Imaging Modalities and Selection Criteria Flashcards
What are the types of intraoral x-rays?
- Periapical (PA)
- Bitewings (BW)
- Occlusal
Why are PA’s not ideal to evaluate interproximal caries or alveolar bone height?
Because of the angulation, it might not give you the most accurate information
What is the primary purpose of BW’s?
To detect interproximal carious lesions and assess alveolar crest height
Recommended images for mixed dentition-new patient exam
BWX and select PAs
Recommended images for adult pt with caries &/or high-risk for caries - recall exam
BWX every 6-18 months
2 things that contribute to incidence of disease and rate of progression that should be considered before taking x-rays
- age/dental stage
- medical history
What is the primary purpose of an intraoral periapical (PA)?
- detect periapical pathosis
- relation between caries lesions and periapical pathosis
- dental abnormalities
Primary purpose of panoramic radiography
Overall evaluation of dentition and bones
CBCT image primary purpose
3D evaluation of hard tissues
Not good for soft tissues and caries!
T/F MRI does not use ionizing radiation
The probability that x-rays will provide clinically relevant information that is not otherwise evident is defined as
diagnostic yield
What is the benefit of cone beam computed tomography?
Cone beams are useful because they allow for the three-dimensional evaluation of hard tissues by taking multiple images and reconstructing them.
What has replaced occlusal images?
Occlusal images have lost priority over newer cone beam imaging technologies.
Which one is an example of extraoral radiography?
A. Panoramic
B. Occlusal
C. Full-Mouth Series (FMX)
D. Bitewing (BW)
A. Panoramic
What 2 factors are used to determine if an x ray is required?
Diagnostic yield and risks
Why do deciduous teeth develop caries quicker when compared to permanent teeth?
Deciduous teeth are less mineralized
What are the 2 most common intraoral X-ray types?
Periapical and Bitewing
T/F: The ADA Recommendations are law and must be followed exactly.
False. The ADA recommendations are just recommendations and may not apply to every patient. YOU are deciding whether or not to take the X-Ray therefore it is subject to clinical judgement.
What are the recommendations for new patients when taking x-rays?
Radiographic examinations shall be performed only when patient history, prior images or lab findings indicate a benefit to the health of the patient. For each new patient the dentist shall make to faith to obtain previous images prior to taking new images.
Adult patients with caries and/or high caries risk should have bitewings every ____(1)____ months while adult patients without any caries and with a low caries risk should have them every ____(2)____ months.
1) 6-18
2) 24-36
Who makes the call if x-rays will be taken?
the dentist, not any other support staff