IM4 Flashcards
What is sympathetic opthalmia aka “spared eye injury”?
Immune mediated inflammation of one eye (sympathetic eye) after the penetrating injury to the other eye. Manifestations most commonly is anterior uveitis, but panuveitis, papillary edema, and blindness can also result.
Pathophys: Uncovering “hidden antigens” resulting in autoantibodies attacking these antigen
What drugs cause a drug-induced liver disease via cholestasis?
Chlorpromazine, nitrofurantoin, erythromycin, anabolic steroids (CONE)
What drugs cause a fatty liver disease?
Tetracycline, valproate, and anti-retrovirals (VAT)
What drugs cause a hepatitis?
Halothane, phenytoin, isoniazid, alpha methyldopa (HAPI)
What drugs cause a fulminant or toxic liver failure?
Carbon Tetrachloride and acetaminophen
What lab results suggest an alcoholic hepatitis?
What are signs of multiple sclerosis?
Optic neuritis Lhermitte sign Onset at age 15-50 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia Fatigue Uhthoff's phenomenon (heat sensitivity) Sensory symptoms (numbness, parathesia) Motor symptoms (paraparesis & spasticity) Bladder/bowel dysfunction
Disease pattern: Relapse and remitting (majority)
Dx of multiple sclerosis
T2 MRI lesions disseminated in time and space (periventricular, juxtacortical, infratentorial, or spinal cord)
Cerebral and spinal plaques composed of clusters of demyelinated axons appear as hypo/hyperintense lesions on MRI involve the subcortical white matter in the brain
Oligoclonal IgG bands on CSF analysis
Management of caustic (lye) ingestion
Will cause immediate esophageal injury with liquefactive necrosis and potential reformation. Endoscopy should be performed within 12-24 hours. Activated charcoal, corticosteroids, emetics and acid neutralization should not be given.
What are the symptoms of hypokalemia?
Muscle weakness, cramps and if severe, flaccid paralysis., EKG shows u-waves.
What are the symptoms of hyperkalemia?
Muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis, and ECG changes. Asystole can occur with severe hyperkalemia
Hyponatremia symptoms?
Normally asymptomatic. Prolonged significant hyponatremia may cause weakness, lethargy, delirium, and seizures.
hypermagnesemia symptoms?
Mild - Decrease deep tendon reflexes. Severe - loss of deep tendon reflexes
Hypocalcemia symptoms
Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, muscle cramps, and rarely, convulsions. Hypomagnesemia can also mimic hypocalcemia because it decreases PTH secretions and decreased peripheral responsiveness to PTH. Can happen after a major surgery with transfusion due to citrates which binds the calcium and causes hypocalcemia.
Complications of Acute Pancreatitis?
Pleural Effusions, Acute respiratory distress, ileus, and renal failure
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lungs
20-40% Central Necrosis and cavitation are common Hypercalcemia Smokers
Adenocarcinoma of the lungs
Peripheral, as solitary lesion
Clubbing and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Women and non-smokers
Small cell carcinoma of the lungs
Cushing Syndrome
Lambert Eaton Syndrome
Non-Allergic rhinitis
Presents with one of the chronic rhinitis symptoms (i.e. nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, postnasal drainage) Predominant nasal congestion and stuffiness, postnasal drip (dry cough) and no identifiable triggers. In contrast to patients with allergic rhinitis who have predominant eye symptoms. Patients are treated with intranasal antihistamines and glucocorticoids or combination therapy
What are the ABCDE’s of melanoma
Asymmetry Border irregularities Color variegations Diameter (>6mm) Enlargement
What is the greatest traditional risk factor for a stroke?
What is the most common cause of age-related hearing loss?
Presbycusis defined as sensorineural hearing loss that occurs with aging. Noticed in the 6th decade of life, and begins with symmetrical, high frequency hearing impairment. Difficulty hearing in noisy crowded rooms.
Meniere’s disease
tinnitus, vertigo, and sensorineural hearing loss.
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Triad of encephalopathy, gait ataxia, oculomotor dysfunction (Lies, eyes, and capsize). If chronic thiamine deficiency - Korsakoff’s syndrome: irreversible amnesia, confabulation, and apathy
What are medications are cause hyperkalemia?
