Illness scripts Flashcards
Severe, ‘lightning shock’ pain over face
May be triggered by eating, jaw movements, touch
Trigeminal neuralgia
- MX 1st line = carbamazepine 100mg BD
- Other = microvascular decompression of abnormal loop of artery (usually superior cerebellar)
Heel pain worse in the morning, better with activity
Plantar fasciitis
MX = plantar fascia stretching exercises
- 25 yo female
- Weakness when chewing and lifting things with arms
- Fatigability
Myasthenia gravis
- IX = ACh receptor Abs or MUSK Abs, nerve conduction studies/ EMG
- MX = acetylcholinesterase inhibitors e.g. pyridostigmine
- 1 week of bilateral upper limb weakness, worsening over time
- Initially only hands affected
- Reduced supinator reflex bilaterally
- Recent gastroenteritis infection
Guillain-Barre syndrome (aka acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy)
- Demyelination of nerves - may have preceding infection
- Symmetrical limb weakness, starting peripherally +/- sensory disturbance
- Maximum disability by 3-4 weeks - possibly to complete quadriplegia and respiratory paralysis
- IX = LP (elevated proteins), nerve conduction studies (abnormal)
- MX = plasma exchange or IV immunoglobulin
- 72 yo male
- Localised tenderness to upper thigh gradual onset, nil trauma
- Bloods show high ALP, normal calcium
Paget disease
- High ALP, normal Ca
- Excessive abnormal bone remodelling - enlarges and deforms bone
- Unknown cause
- Usually >50yo
- IX = high ALP + paget lesions on x-ray or bone scan
- MX = bisphosphanate if symptomatic or site at risk of complication (e.g. #, deformity)
- 1st line = 5mg IV zoledronic acid (over 15 mins)
- 67 yo male
- Notices his cap doesn’t fit him anymore
- Otherwise asymptomatic
Paget disease
- MX = bisphosphanate (if symptomatic or at risk of complication - e.g. in this case already has deformity affecting activities)
- 1st line = 5mg IV zoledronic acid (over 15 mins)
- 2 month old baby
- ‘Salty’ skin
- Frequent loose and oily bowel motions
- Recurrent ‘wet’ sounding cough
- Poor weight gain
Cystic fibrosis
- Up to 90% detected on newborn screening
- Autosomal recessive
- Abnormally thick and sticky secretions
- IX = sweat test (?high chloride), CF genotype
- MX = management of complications, early aggressive Abs, chest phyiotherapy, mucolytics, multidisciplinaty CF team care
- Pseudomonas = common lung coloniser
- 4 week old boy
- Projectile vomiting after feeding - progressively worsening over last week
- No diarrhoea
- Weight gain faltering over last week
Pyloric stenosis
- Often presents 2-6 weeks of age
- M>F, may have family history
- Vomiting non-bilious, blood-stained in 10%
- IX = capillary/ venous blood gas and electrolytes, abdo US detects 95% of cases
- May seen hypochloraemic hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis
- MX = NBM, NGT, IV hydration, electrolyte correction -> then surgical correction
- …
Ankylosing spondylitis
- …
- 48yo male
- Recurrent blocked nose, history of allergic rhinitis
- Grape-like mass seen in left nostril
Nasal polyps
- Overgrowth of sinus lining
- Risk factors = allergic or infective rhinosinusitis
- MX = intranasal corticosteroid spray e.g. mometasone intranasal 2 sprays nostril OD
- Surgery -> 50% will recur
- Vertigo with certain head movements
- Brief duration
- Rotational nystagmus
- Nausea
BPPV [benign paroxsymal positional vertigo]
- DX = Hallpike manouvre
- MX = avoid exacerbating movements, Epley manouvre
How can vestibular migraine be differentiated from BPPV?
- Vertigo not associated with movement
- Hallpike will not trigger attack
- May be associated with a headache
- Sudden onset continuous rotational vertigo
- Nausea, vomiting
- Reduced hearing
- No relief with any position
- Loss of vestibulo-ocular reflex (ability to keep eyes focused on object with quick movement of eyes)
Vestibular neuritis (labyrinthitis)
- DX = head thrust test (loss of vestibulo-ocular reflex on one side)
- MX = supportive (e.g. anti-emetics)
- Lasts days
- May be associated with URTI/ otitis media
- Episodes of reduced hearing, tinnitus, vertigo
- Well in between
- Age >60yo
Meniere’s disease
- Unknown aetiology - ?increased fluid in cochlear
- Fluctuation sensori-neural hearing loss -> eventually permanent hearing loss
- <10% may get ‘drop attacks’ - sudden fall, no LOC, immediate recovery
- MX = no known cure, betahistine is 1st line (vasodilator), surgery has variable effect
List 5 differentials for vertigo
- Meniere’s disease
- Vestibular neuritis (labyrinthitis)
- Vestibular migraine
- Cerebellar stroke
IX = Hallpike manouvre (BPPV), head thrust test (vestibular neuritis), CN + neuro exam (?nystagmus, CN deficit + upgoing plantars in cerebellar stroke), +/- CT/ MRI brain, hearing assessment