Ikke-infektiøse lidelser i fordøjelseskanalen hos kvæg Flashcards
Hvilke kliniske tegn ses ved dårlig fordøjelse, herunder ruminal dysfunktion? 5 stk
General signs common to all forms of indigestion
include 1) a reduction or absence of appetite, 2) dullness(sløvhed) or 3) depression, and 4) decreased animal productivity.
The most common signs of ruminal dysfunction are 5) a decrease, absence. or abnormality of ruminal contraction sounds in the left paralumbar fossa or an abnormal left-sided abdominal contour.
Most indigestions are marked by decreased or absent ruminations (regurgitation and cud chewing) and depressed ruminal contractions.
lndigestions can be characterized by decreased, normal, or excessive filling of the reticulorumen.Most primary and secondary indigestions are associated with ruminal hypomotility and anorexia. = nedsat fyldning af vom.
Free gasaccumulation often occurs secondary to the causes of ruminal motility inhibition and is important as a sign of in digestion.
Most indigestions produce decreased ruminal motility or ruminal stasis.
Hvordan ser kalve ud hvis de har dårlig fordøjelse?
Indigestion in calves effectively produces a state of malnutrition, and additional signs in these growing animals include poor growth rate and long, rough hair coat.
Hvilke sygdomme giver dårlig fordøjelse i form af øget ruminal motilitet?
Only early cases of frothy bloat and some cases of
vagal indigestion d isplay increased ruminal motility.
Hvordan er kropstemperaturen ved dårlig fordøjelse?
Body temperature usually is with in normal limits
because the causes of indigestion are main ly physiologic
abnormalities. Exceptions include TRP and occasional cases of rumenitis with significant inflammation.
Hvad kan der ske i formaverne ved alvorlig ruminal acidose?
Rapid accumulation of fluid in the forestomach
chamber in severe ruminal acidosis with grain
overload can induce severe dehydration, systemic acidosis, and increased heart and respiratory rates.
Hvad er vigtigt at notere ved en ko med dårlig fordøjelse?
The anamnesis is important, especially with regard to the
animal’s feeding. Characteristics of the feed determine the type of fermentation pattern to be expected. Knowledge of the nutrient content thus allows an assessment of the biochemistry of microbial digestion.
The feeding history should agree with the
findings from inspection of the ruminal contents, or the history should be suspected to be in accurate. The amount and consistency of the feces should also provide supportive evidence of the type and amount of feed intake.
Hvad kan give frothy bloat?
Consumption of a highconcentrate, low-fiber ration or legume pasture may lead to frothy bloat.
Hvad kan give lav mikrobial fermentative aktivitet?
A ration of poor-quality hay or straw may result in low microbial fermentative activity and accumulation of impacted indigestible roughage.
Hvad kan give kronisk eller akut ruminal acidose?
Overeating of carbohydrates or sudden access to concentrate feeds with out adequate ad aptation time can induce chronic or acute ruminal acidosis.
Hvad kan give formave distention?
Forms of indigestion in which abnormal ingesta or ab normal ruminal motility prevents effective forward flow of ingesta (overfeeding of poor-quality roughage, vagal indigestion) or in which fluid is actively sequestered in the reticulorumen (acute rumina! acidosis) typically cause some degree of forestomach distention.
Hvad indikerer en venstresidet eller bilateral ventral abdominal væg distention hos ko?
A left-sided or bilateral ventral abdominal wall distention
indicates ventral ruminal dilation, although advanced pregnancy and hydrops conditions must be considered .
Fra Google: (Hydrops fetalis is a condition in the fetus characterized by an accumulation of fluid, or edema, in at least two fetal compartments)
Hvad giver distention af den dorsal venstre flanke?
1) Distention of the dorsal left flank results from ruminal tympany with or with out distention of the ventral rumen.
2) Abomasal displacement to the left can produce mild distention of the dorsal left flank under the caudal ribs and extending into the paralumbar fossa, but the abdomen usually is gaunt (mager) and empty when viewed from the side or the rear.
3) Occasional cases of left-displaced abomasum appear to inhibit eructation and produce gross ruminal tympany as the primary sign. Release of free ruminal gas through a stomach tube and reexamination for abdominal pings reveals this cause of secondary ruminal dysfunction.