Non-selective B-blockers (interferes with B2 mediated intracellular potassium uptake)
ACE inhibitor (decrease in aldosterone secretion)
K-sparing diuretics (i.e. amiloride, spiranolactone)
Digoxin and cardiac glycosides (inhibits the Na-K ATPase)
NSAID impaires local prostaglandin synthesis reducing renin and aldosterone secretion (prostaglandin are produced by macula dense, which causes increase release of renin and aldosterone)
Effect of prostaglandins on the afferent arterioles
Causes vasodilation of the afferent arterioles. Nsaids can cause unopposed constriction of the afferent which causes renal hypoperfusion.
What are the changes of hyperkalemia on EKG?
Peaked T waves, prolonged QT intervals and narrow QRS intervals
Non-medicine causes of hyperkalemia?
Chronic kidney disease, RAAS axis impairment
What is hypertrophic osteoarthropathy?
Digital clubbing is associated with osteoarthropathy. The condition is often associated with lung cancer.
What is characteristic of pneumonia by Legionella?
Associated with lobar pneumonia, diarrhea, hyponatremia, mild LFT elevations
What is the triad that is highly suspicious of Infectious Mononucleosis?
Fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy
Heterophile antibody test (monospot test)
Anterior cerebral artery stoke symptoms
Contralateral motor and sensory deficits which more pronounced in the lower limb than in the upper limb. Other features include urinary incontinence, gait apraxia, primitive reflexes, abulia, emotional disturbances
Lacunar infarcts Symptoms
Small vessel infarcts typically affecting the deep subcortical structures due to occlusion of a deep penetrating branch of a large cerebral artery. Well recognized symptoms: pure motor hemiparesis, pure sensory stroke, sensorimotor, dysarthria-clumsy hand, and ataxia hemiparesis.
Middle cerebral artery stroke Symptoms
Contralateral motor or sensorial deficits that are more pronounced in the face and upper limbs than the lower limbs. If the dominant side is affected, patient may have aphasia. If the non-dominant side is affected, patient may have hemineglect or anosognosia (lack of awareness regarding one’s illness)
Posterior cerebral artery stroke
Homonymous hemianopsia, alexia (unable to understand written word) without agraphia (inability to write written word) (dominant hemisphere), visual hallucination, sensory symptoms (thalamus), third nerve palsy with paresis of vertical and horizontal eye movements, and contralateral motor deficits
What are some causes of thrombocytopenia due to decrease production?
Viral (Epstein Bar, HIV, Hep C) Myelodysplasia Disease Congenital (Fanconi) Alcohol use Vitamin B12, folate deficiency Chemotherapy
What are the causes of thrombocytopenia due to increase platelet destruction?
SLE, medications idiopathic thrombocytopenic purport disseminated intravascular coagulation thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura hemolytic uremic syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome
Waldenstrom’s macroglobuminemia
IgM spike on electrophoresis and hyper viscosity due to increase in immunoglobulins. Also, easy bleeding, night sweats, hepatosplenomegaly, tiredness due to anemia
ESCC (Epidural spinal cord compression) management?
Malignancy that affect the spine: breast, prostate, lung, multiple myeloma. Progressively worsening back pain, that is worse in the recumbent position. Show upper motor neuron signs below the level of the lesion. Bladder incontinence are late findings
Give glucocorticoids to decrease vasogenic edema, and then do an emergent MRI.
Normal Anion Gap? And what contributes to an anion gap
Inorganics: Sulfates, Phosphates
Organics: Ketoacids, lactates, uremic organic anions
Exogenous: Salicylates, ingested toxins
Associations with splenic abscess
Hematological spread such as from infective endocarditis, IV drug use, hemoglobinopathy, immunosuppression (HIV), trauma
Triad: LUQ pain, fever, leukocytosis
Tinea versicolor
Pink velvety pale macules caused by Malassezia furfur. on KOH show large blunt hyphae with thick walled budding spores “spaghetti and meatballs”. Tx: Selenium sulfide and ketoconzole
Bone, lung and skin involvement.
From the Great Lakes, and Ohio area
Broad-base budding yeast
Very similar to TB-like symptoms
Tx: Amphotericin B, intraconazole
Pleural fluid pH
Normal pleural fluid pH = 7.6
transudative 7.4-7.55
exudative = 7.3-7.45