images of cytology - name it and describe it Flashcards
Name that cancer
describe findings
transitional cell carcinoma
Melamed-Wolinska body
marked anisocytosis, anisokaryosis and multinucleation
neuroendocrine appearance on cytology
naked nucleii
cervical mass
chemodectoma - carotid body
neuorendocrine naked nucleii
subcutaneous neck mass
thyroid adenocarcinoma - follicular cell carcinoma
poorly defined borders - naked nuclei
pink colloid
dark granules are tyrosine granules - only seen with follicular
mild anisocytosis and anisokaryosis
90-95% of samples - non functional in dogs - malignant
cats - non functional
cervical mass
thyroid medullary carcinoma (cant actually distinguish from follicular on cyto)
- epithelial clusters with more distinct cell borders than follicular
- azurophilic cytoplasmic granules
- can have colloid
<10% of tumors
immunochemical marks of follicular thyroid tumors
immunochemical marks of medullary thyroid tumors
cytology of epithelial cells
cells are in clumps or sheets
adhere to each other with tight junctions (desmosomes)
cells ar long and round to polygonal with distiinct cytoplasmic borders
nuclei are round to oval
cytology of mesenchymal cells
usually exfoliate individually but can see aggregates
cells are oval to stellate with indistinct cell borders
poorly cellular
smaller than epithelial cells
nuclei are round to elliptical
cytology of round cells
cells exfoliate individually with distinct cytoplasmic borders
cells are round with moderate cellularity
nucleii round to indented
chin mass on a cat
sebaceous carcinoma
- fibrovascular stroma
- high mc
vacuolated cytoplasm supportive of sebaceous origin
anal mass of a dog
islands of polygonal hepatoid cells
perianal gland adenoma
anal mass of a dog
loosely cohesive cluster with indistinct cell borders - nake nuclei
apocrine gland anal sac adenocarinoma
adrenal mass dog
naked nuclei, indistinct cell borders high nc ratio maybe faint blue granules, pale cytoplasm
adrenal mass dog
adrenal adenoma or adenocarcinoma
- intact cells in clusters
- lipid vacuoles
- extramedullary hematopoesis
ulcerative lesion on the eyelid of a cat
- difficult to distinguish inflammation vs carcinoma
- angular cells and round cells
- high nc ration
- perinuclear vacuoles
cat with ulcerated digital mass
feline lung digit syndrome
epithelial sheet
individually can see ciliate dborder
SQ leg mass aspirate
- spindle cells
- intracytoplasmic fat vacuoles
pink raised mass on nasal planum
fried egg round cells
cutaneous mass dog
histiocytic sarcoma
- multinucleate giant cells
- marked anisocytosis and anisokaryosis
- can be vacuolated
splenic aspirate
plasma cell tumro
eccentric nuclei
perinuclear clearing
dog oral mass
papilloma virus
big pink cells