imiwa_iphone_2_16_14 Flashcards
忘年会 ぼうねんかい
year-end party
欠陥 けっかん
defect, fault, deficiency, deformity, shortage, gap
測定 そくてい
工程 こうてい
process, operation, stage of a process, progress of work
対照 たいしょう
contrast, antithesis, comparison
単品 たんぴん
individual item (i.e. not part of a set), single article, single item out of a set, one item from a set
挟まる はさまる
to get between, to be caught in
反抗期 はんこうき
rebellious age
伝播 でんぱ, でんぱん
transmission, propagation, spread, circulation, diffusion, dissemination
原則 げんそく
principle, general rule
報告 ほうこく
report, information
替え玉, 替玉 かえだま
substitute, double, second serving (ball) of noodles (to add to previously purchased ramen)
標示 ひょうじ
mark, sign, label, landmark
集中 しゅうちゅう
concentration, convergence, centralization, integration, gathering together
再発行 さいはっこう
習慣 しゅうかん
custom, habit, manners
養分 ようぶん
nourishment, nutrient
軽自動車 けいじどうしゃ
light motor vehicle (up to 660cc and 64bhp)
貢献 こうけん
contribution (furthering a goal or cause), services (to a cause)
評価 ひょうか
valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation, rating, to value, to assess, to rate, to estimate value, to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something)
定期 ていき
fixed period, fixed term, regular, periodic, periodical, fixed-term commutation pass, fixed-term deposit, futures contracts
趣旨, 主旨 しゅし
meaning, point (e.g. of a statement), gist, effect, goal, intent, object, aim, point
役割, 役割り やくわり
part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, duties