IM/Subcut/ID medication administration Flashcards
Define intradermal injection.
a small volume of fluid is injected just under the epidermis at a 10-15 degree angle. slow absorption. 1 ml syringe, 26-29 gauge, 1/2 inch length Maximum amount per site: 0.5 ml Site: forearm, upper back Example: skin testing, allergy testing
Define subcutaneous injection.
injection into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. given at a 45-90 degree angle depending on amount of fatty tissue. 1-3 ml syringe, 25-31 gauge 1/2 to 1’ length Maximum amount per site: 1 ml Site: upper posterior arm, abdomen, anterior thigh Example: insulin, heparin, enoxaparin
Define intramuscular injection.
injection into the musculature. given as a 90 degree angle. fast absorption due to increase blood supply 3 ml syringe, 20-23 gauge, 1-2 inches length Maximum amount per site: 3 ml Site: deltoid, vastus lateralis, ventrogluteal Example: antibiotics, pain medications
Identify the parts of the syringe and needle:

A: Plunger: sterile; avoid touching
B: Barrel
C: Measuring Point on stopper
D: Tip: sterile; avoid touching
E: Hub
F: Needle shaft: sterile; avoid touching
G: Bevel: sterile; avoid touching
Identify the following syringe:

This is a tuberculin syringe. It is used for preparing small amounts of medication.
When aspirating medication from an ampule, it is important that the nurse uses a _______ needle.

A filter needle
Rationale: A filter needle is needed to filter shards of glass that may have contaminated the medication. The nurse will place an appropriate size needle to adminster the medication.
True or False: It is necessary to inject air into an ampule before removing medication? Support your answer.
This is false. Ampules do not need air to obtain the medication that a vial needs because it is an open system. The medication will squirt back at you. :)
When preparing medication from a vial, the nurse will locate the diluent used/amount of diluent needed to dissove the medication on the _______.
Commonly used diluents to dissolve medications in concentrated powders are ____________ and ___________.
Sterile distilled water and Normal Saline
As the needle gauge becomes smaller, the diameter becomes _________.
Think: LL
Lower gauge number, Larger needle
True/False: When preparing medications from a vial, air must be injected to ease withdrawal of the medication? Support your answer.
Vials are closed system. Failure to inect air creates a vacuum within the vial that makes it difficult to withdrawel medication.
Explain compatibility of medications.
Compatibility means that two or more medications can mix together and be delivered safely. The nurse consults a drug reference to search compatibility issues.
Medications come in single or multidose vials. When preparing medications from a multidose vial, the nurse will label the vial with the following information:
Date and time of mixing
The concentration of medication per milliliter
Some multidose medications may need to be refrigerated
When mixing medications from a vial and an ampule, the nurse would prepare which medication first? Explain your answer
Prepare the vial first
It is not necessary to add air to withdrawn medication from the ampule
True or False: Before giving ANY type of insulin, the nurse must verify the dose with another nurse. Explain you answer.
This is a high alert medication
When administering regular and intermediate acting insulins, the nurse would prepare the ____________ insulin first.
This prevents contamination of the medications
Remember: RN (Regular to NPH)
When administering an intradermal medication, the bevel of the needle is always pointed ____________.
Assessment before any injection would consist of…
Do a skin assessment of the chosen site. Is the site free of tenderness, skin lesions, bruising, abrasions,infection, necrosis?
Any underlying bone, major nerve/blood vessels?
The volume administered in a subcutaneous injection is…
0.5 - 1 ml
The volume administered in an intramuscular injection is…
2 - 3 ml
When giving an insulin injection, the nurse would choose a __________ gauge and a ________ length needle.
31 gauge 3/16 inch length
Insulin is always given at _______ degrees.
When giving an insulin injection the nurse would choose an __________ syringe.
When giving insulin, this is the preferred site.