Emergency Flashcards
What is the dose per weight of adrenaline IM in anaphylaxis?
10 microg/ kg (up to 500 microg)
What is the management of suspected meningitis septicaemia/ meningococcaemia?
Call 000 for urgent ambulance transfer to hospital
IV or IM benzylpenicillin stat (60mg/kg - up to maximum of 2g) - given before reaching hospital
(ceftriaxone if penicillin hypersensitivity)
What dose of adrenaline is in the two forms of epipen, and at what age/ weight should epipen junior be changed to epipen?
Epipen junior = 0.15mg adrenaline
Epien = 0.3mg adrenaline
Epipen used for >20kg (usually 5 years and older)
How would you draw up adrenaline for anaphylaxis, and where would you give it?
- 15mL of 1:1000 adrenaline if <5yo,
- 3mL of 1:1000 adrenaline if >5yo
- 5mL of 1:1000 adrenaline if adult/ >50kg
Give IM in anterolateral thigh
Repeat in 5 mins if not improving
List 5 points of management for chest pain of suspected cardiac nature
O2 supplementation (only if O2 sat <94% RA)
Aspirin 300mg PO (chewed or dissolved in water)
GTN sublingual e.g. spray 400-800microg, repeat every 5 mins for max 3 doses if needed (only if BP stable)
Call 000 for urgent transfer to hospital via ambulance
List 5 features of thyroid storm
Tachycardia Fever Vomiting Delirium ALOC/ coma Multi-organ dysfunction (usually hepatic)
What medication would be used to treat thyroid storm?
- Propylthiouracil 200mg PO 4-6 hourly - block thyroid hormone synthesis
- Lugol solution (iodine) 0.5mL PO TDS - block thyroid hormone release
- Propranolol 40-80mg PO 6 hourly - treat tachycardia
What are the features of Addisonian crisis - list 3 clinical features and 2 biochemical features
Nausea, vomiting Severe hypotension Acute abdominal pain Weakness -> drowsiness -> shock/ coma Hyperkalaemia, hyponatraemia +/- hypoglycaemia
What is the immediate treatment of Addisonian crisis?
- Call 000 for urgent transfer to hospital
- Establish IV access
- 100mg IV hydrocortisone stat
- Then 50mg IV hydrocortisone 6 hourly until stable
- IV normal saline stat to correct volume depletion (hyperkalaemia usually responds to this alone)