Hvad giver giver højresidet abdominal distention hos kvæg?
Right-sided abdominal distention suggests the various conditions of dilation, displacement and obstruction or ileus of the intestines and abomasum.
Hvad kan give reticuloruminal distention?
The diseases that cause obstruction and reflux of abomasal ingesta into the rumen may result in reticuloruminal distention.
Hvad giver gross bilateral dorsal og ventral distention af abdomen?
Both prolonged cases of gastrointestinal obstruction at
any site and generalized peritonitis can produce gross bilateral dorsal and ventral distention of the abdomen.
Hvad er tegn på anterior abdominal smerte?
The animal should be studied for signs of pain. A painfilled
expression, a reluctance to move, an abnormal, stilted
gait, an arched back with a tucked -up abdomen, and an
extended neck are typical signs of anterior abdominal pain.
These signs may indicate TRP, abomasal ulceration, or
another source of pain.
TRP=traumatisk reticuloperitonitis
Hvad er tegn på laminitis?
A similar stilted gait and reluctance to move are typical of laminitis, a common sequela of acute ruminal acidosis.
Hvad er en følgesygdom til akut ruminal acidosis?
A similar stilted gait and reluctance to move are typical of laminitis, a common sequela of acute ruminal acidosis.
Hvordan er laginddelingen i rumen/vommen?
Ventrally a fluid consistency can be palpated, whereas dorsally the consistency is firm and doughy(dejagtig). The doughy layer consists of the fibrous portion of the feed.
In the normal condition a small layer of free gas is present in the most dorsal region.
Hvad kan give en meget dilateret rumen fyldt med væske eller skummende indhold, som kan opdages ved svinauskultation (ballottement)?
Most cases of vagal indigestion and some cases of high intestinal obstruction cause a grossly dilated rumen filled with fluid or foamy contents that may fluctuate on ballottement.
Hvad kan være skyld i at den normale lagindeling i vommen/rumen, så den ventrale del af formaven er fastere end området ovenover.
With prolonged or severe ruminal stasis, as may occur in TRP (traumatisk reticuloperitoneum). The lack of ruminal
motility leads to failure to maintain the normal layering
of the contents. In these instances the ventral portion of
the forestomach is firmer th an the area above.
Hvad sker i formaven ved ruminal acidose?
During severe ruminal acidosis, fluid accumulates in the forestomach. This can lead to some degree of abdominal distention, and on palpation the ruminal contents are fluid and may even splash with ballottement.
Hvilke lidelser i formaven kan høres ved svingauskultation?
1) Most cases of vagal indigestion and some cases of high intestinal obstruction cause a grossly dilated rumen filled with fluid or foamy contents that may fluctuate on ballottement.
2) During severe ruminal acidosis, fluid accumulates in the forestomach. This can lead to some degree of abdominal distention, and on palpation the ruminal contents are fluid and may even splash with ballottement.
Kan rumen/vommen mærkes ved rektalundersøgelse?
Ved rektalundersøgelse, hvad kan man mærke i rumen?
1) Moderate degrees of free gas accumulationare often more easily detectable per rectum.
2) Palpation per rectum is also useful in distinguishing the presence of an L shaped rumen, in which the ventral sac of the rumen is grossly distended in cases of vagalindigestion. It is important to differentiate an L-shaped rumen from either abomasal distention or impaction, which can display a similar external abdominal contour.
3) It is also important to palpate for the size of the lymph nodes in the longitudinal groove of the rumen. These can enlarge to prominent size when rumenitis is present.
Kan man foretage rektalundersøgelse på små ruminanter og kalve?
Hos gede og kalve kan man ikke foretage rektalundersøgelse, så istedet bruger man begge hænder til at palpere abdomen med.. Hvilke lidelser kan opdages på denne måde?
External palpation using both hands can be valuable
in these animals. In calves and goats it is the best method
for detecting bezoars or clotted clumps of milk in the rumen and for palpating intussusception, umbilical abscesses, or grossly abnormal kidneys.
A bezoar /ˈbiːzɔər/ is a mass found trapped in the gastrointestinal system (usually the stomach), though it can occur in other locations.
An intussusception is a medical condition in which a part of the intestine has invaginated into another section of intestine, similar to the way in which the parts of a collapsible telescope slide into one another.[1] This can often result in an obstruction.
