく
North Pole, the Arctic
迷惑 めいわく, べいこく
trouble, bother, annoyance
孔雀 くじゃく, くざく, クジャク
日常 にちじょう
ordinary, regular, everyday, usual
雑音 ざつおん
恐竜, 恐龍 きょうりゅう
底 そこ
bottom, sole
分室 ぶんしつ
detached office, annex
集い つどい
meeting, get-together
集う つどう
to meet, to assemble, to congregate
予習 よしゅう
preparation for a lesson
振り返る, 振りかえる, 振返る ふりかえる
to turn head, to look over one’s shoulder, to turn around, to look back, to think back
受け取る, 受けとる, 受取る, 請け取る, 請取る, うけ取る うけとる
to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to interpret, to understand
観測 かんそく
外出 がいしゅつ, そとで
outing, trip, going out
目を向ける めをむける
to shift one’s attention to, to shift one’s focus on
習慣 しゅうかん
custom, habit, manners
進学 しんがく
entering a higher-level school, esp. going on to university
言語 げんご, ごんご, げんきょ
要項 ようこう
important points, main points
誠実 せいじつ
sincere, honest, faithful
存在意義 そんざいいぎ
meaning of life, meaning of one’s existence
我執 がしゅう
egotism, obstinacy
一致 いっち
coincidence, agreement, union, match, conformity, consistency, cooperation
安定 あんてい
stability, equilibrium
次回 じかい
next time
過去 かこ
the past, bygone days, the previous, a past
最早 もはや
already, now, no longer, not any more
知人 ちじん
friend, acquaintance
去る, 避る さる
to leave, to go away, to pass, to elapse, to be distant, to send away, to drive off, to divorce,
成就 じょうじゅ
fulfillment, fulfillment, realization, completion
過ぐ すぐ
to pass through, to pass by, to go beyond, to pass
故に ゆえに
therefore, consequently
沈む しずむ
to sink, to feel depressed, to descend
要するに ようするに
in a word, after all, the point is …, in short …, to put simply, the long and short of it is that ….
面 おもて, おも, も, もて
face, surface, mask
告げる つげる
to tell, to inform, to announce, to indicate, to signal, to mark
恐れる, 畏れる, 怖れる, 懼れる, 惧れる おそれる
to fear, to be afraid of
再び, 二度 ふたたび
again, once more, a second time
与える あたえる
to give
悉く, 尽く ことごとく
altogether, entirely
以後, 已後 いご
after this, from now on, hereafter, thereafter, since
数々, 数数 かずかず
many, numerous, various, large number of
偽り, 詐り いつわり
lie, falsehood, fiction, fabrication
欺く あざむく
to deceive, to delude, to trick, to fool, to be as … as …
訪れる おとずれる, おとづれる
to visit, to call on, to arrive, to come, to appear
山々, 山山 やまやま
(many) mountains, very much (esp. wanting to do something one cannot), greatly, really
荒らし回る あらしまわる
to break into
平穏 へいおん
tranquil, calm, restful, peaceful, quiet
強盗 ごうとう
robber, mugger, robbery, burglary
荒らし あらし
(Internet) troll, raising havoc, laying waste, disturber, robbery, holdup, robber, thief