Imaging Flashcards
Is there ALWAYS a correlation between an abnormality on an image and a positive clinical finding?
NO. You can have an abnormal image w/o any symptoms. The image and clinical exam must make sense together
Who are interventional radiologists?
MD’s that specialize providing treatment that are done in the presence of imaging techniques-Radiofrequency treatments, Biopsies.
What are different types of Imaging?
Plain Films, MR, MRI, MRA, Tomography/ Computed TOmography (CT)
What is the first imaging study that is usually performed?
Plain Films
How many plain film views do you need for an adequate exam?
At least 2
For the C spine, how many views do you need for an adequate exam?
What areas appear white on a plain film x-ray?
Bone, most dense so appears white.
What color will soft tissue appear on a plain film x-ray?
How do you diagnose on plain film x-rays?
Diagnose by admission (what isn’t there)
What is the gold standard for imaging?
Plain film, is the cheapest
How much bone loss do you need before you see change on plain film?
30-50% bone loss
How do you evaluate joint status with a plain film?
Evaluate by exclusion. Change in space will provide information
What does ABCS stand for when reading plain films?
Alignment-normal anatomical position
Bone quality-1/3-2/3 rule
Cartilage -examination via exclusion
Soft Tissue-presence of effusion or calcification, soft tissue becomes visible
What are the two types of MRI pulse sequences?
T1, T2
What is the 1/3-2/3 rule?
Cortex of a healthy long bone should be 2/3 of its diameter