imaging Flashcards
Pleural effusion
-must have 75–200 mL to be visible in costophrenic angle
-May appear loculated (~mass/pseudotumor) if there are pleural adhesions
-Round/oval fluid collections in fissures resembling intraparenchymal masses (pseudotumors)
Loculated effusion CXR
-effusion may appear loculated (~mass/pseudotumor) if there are pleural adhesions
DX = visceral pleural lines
Tension pneumothorax:
-Large amount of air in the affected hemithorax and CONTRALATERAL shift of the mediastinum
what sign is this in pneumothorax
deep sulcus sign in supine pts
Pneumomediastinum - complication of pneumothorax
spiral CT pulmonary angiography of PE
pulmonary HTN!!!! - r heart enlargement and dilated pulmonary arteries
Chronic disease:
- Dilation of right & left main and lobar pulmonary arteries
Advanced disease:
- Right ventricular & right atrial enlargement
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- normal heart
-no pleural effusion
-bilateral widespread pulmoonary inflitrates
-air bronchograms
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- normal heart
-no pleural effusion
-bilateral widespread pulmoonary inflitrates
-air bronchograms
acute respiratory distress syndrome
- normal heart
-no pleural effusion
-bilateral widespread pulmoonary inflitrates
-air bronchograms
young kid eats furniture polish
- vomiting, coughing
- respiratory distress
- cyanosis
- fever
aspiration of toxic material
Patchy airspace consolidation particularly in:
- LOWER lobes
- medial basal segments
retention of FB
Bronchoscopy of what?
Bronchoscopy of Carcinoid Tumor
- looks PINK or PURPLE
Cannonball lesions = metastatic lung cancer
- multiple spherical densities with sharp margins
-MC: lower lung zones
May present with:
-Cough, hemoptysis
-Dyspnea and hypoxemia (advanced)
-Symptoms are more often referable to the site of the PRIMARY tumor
CT: metastatic lung cancer**
CT is more sensitve …………….
Cannonball lesions = metastatic lung cancer
- multiple spherical densities with sharp margins
-MC: lower lung zones
May present with:
-Cough, hemoptysis
-Dyspnea and hypoxemia (advanced)
-Symptoms are more often referable to the site of the PRIMARY tumor
ring shadows and tram-tracks?
- Dilated and thickened bronchi: Appears like tram-tracks or ring shadows
-Scattered irregular opacities, atelectasis, and focal consolidation may be present
-honeycombing = CYSTIC bronchiectasis
-Hyperinflation (early)
-Peribronchial cuffing
-Mucous plugging
-Bronchiectasis (ring shadows,cysts)
-Increased interstitial markings
-Small rounded peripheral opacities
-Focal atelectasis
what abnormalities?
-Hyperinflation, FLAT diaphragms
-Vascular markings DECREASE
-Parenchymal bullae
COPD: is it chronic bronchitis or emphysema?
- Increased interstitial markings
- Diaphragms not flattened
-Hyperinflation, FLAT diaphragms
-Vascular markings DECREASE
-Parenchymal bullae
- Dilated and thickened bronchi: Appears like tram-tracks or ring shadows
-Scattered irregular opacities, atelectasis, and focal consolidation may be present
-honeycombing = CYSTIC bronchiectasis
Deep sulcus sign + contralateral shift of mediastinum/esophagus -> TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX
Left sided pneumothorax