Anxiety disorders - clinical picture Flashcards
How long does an acute stress reaction last for
- Acute stress reaction lasts hours to 3 days
Typical symptoms of acute stress
- Feelings of being numb or dazed
- Insomnia
- Restlessness
- Poor concentration
- Autonomic arousal
- Anger/anxiety/depression
- Withdrawal
Adjustment disorder
• Wide range of emotional or behavioural symptoms
• Stressor not necessarily life threatening
• Out of proportion to stressor
Lasts up to 6 months
• Response to exceptionally threatening or catastrophic event
• … experienced ,witnessed … event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury …. or threat to physical integrity of self or others.
… response involved intense fear, helplessness or hor
PTSD - difference in genders
- Men experience more traumatic events than women
* Women more likely to develop PTSD following trauma (except rape)
PTSD symptoms
- Re-experiencing flashbacks/nightmares
- Numbness/detachment
- Avoidance
- Hypervigilance/startle
- Insomnia
- Anxiety/depression
PTSD course
- Usually immediate onset
- Most recover within 1 year
- Rape victims
- 94% at 2 weeks
- 65% at 1 month
- 42% at 6 months
Effect of depression and substance abuse on PTSD
- Increases risk
Models of post-traumatic reactions concur that recovery is thought to require:
- ‘Working through’ the trauma memory (going through the experience again in one’s own mind)
- Understanding the meaning of the event
- Distinguishing which of the stimuli present at the time of the trauma are dangerous & which are innocuous
- Readjusting basic beliefs about the self and the world
Effect of stress on neurons
- causes functional changes
Features of generalised anxiety disorders
- Symptoms are persistent
- Symptoms are not restricted to or strongly predominating in any particular set of circumstances
- Characteristic features:
- Worry & apprehension
- Headache & motor tension (restless / trembling)
- Autonomic hyperactivity (sweating / palpitations / dry mouth / epigastric discomfort / dizziness)
Psychological symptoms of GAD
- Fearful anticipation
- Irritability
- Sensitivity to noise
- Restlessness
- Poor concentration
- Worrying thoughts
GI physical symptoms of GAD
• Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, epigastric discomfort, excessive wind, frequent/loose motions
Respiratory physical symptoms of GAD
- Tight chest, difficulty inhaling, hyperventilation
CVS physical symptoms of GAD
- Palpitations, chest pain, missed beats
Additional symptoms of GAD
Sleep disturbances - insomnia, night terrors
- Sadness
- Depersonalisation
- Fixation with details
Co-morbidities associated with GAD
- 70%
- Especially simple phobias, social phobia, panic disorder and depression
Gender - GAD
- Women>men
Lifetime prevalence of GAD
- 8.9%
Where is GAD more prevalent
- Estimated to be 3x higher in patients in primary care clinics (indicated increased use of health care services)
Aetiology of GAD - Genetic predisposition
- Five fold increase in 1st degree relatives1
- 19.5% in relatives of GAD sufferers
- 3.5% in relatives of controls
- Monozygotic = dizygotic
- Shared heritability for GAD and mood disorders
- In summary: Genetic factors play a modest role
What is believed to mediate the effects of stress
- Mediated through cortisol - some evidence exists for abnormalities in the HPA axis
What are noradrenergic pathways associated with
- Fear, arousal and stress response; role in persistent anxiety states implicated but unclear
Specific stressors associated with an increase in risk of GAD
- Early parental death
- Rape
- Combat
- Chronically dysfunctional marital and family relationships
What is the attachment theory
- Parents or other consistent caregivers serve important function in a child’s development
- They provide a protective and secure base from which the child can operate
- Disruption leads to anxious apprehension and dependency
- Severe disruption leads to withdrawal and depression
What is agoraphobia
- a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed
Clinical picture of panic - psychic
Psychic - fear of losing control, going mad, fainting, dying, derealisation, depersonalisation
