imiwa_iphone_2_16_14 Flashcards
忘年会 ぼうねんかい
year-end party
欠陥 けっかん
defect, fault, deficiency, deformity, shortage, gap
測定 そくてい
工程 こうてい
process, operation, stage of a process, progress of work
対照 たいしょう
contrast, antithesis, comparison
単品 たんぴん
individual item (i.e. not part of a set), single article, single item out of a set, one item from a set
挟まる はさまる
to get between, to be caught in
反抗期 はんこうき
rebellious age
伝播 でんぱ, でんぱん
transmission, propagation, spread, circulation, diffusion, dissemination
原則 げんそく
principle, general rule
報告 ほうこく
report, information
替え玉, 替玉 かえだま
substitute, double, second serving (ball) of noodles (to add to previously purchased ramen)
標示 ひょうじ
mark, sign, label, landmark
集中 しゅうちゅう
concentration, convergence, centralization, integration, gathering together
再発行 さいはっこう
習慣 しゅうかん
custom, habit, manners
養分 ようぶん
nourishment, nutrient
軽自動車 けいじどうしゃ
light motor vehicle (up to 660cc and 64bhp)
貢献 こうけん
contribution (furthering a goal or cause), services (to a cause)
評価 ひょうか
valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation, rating, to value, to assess, to rate, to estimate value, to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something)
定期 ていき
fixed period, fixed term, regular, periodic, periodical, fixed-term commutation pass, fixed-term deposit, futures contracts
趣旨, 主旨 しゅし
meaning, point (e.g. of a statement), gist, effect, goal, intent, object, aim, point
役割, 役割り やくわり
part, assigning (allotment of) parts, role, duties
悖る もとる
to go against, to deviate from, to oppose
唯一 ゆいいつ, ゆいつ
only, sole, unique
見出す, 見いだす, 見出だす, 見い出す みいだす, みだす
to find out, to discover, to notice, to detect, to select, to pick out, to look out (from the inside), to be wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.)
取り込む, 取込む, 取りこむ とりこむ
to take in, to bring in, to adopt (e.g. behaviour), to introduce, to capture (e.g. image), to import, to win over, to please, to curry favour with, to flatter, to defraud of, to swindle, to embezzle, to be busy, to be in confusion, to have trouble
生産 せいさん
production, manufacture
助言 じょげん, じょごん
advice, suggestion
検討 けんとう
consideration, examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, discussion, analysis
金額 きんがく
amount of money
商用 しょうよう
on business, for business, business purpose
全社 ぜんしゃ
whole company
積極 せっきょく
positive, progressive
完了 かんりょう
completion, conclusion, perfect (tense, form, aspect)
追加 ついか
addition, supplement, append (e.g. to a file), appendix
手を出す てをだす
to turn one’s hand to, to reach out one’s hand, to get involved in, to make a move on, to start a fight, to make a move in violence
行 ぎょう
line (i.e. of text), row, verse, carya (austerities), samskara (formations), running script (a semi-cursive style of kanji)
単純 たんじゅん
simplicity, simple, uncomplicated
好み このみ
liking, taste, choice
優先 ゆうせん
preference, priority, precedence
発生頻度 はっせいひんど
frequency of occurrence
抽象的 ちゅうしょうてき
五感 ごかん
the five senses
四半期 しはんき
quarter (of a year)
発電所 はつでんしょ
power plant, power station
揚水発電所 ようすいはつでんしょ
pumped storage power plant, pumped storage power station
時刻表 じこくひょう
table, diagram, chart, timetable, schedule
取り込み中, 取込み中, 取込中 とりこみちゅう
in the middle of something, busy
中止 ちゅうし
suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption
置き換える, 置き替える おきかえる
to replace, to move, to change the position of
筆箱 ふでばこ
pencil box
補正 ほせい
correction, revision, compensation (e.g. to a pendulum)
登録 とうろく
registration, accession, register, entry, record
賛成 さんせい
approval, agreement, support, favour, favor
手動 しゅどう
manual (operation)
肌, 膚 はだ, はだえ
skin, body (in the context of intimate bodily contact), surface, grain (e.g. of wood), texture, disposition, temperament, character, type
列 れつ
queue, line, row, column, sequence, string, train
統計的 とうけいてき