Hvor undersøger man ruminale kontraktioner/vomkontraktioner på kvæg?
Hvor mange vomkontraktioner har en normal ko pr minut?
Palpation of the left paralumbar fossa reveals the presence of ruminal contractions.
In a normal animal, three contraction s should occur over a 2-minute period. One of these contractions should be associated with an eructation of gas, which can be appreciated both visually and audibly.
Hvordan vurderer man motiliteten?
The motility pattern is characterized by changes in both frequency and strength, and weak contractions can also be detected by palpation .
Hvordan er motiliteten ved sekundær dårlig fordøjelse?
Some cases of secondary indigestion, in which the decreased ruminal function is a result of inappetence rather than an inhibition of ruminal motility, show a normal contraction frequency but decreased contraction strength.
Hvad resulterer decreased ruminal fill, decreased fiber content of the ingesta, or overdistention of the ruminal wall musculature i ifht. motiliteten?
Decreased ruminal fill, decreased fiber content of the ingesta, or overdistention of the ruminal wall musculature results in reduced strength and duration of the contraction sequence.
Hvordan vurderer man vommens motilitet?
Ved palpation og auskultation, og sammenligne de to.
Hvordan lyder rumen når et dyr fodres med høj-koncentreret (lav fiber) foder?
The ruminal contents of animals fed a high-concentrate diet produce less sound because very-low-fiber rations induce weaker contractions and because less fibrous material is in contact with the ruminal wall.
Hvordan lyder rumen når der er vagal indigestion?
The ruminal motility pattern is disrupted in vagal indigestion. Although contractions are present and maybe more frequent than normal, their lack of normal coordination can lead to a churning (kværning) of the ingesta without the usual progression of transport. This disrupts the normal stratification of the contents and produces abnormal sounds that are heard as a rumbling, bubbling, or splashing.
Hvornår producerer kontraktioner plaskelyde i rumen?
When stratification is disrupted because of a hypoactive rumen and more fluid is present in the dorsal area of the rumen, contractions produce splashing sounds.
Hvad kan give ping lyde i venstre side af koen?
The accumulation of gas (i rumen) under these circumstances may produce ringing tones as the fluid moves, similar to the pings found with a displaced abomasum.
Hvordan kan man vurdere om ruminal kontraktion er associeret med retikulær kontraktion?
Some circumstances require a distinction between primary
and secondary contraction cycles, and they can be differentiated by ausculting for reticular contractions. Holding the stethoscope at the seventh intercostal space at the level of the costochondral junction, the examiner can detect a tinkling fluid sound as the reticulum contracts. A hand held in the para lumbar fossa (hungergruben) can detect the tensed bulging of the dorsal sac as it contracts, allowing the examiner to determine if the ruminal contraction is associated with a reticular contraction. Reticular contraction and motility can also be
assessed by transabdominal ultrasound.
Hvordan vurderer man om der er væske eller gas akkumulering i rumen?
Combining the auscultation with percussion or ballottement allows assessment of gas or fluid accumulations. The sounds heard in the left flank should be compared with those in the left rib area and right side of the abdomen.
Hvad kan høje pling lyde eller væske tikling lyde i venstre side skyldes?
High-pitched pings and fluid tinkling sounds suggest a
viscus filled with gas and fluid. In the left flank th is may represent a displaced abomasum, gas-forming abscess, pneumoperitoneum, or static rumen.
Hvordan kan man udelukke at rumen er skyld i pling lydene?
Generally the rumen can be ruled out as the source of pings if palpat ion reveals normal doughy ruminal contents, no ruminal tympany is felt per rectum, and sounds of normal ruminal contractions are heard in the paralumbar fossa.
Hvad skyldes ruminal kollaps, og hvordan lyder det, og hvad kan det forveksles med?
Prolonged anorexia associated with infectious or inflammatory diseases such as pneumonia or mastitis can result in a staticunderfilled rumen, and occasionally a prominent ping can be ausculted in the left flank. where a filled rumen normally would be found. This condition has been called “ruminal collapse,” and careful evaluation is required to distinguish it from left-displaced abomasum (venstresidet løbdrejning).
Hvordan lyder rumen ved alvorlig ruminal acidosis?
