sniffer de la cocaïne
To snort cocaine:
se banaliser
To become commonplace :
un réseau de trafiquants
A drug ring, a drug cartel :
A drug pusher, a drug peddler :
un dealer
entreprendre une cure de
to go into rehab :
être accro à qqch
To be addicted to sth :
essayer l’héroïne
To experiment with heroin :
To relapse :
le responsable de la
lutte contre la drogue.
The drug czar / the drug tsar (US) :
la criminalité due à la drogue
Drug-related crime :
faire entrer de la
drogue dans un pays
To smuggle drugs into a country :
le pour et le contre
The pros and cons
les symptômes de l’état de
Withdraxal symptoms
War on drugs
The expression “War on drugs” refers to a Nixon policy that begun 1969: to struggle drug reselling and abuse,
Government created a “Drugs Enforcement Administration”. Due to a new point of view of the Obama
Administration about drugs, the so-called “War on drugs” is since 2009 over.
The US-Government experimented a Prohibition policy about alcohol betwenen 1919 and 1933, also known as
“The Noble Experiment”. It as failed and enforced trafficking-activities, such as illegal bootlegging, and public
violence. Increasingly impopular, the experiment was stopped after the beginning of the Great Depression.