IM Shelf Review PPT Flashcards
Which EKG leads affected in an anterior infarct?
Which EKG leads affected in an inferior infarct?
Which artery affected in an inferior infarct?
Which artery affected in an anterior infarct?
R ventricular infarct s/s
hypoTN, tachycardia, + JVD, CLEAR lungs, NO pulsus paradoxus (looks like they are in shock w JVD)
R ventricular infarct Tx?
fluids; NO nitro bc lack of preload is problem, and that would make it worse
When does myoglobin peak after an MI?
When does CKMB peak after an MI?
When does troponin peak after an MI?
What is the best test to check for a recurrent MI?
Name 2 medications that must be d/c’d prior to a stress test.
beta-blockers and Ca-channel blockers
Name 2 medications used for a chemical stress test.
dobutamine, adenosine
How does dobutamine work?
beta1-adrenergic receptor –> increased contractility and HR
What indicates a positive stress test?
+ CP, ST depression, or hypoTN
How do adenosine work?
causes coronary vasodilation and increases blood flow in normal coronary arteries; Slows conduction time through the AV node, interrupting the re-entry pathways through the AV node, restoring normal sinus rhythm
What meds do you d/c an MI pt home on?
aspirin/clopidogrel, beta-blocker, ace-I, statin, nitrates
What is the most common cause of death post-MI?
S/p MI, new systolic murmur 5-7 days later?
papillary muscle rupture
S/p MI, acute hypoTN, new murmur?
ventricular free wall rupture
S/p MI, persistent ST elevation about 1 month later, with systolic MR murmur?
ventricular wall aneurysm
“Cannon A-waves”
JVP is bounding - tricuspid valve not opening in synchrony with cardiac cycle- atria and ventricles (AV) dissociation
S/p MI, pleuritic CP and low grade temp, 5-10 weeks later?
Dressler’s syndrome
Another name for autoimmune pericarditis?
Dressler’s syndrome
Dressler’s syndrome tx?
NSAIDs, aspirin
Young person, diffuse ST elevation?
CP worse with inspiration (pleuritic), improved with leaning forwards, friction rub
Tx for pericarditis?
Vague CP + hx of viral infection + murmur?
CP at rest, worse at night, + migraines, transient ST elevation during episodes?
Prinzmetal’s angina
Prinzmetal’s angina tx?
nitrate, Ca++ channel blockers
Prinzmetal’s angina diagnostic test?
ergonovine stimulation test
EKG: progressive prolongation of the PR interval, with dropped beat?
Wenckebach/Mobitz type I
EKG: regular P-P and R-R interval, but not associated with each other?
3rd degree heart block
Physical exam 3rd degree heart block?
Cannon A-waves
EKG: varying PR intervals with >3 morphologically distinct P waves in the same lead
multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT)
EKG: >3 consecutive beats with narrow QRS and rate >120
Tx v-tach?
if pt unstable = shock, if pt stable = lidocaine, amiodarone
EKG: delta waves
EKG: short PR interval, wide QRS, slurred initial deflection
What meds are contraindicated in WPW?
anything that slows AV conduction (beta-blockers, digoxin, verapamil, diltiazem)
EKG: sawtooth
Tx A-flutter?
unstable: shock
stable: beta-blockers, digoxin (kind of like a-fib)
EKG: regular rhythm, ventricular rate 125-150 and atrial rate 250-300
EKG: prolonged QT interval leading to undulating rotation of the complex around the EKG w/ low Mg and K
What OD causes Torsades?
EKG: regular rhythm with rate 150-220 and sudden onset and offset palpitations
1st line Tx SVT?
carotid massage
Drug tx for SVT?
EKG: peaked T waves?
EKG: Wide QRS, short QT, prolonged PR
EKG: undulating, low amplitude, alternate beat variation in direction
tamponade (electrical alternans)
Pulsus paradoxus, hypoTN, distant heart sounds, JVD?
tamponade (electrical alternans)
EKG: undulating baseline, irregular R-R interval
Rate control drugs for a-fib?
SEM cresc/decressc, louder with squat, softer with valsalva, parvus et tardus
aortic stenosis
Causes of aortic stenosis?
old age- calcific stenosis; bicuspid aortic valve
Tx aortic stenosis?
valve replacement
SEM louder with valsalva, softer with squatting or handgrip
How does valsalva affect the heart?
decreases preload
Late systolic murmur with a click, louder with valsalva, softer with squatting
Holosystolic murmur radiating to axilla
mitral regurg
Holosystolic murmur w late diastolic rumble in kids
continuous machine-like murmur
wide fixed and split S2
rumbling diastolic murmur w opening snap
mitral stenosis
blowing diastolic murmur with a widened pulse pressure
aortic regurg
If PE is highly suspected: first step?
give heparin
Hx of CHF and murmur present?
get echo
Tx acute pulm edema?
nitrates, lasix, and morphine
young pt, sxs of CHF w prior hx of viral infection?
myocarditis (coxsackie B)
Reversible causes of CHF?
EtOH, hemachromatosis
ace-i, beta-blocker, spironolactone, furosemide, digoxin
CHF tx that improve survival?
ace-i, beta-blocker, spironolactone
CXR: thickened peritracheal stripe and splayed carina bifurcation
LA enlargement from bad mitral stenosis; cancer
Name 3 transudative causes.
CHF, nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis
Transudative w low glucose?
Transudative with high lymphocytes?
Transudative with blood?
PE or cancer
Name 2 exudative causes.
PNA, cancer
What is a complicated plural effusion?
positive bugs, low glucose, low pH
What is the tx for complicated plural effusion?
insert chest tube for drainage
Lights criteria for transudate?
1) LDH <200
2) LDH eff/serum < 0.6
3) protein eff/serum < 0.5
3 diagnostic criteria for ARDS?
1) PaO2/FiO2 <200
2) bilateral alveolar inf on CXR
3) pulm cap wedge pressure <18 (r/o cardiac causes)
ARDS tx?
COPD dx?
productive cough >3mos in 2 consecutive years
COPD tx?
ipratroprium, beta-agonist, theophylline
When is O2 initiated in COPD?
pulse ox <88 or blood gas <55
COPD acute exasherbation dx?
any change with the sputum, increasing dyspnea
COPD acute exasherbation tx?
O2, nebs, corticosteroids, FQ or macrolide
Best prognostic indicator for COPD?
What improves COPD mortality?
long-term O2, d/c smoking
COPD pt with clubbing?
lung cancer! get CXR (hypertrophic osteoarthropathy)
Name a long acting beta-agonist.
PCO2 in the middle of an asthma attack?
CXR: 1cm nodules in upper lobes with eggshell calcifications?
Silicosis predisposes to ___.
Asbestosis predisposes the patient to ____.
CXR: reticulonodular process in lower lobe with pleural plaques.
CXR: patchy lower lobe infiltrates, thermophyilic actinomyces
hypersensitivity pneumonitis (farmer’s lung)