IM- master the boards Flashcards
Hiatal hernia dx
Endoscopy or barium study
Esophageal disorder alarm symptoms
Blood in stool
Weight loss - limited value
Rule out cancer with endoscopy
Hiatal hernia
Upper portion of stomach protrudes into chest through esophageal hiatus.
Can be due to obesity weakening the diaphragm
Can be indistinguishable from GERD ( heartburn, chest pain, dysphagia)
Hiatal hernia tx
Weight loss and PPIs
If persistent: surgerical correction (Nissel fundoplication)
Which esophageal hernia is most likely to require surgery?
Paraesophageal hernia»_space;> gastric volvulus, obstruction, strangulation, hiatal hernia, perforation
Achalasia vs. cancer
Not assoc with cancer
Indistinguishable from GERD
Less than 50yo
Normal mucosa on endoscopy
Dysphagia to both S and L at SAME TIME
( manometry most accurate test)
Bird’s beak on barium esophagram
esophageal cancer:
Pts over 50 yo
Dysphagia first for solids THEN liquids
Association of long term alcohol and tobacco use
Biopsy required (endoscopy) - will show metaplasia (Barrett’s) or atypical histology
Tx of achalasia
Pneumatic dilation
Or sx sectioning or myotomy but less safe but slightly more effective
Botox but only lasts 3-6 months
Esophageal cancer tx
Resection if local
CT/ MRI - determine metz
PET- determine if resectable
Palliative stent if metz
Esophageal spasm ddx
DES or nutcracker - clinically indistinguishable
Indistinguishable from atypical coronary artery spasm (prinzmental angina) or unstable angina
S/s :
- precipitated by drinking cold liquids
- sudden, severe chest pain
- normal EKG and stress test
- normal esophagram and endoscopy
Esophageal spasm dx
Manometry is most accurate.
Can distinguish DES from nutcracker - will show different pattern of normal contraction
Barium study shows corkscrew at time of spasm
Tx of esophageal spastic disorders
CCBs (TCAs as alternative)
If refractory (sildenafil)
Nitrates (similar to tx of prinzmetal angina)
PPIs in some cases
Eosinophilic esophagitis s/s and dx
Food impaction
Hx of asthma and allergic diseases
Endoscopy- multiple concentric rings
Bx- is most accurate for eosinophilia
Eosinophilic esophagitis tx
Best initial tx - PPIs and elimination of allergens
If refractory- topical/ oral steroids
The following pills cause esophagitis with prolonged use
Potassium chloride
Esophageal candidiasis
> 90% of esophageal infections in AIDS pts
CD4 + < 100mm3
Oral candidiasis (thrush) need not to be present in esophageal candidiasis; one does not automatically follow from the other