Clinical picture of panic - somatic
Somatic: Palpitations, tachycardia, sweating, trembling, dyspnoea, choking, chest pain, nausea, ‘butterflies’, urgency, dizziness, faintness, paraesthesia, chills/flushes
Panic differential diagnosis - endocrine
- Hypoglycaemia
- Phaeocromocytoma
- Carcinoid
Panic differential diagnosis - CVS
- Arrythmia
Panic differential diagnosis - Respiratory
- Asthma
Clinical picture of agoraphobia
- Anxiety in specific context:
- Away from home
- In crowds
- In situations they cannot easily leave
Presentation of agoraphobia
- Anxiety symptoms and panic attacks
- Anxious cognitions about fainting and loss of control are common
- Avoidance is common
Prevalence of panic attacks
- 7-9% of the population
- 1.5-2.5% lifetime prevalence
- Onset has two peaks 15-24 and 15-54
Risk factors for panic attacks
- Widowed, divorced or separated individuals in cities
* Limited education, early parental loss & physical/sexual abuse
Panic attacks - gender
- Females>males
- Agoraphobia is especially prevalent in females
- Males - longer duration but less agoraphobia and depression
Genetic predisposition - panic attacks
- Increased risk in 1st degree relatives ~ 7 fold
- Increased concordance in all but one monozygotic twin study
- Modest inheritability suggested by family & twin studies
- At least 50% environmental influences
Environmental factors - panic attacks
- Precipitating events in 60-96% of cases
- Separation / loss
- Relationship difficulties
- New responsibilities
- Traumatic early life events
- Early parental separation
- Traumatic childhood event – 3 fold increase
- Early sexual abuse (<5 years of age)
Where might panic attacks be triggered in the brain
- Locus coeruleus
- Increased firing associated with increased CO2 etc
Noradrenergic agents that can stimulate attacks in sufferers
- Yohimbine and isoproterenol stimulate attacks in sufferers
Effect of SSRIs in panic attacks
- Effective but contradictory findings regarding the role of serotonin
Role of GABA - panic attacks
- γ-Aminobuyric acid (GABA) has a role:
- Benzodiazepine agonists are clearly effective
- Benzodiazepine antagonist (flumazenil) aggravates attacks
Role of cholecystokinin - panic attacks
- Causes panic attacks in animals
Role of pentagastrin - panic attacks
- Causes attacks in panic disorder patients
Clinical picture of specific phobias
- Inappropriate anxiety in the presence of one or more particular objects or situations
- Characterised by adding the name of the stimulus (e.g. Spider Phobia)
- Avoid jargon (e.g. Arachnophobia)
Specific phobias - subtypes
- Inappropriate anxiety in the presence of one or more particular objects or situations
- Characterised by adding the name of the stimulus (e.g. Spider Phobia)
- Avoid jargon (e.g. Arachnophobia)
Specific phobias - individuals with blood - injection - injury phobias
- Individuals with blood–injection–injury phobias exhibit a biphasic anxiety reaction:
- Initial short-lived sympathetic arousal
- Followed by parasympathetic arousal
- May result in vasovagal syncope
- The subjective experience tends to disgust and repulsion rather than pure apprehension
Specific phobias - other subtypes
- In other subtypes, exposure to the phobic stimulus evokes intense anxiety that may meet the criteria for a situationally bound panic attack
- There is extreme apprehension and desire to escape or avoid the phobic stimulus
What percentage of the population experience at least one lifetime psychiatric disorder
> 80%
Lifetime prevalence of specific phobias
- 11.3%
Mean age of onset for specific phobias
- 15 years
Specific phobias - gender
- Women>men
- Blood-injection-injury phobia did not differ
Aetiology of specific phobias - genetics
- All Specific Phobias: evidence for genetic transmission
- 31% of 1st degree relatives affected
- Animal phobias:
- monozygotic 26%
- Dizygotic 11%
Aetiology of specific phobias - psychological approach
• Psychoanalytic approach: Symptoms related to unresolved unconscious conflicts
Aetiology of specific phobias - classical conditioning
