Illnesses And Injuries Flashcards
What are signs and symptoms
Rapid and shallow breathing Pulse rate increases but is weak and irregular. Pale grey skin Lips turned blue Weakness and dizziness Restless and anxious Nausea and possibly vomiting Sweating cold and clammy skin Thirsty Finally the heart may stop
What is treatment
Check level of consciousness Ensure airway is clear Loosen tight clothing Treat any serious wounds or fractures Keep casualties warm Give oxygen if difficulty in breathing Use a AED Monitor breathing and pulse Call med link
what is the treatment
Treat any obvious cause of shock if possible example external bleeding.
Lay casualty down keep the head low raise and support the legs to improve the blood supply to the vital organs example brain heart and lungs.
Loosen tight clothing
Keep casualty warm
Do not give anything to eat or drink if he’ll she complains of thirst moisten his lips with water.
If unconscious with breathing place him in the recovery position
CPR and AED are needed if there is no breathing
Monitor breathing and pulse
Call medlink
What are signs and symptoms
Hey brief loss of consciousness
Slow and weak pulse
Looks pale
Scheme is cold
What is the treatment
If the casualty is conscious sit him down asking to lean forward and place his head between his knees
Take deep breaths
If he becomes unconscious lay him down. raise his legs and monitor breathing and pulse
Call medlink if the passenger does not recover in a few minutes
What are the signs and symptoms
Difficulty in breathing
Unable to speak
May be gripping the throat
Congestion of the face and neck with veins becoming prominent
Lips turn blue eventually
Possible unconsciousness
What is the treatment
Encourage the casualty to cough. Remove any obvious obstructions from the mouth.
If unsuccessful apply five sharp and forceful backslaps. Support persons upperbody with one hand help lean the person forward. Applied backslaps between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand stop if the obstruction cleared check the mouth.
If still unsuccessful. Apply five sharp abdominal thrusts. Stand behind the casualties and make sure that the person is bending well forward. With one hand make a fist place the thumb side of the fist on the casualties upper abdomen. Grasp your fist firmly with the other hand and Pull sharply inward and upward against the abdomen.
Is still unsuccessful repeat both procedures.
For pregnant women use chest thrusts.
Ear pain
What is the treatment
Asked the casualty to chew gum suck a sweet.
If it does not ease the pain tell the casualties to swallow with his mouth wide open.
Close mouth pinch nose and blow through his nose
If casualty still complains of a pain contact medlink for advice
Air sickness
Sights and symptoms
Cold and clammy skin
Nausea, and possible vomiting
Air sickness/ motion sickness.
Cold damp wash cloth
Reseat in middle aircraft to seat over front edge of wings.
Keep head still focus on distant objects.
Clear liquids
Call medlink if nausea Is present and becomes severe or persistent.
Heart disorders (angina pectoris) Signs and symptoms?
Vice-like chest pain, which may spread to the jaw and down one or both arms. Pain eases with rest.
Shortness of breath
Tiredness, which is often sudden and extreme.
Feeling of anxiety.
Heart disorders (angina pectoris)
Make casualty sit comfortably.
Assist casualty in takin his medicine if available.
Give oxygen
Encourage casualty to rest. The pain should ease within a few mins.
If pain persists, or returns suspect and treat for a heart attack.
Call medlink.
Heart disorders (heart attack)
Signs and symptoms
Continuous vice like chest pain which may spread to the jaw and down one or both arms. The pain does not ease with rest.
Discomfort in the abdomen
Difficulty in breathing gasping for air
Sudden dizziness or collapse
Pale grey skin
Lips turned blue
Rapid weak and irregular pulse
Profuse sweating
Unconsciousness may develop
Breathing and heartbeat may stop
Heart disorders (heart attack)
Treat on the spot
Make the The casualty comfortable and in a half sitting position
Assist casualty in taking his medicine if available
Loosen tight clothing
Give oxygen
Treat shock.
If unconscious with breathing put casualty in the Recovery position.
If not breathing normally start CPR
A few minutes of warnings- headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, spots before eyes.
Call medlink
Signs and symptoms
Sudden severe headache
The casualty may be confused and anxious
Depending on the seriousness of the casualty, he may have paralysis on one side or both sides of the body. May dribble. Slurred speech. Unequally displayed pupils and even loss of bladder or bowel control.
Unconsciousness may develop
Breathing and heartbeat may stop
Lay casualties down with his head and shoulders slightly raised. Turn his head to one side and place a towel cloth to absorb any dribble.
Loosen tight clothing
Do not give anything to eat or drink
Monitor breathing and pulse
If unconscious with breathing out casualty in the recovery position.
Apply CPR and AED if there is no breathing
Call Medlink.
Deep vein thrombosis
Signs and symptoms
Swelling of the calf
Pain or tenderness in the leg
Redness of the affected leg
If not aware they have DVT casualty may show the following signs:
Chest pain when taking a deep breath
Shortness of breath
Deep vein thrombosis
Raised affected leg at least 6 inches to prevent the clot from enlarging and to reduce swelling.
Some tight clothing
If pulmonary embolism occurs give oxygen.
Monitor breathing and pulse
Call medlink.
Prevent this from happening encourage passenger to carry out in exercise.
Signs and symptoms
Feels weak and faint
Possible hunger
Muscle tremors
May appear confused
Looks pale
Skin feels cold and clammy
Stronger than normal pulse
Shallow breathing
Possible unconsciousness may develop.
Help to sit or lie down and give a sugary drink sugar lumps chocolate or other sweetened food.
If improves quickly give more sweet food or drink at rest until feels fully recovered.
Condition does not improve call medlink.
Monitor breathing and pulse
Needlestick injury
If you use needle blade causes injury encourage bleeding by squeezing the edges of the wound area.
Wash the area with soap and running water.
Consult a doctor as Soon as possible for further treatment tests.
Hypoxia. (Lack of oxygen)
Signs and symptoms
Headache and dizziness
Rapid distressed breathing and gasping
Blueish discolouration of the skin.