Illicit substance misuse Flashcards
Classification of drug use
- Hazardous use
- Harmful use
- Dependence
Definition of hazardous use of drugs
- Drug use that is likely to lead to harm
Definition of harmful use of drugs
- Drug use which causes damage to health(physical or mental)
Definition of drug dependence
- Pattern of ongoing use that is hard to stop
Signs of drug dependence
- Withdrawal
- Compulsion
- Salience
- Persistence despite evidence of harm
- Impaired control
- Tolerance
Give examples of behavioural, cognitive and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use
- strong desire to take the drug
- difficulties controlling it’s use
- use despite harmful consequences,
- a higher priority given to drug use over other activities
- increased tolerance
- sometimes withdrawal”
What is the clinical presentation continuum
- Withdrawal(negative effects) - sober - intoxication(negative effects)
Physical complications of drug addiction
- Specific drug effects
- Contaminants
- Method of use
- Lifestyle
Mortality of drug addiction
- 1-2%/year
- 1500 deaths per year
Reasons for mortality from drug addiction
• Overdose • cellulitis • abscesses, thrombophlebitis • arterial occlusion • septicaemia • endocarditis • TB • respiratory infections • Hepatitis HIV
Psychiatric complications of drug addiction
- Drug misuse (intoxication / withdrawal) can mimic most psychiatric syndromes.
- Drug misusers increase rate psychiatric illness
- anxiety (28%)
- depression (26%)
- PD (18%)
- schizophrenia (7%)
- Suicide risk x 15
Cardiovascular complications of cocaine use
- BP increases
- MI
- Arrhythmias and sudden death
CNS complications of cocaine use
- CVA’s
- Seizures(lowers threshold)
Infective complications of cocaine use
- Abscesses
- Cellulitis
- Hepatitis
- Septicaemia
Respiratory complications of cocaine use
- Chest pain
- Dyspnoea
- Lung damage “crack lung”
- Respiratory failure
A general complication of cocaine use
- Weight loss
Obstetric complications of cocaine use
- Miscarriage
- Premature labour
Psychological complications of cocaine use
• Crash (Withdrawal) • Irritability, restlessness, fatigue, hypersomnia, hyperphagia • Anxiety especially panic • Depression / Mania • Anti-social behaviour • Paranoid Psychosis • Tactile / visual hallucinations. “Cocaine bug ” Repetitive behaviour
Signs of opiate intoxication
- Euphoria / relaxation
- Feeling of well being
- Constricted pupils
- Drowsiness
- Slurred speech
- Poor attention and concentration
Short-term effects of heroin
Central - euphoria, alternately alert and drowsy state
Mouth - Dryness
Skin - warm flushing
Respiratory - slowed breathing
Muscular - weakness
Opiate abstinence syndrome
- Drug Craving
- Anxiety
- Drug-seeking behaviour
- Yawning
- Sweating
- Running eyes and nose
- Restless sleep
- Dilated pupils
- Goose flesh (“cold turkey”)
- Hot and cold flushes:
- shivering
- Aching bones and muscles
- Loss of appetite
What are the majority of deaths from illicit opiate consumption due to
- Overdose
Why is an opiate overdose the most common reason for death
- Accidental
- Suicide attempt
- Latrogegenic
Triad of symptoms pointing to an opiate overdose
- Unconsciousness
- Respiratory depression
- Pin point pupils
Treatment for an opiate overdose
- Establish airway
- Ventilate(100% O2)
- Naloxone IV/IM
- Repeat 2-3mins
Signs and symptoms of an opiate overdose
- Decreased level of consciousness
- Cyanosis
- Skin cold and clammy
- Pupils pin point(later dilated)
- Muscles flaccid(can cause rhabdomyolysis)
- Respiratory arrest
- Cardiac arrest
When to refer to specialist services
- Unable to make changes following brief intervention & needing further help?
- Dependent – with a history of withdrawal?
- Showing a high level of alcohol / drug related harm?
- Previously known to treatment services?
- Pregnant / breast feeding?
- Experiencing mental health issues?
- Mixing drugs, prescribed or illegal or legal?
What is substance misuse
A person with a substance misuse problem is any person who experiences physical, psychological, social or legal problems as a consequence of their own repeated use of a substance, or the repeated use of a substance/s by other persons