phobias are learned through association of negative experience with an object or situation
Aetiology of specific phobias - Preparedness theory
• Marks’ ‘preparedness’ theory maintains that commonly feared objects are those that historically threatened the survival of the individual or the species
Link between observational learning and phobias
• Large number of studies suggest that phobias may be acquired via observational learning
Clinical picture of social phobia
- Inappropriate anxiety in:
- Situations where the person is observed
- Situations where there is potential for criticism
- Leads to avoidance of trigger situations
- Eating in public
- Dinner parties
- Committees, seminars, public speaking
Symptoms of social phobia
- Anticipatory anxiety
- Feeling anxious
- Blushing
- Trembling (observed writing is a problem)
- Relieved by alcohol (potential for abuse)
Epidemiology of social phobia
• Possibly as high as 7% of primary care patients
• Lifetime risk 2.4 – 13.3% depending upon the definition of “caseness”
81% at some time meet the criteria for another psychiatric disorder (very high comorbidity)
Onset of social phobia
• Onset usually early in life
• 1st peak before age 5
• 2nd peak between 11 – 15
Presentation unusual after age 30
Social phobia - gender
• Women > men, but men more likely to present
Social phobia - genetics
- Both genetics and environmental factors contribute, with genetics contributing < ⅓ of the variance in the transmission
- 16% of relatives of probands vs 5% of relatives of controls
- Monozygotic > dizygotic
Clinical picture of OCD - 1
- Obsessional thoughts / images
- Words, ideas, beliefs and/or images
- Recognised as own
- Intrude forcibly into the mind
- They are resisted
- Compulsions reduce anxiety
- Cleaning/checking
- Precision – ‘just right’
OCD symptoms
- Contamination - washing
- Doubts - checking
Clinical picture of OCD 2
- Obsessional impulses
- Urges to perform acts
- Obsessional rituals
- Magic words or numbers
- Desire to complete acts (e.g. hand washing)
- Compulsions – the need to act on the obsessions
Epidemiology of OCD - 1
- Several researchers have reported lifetime prevalence of 2-3%1,2
- This rate has been confirmed across different cultures2
- Others suggest that the diagnosis of OCD by the Diagnostic Interview Schedule administered by lay people leads to over-diagnosis, and so have proposed lower prevalence rates of 1-2%3,4
Epidemiology of OCD - 2
- Men = women
- Some reports suggest a slight female predominance
- During adolescence, boys > girls.
- Mean age of onset is ~ 20 years of age.
- Prevalence 2-3%
OCD co-morbidities
- Major depressive episode: ~67% lifetime prevalence
- ↑ lifetime risk for:
- alcohol disorders
- social phobia
- specific phobia
- panic disorder
- eating disorders
- Schizophrenia
- tic disorders (~ 40% in juvenile OCD)
- ↑ prevalence of Tourette’s syndrome in relatives
- Unclear relationship between OCD & obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), but it appears that OCPD is not a prominent risk factor for OCD
Aetiology of OCD neurotransmitters
- Serotonin dysregulation:
- Evidence from efficacy of various serotonergic drugs
- Dopamine dysfunction:
- Evidence from abundance of OCD symptoms in basal ganglia disorders (Tourette’s syndrome, Sydenham’s chorea, & postencephalitic parkinsonism)
- The therapeutic benefits from co-administration of dopamine blockers and SSRIs in a subset of patients with OCD and tic disorders
OCD - genetics
- Monozygotic»_space; dizygotic
* First-degree relatives of patients with childhood-onset OCD have a higher than expected incidence of OCD
OCD - Behavioural factors(learning theory)
- Obsessions are conditioned stimuli: when a relatively neutral stimulus is coupled with an anxiety-provoking stimulus, it produces anxiety when presented alone
- Compulsions reduce anxiety and the patient repeats them and learns them in order to avoid anxiety
- Avoidance strategies are learned and become fixed
OCD - behavioural factors(dynamic theory)
- Obsessional Neurosis first described by Freud
* The disorder was thought to result from a regression from the Oedipal Phase to the Anal Phase