Ballottement of the rumen may reveal splashing fluid sounds without a high pitch in cases in which the rumen has accumulated significant fluid. This occurs frequently in cases of severe ruminal acidosis.
Hvordan tester man for smerte i anterior abdomen?
Hvad kan forårsage smerte her?
Tests of pain sensitivity in the anterior abdomen (percussion, deep palpation, withers pinch,
xiphoid pressure) are performed to examine for localized
peritonitis caused by TRP or abomasal ulceration. The same procedures, especially percussion or application of pressure to a localized area in the ventral abdomen, can be used to localize pain associated with rumenitis or ruminal abscessation or perforating abosomal ulceration.
Vil fæces være normal ved formave dysfunktion?
The feces are abnormal in most cases of forestomach
Hvornår vil akutte sygdommes resultat på fæces ses hos kvæg?
In adult cattle, passage of ingesta through the digestive tract requires 1,5 to 4 days. Changes in the feces caused by acute diseases therefore are often delayed by a day or longer beyond the first appearance of other clinical signs.
Hvordan ser fæces ud ved sygdomme som reducerer flowet af rumenindhold fra rumen til den nedre mave-tarm kanal?
Diseases that reduce the flow of ingesta from the rumen
to the lower gastrointestinal tract typically result in feces of reduced volume that are firm (fast) and dry (pga større resorption af vand). These findings are also present with reduced feed or water intake.
Hvordan ser fæces ud ved vagal indigestion og formavesygdomme som producerer ruminal stasis uden unormal fermentativ mønster?
In severe instances the feces form into firm disks or balls with a dark, shiny mucous covering. These findings are typical of vagal indigestion and forestomach diseases that produce ruminal stasis without a grossly abnormal fermentative pattern.
Hvordan ser fæces ud ved intestinal/tarm obstruktioner?
Intestinal obstructions also decrease fecal passage
to the point of absence, but usually the material passed also presents other gross abnormalities such as blood. melena, or discolored mucus.
Hvor store er plantefibre normal i kvæg fæces? Hvis de er længere, hvad kan det skyldes?
Plant fibers in normal bovine feces measure up to 0.5 cm. Particles with inadequate breakdown may measure 1 to 2 cm or longer. This long particle size may be seen in the feces of cattle with TRP, some cases of vagal indigestion, and poor-quality roughage (grovfoder) with insufficient microfloralactivity.
Similar findings occur with tooth disease and some cases
of abomasitis or cellulitis at the cardia or esophageal groove, in which rumination or activity of the retlculoomasal orifice is inhibited.
Hvis man ser mange hele korn i fæces, hvad kan det skyldes?
Whole cereal grains (especially whole corn)
may pass in the feces of normal cattle. but excessive amounts of grain should raise suspicion of excessive intake and acute ruminal addosis.
Feces with an abnormally fine particle size and greasy-pasty texture… hvad skyldes det?
Feces with an abnormally fine particle size and greasy-pasty texture are associated with delayed passage from the forestomach. These are common findings in most cases of vagal indigestion and abomasal displacement.
Foamy, fluid feces with a yellow-brown color and acidic
smell are typical of ?
Foamy, fluid feces with a yellow-brown color and acidic
smell are typical of ruminaI lactic acidosis in adult cattle.
Hvordan ser fæces ud ved unormal ruminal fermentation?
Abnormal ruminal fermentation not only produces feces
with abnormal odor but also typically leads to a pasty or
fluid consistency as well.
Thus abnormal odor typically occurs when the ruminal fermentation pattern is altered, as in simple indigestion caused by abnormal feed, ruminal acidosis, ruminal alkalosis, or ruminal content putrefaction (forrådnelse).
Hvilke sygdomme kan være livstruende ifbm. dårlig fordøjelse?
Frothy bloat (see p. 855) and acute ruminal lactic acidosis or grain engorgement (overfyldning).
The severe form of indigestion leads to severe systemic
involvement, with depression, severe dehydration, weakness, recumbency, profuse (voldsom) diarrhea, and eventually death
Hvad er tit en komplikation hos kvæg med intermediær grad af ruminal acidose?
In cattle with intermediate degrees of rumina! acidosis,
other signs may develop secondarily. **Acute or chronic laminitis **is a common complication.
Hvordan påvirkes pulsen typisk ved dårlig fordøjelse? Hvordan afhjælper man dette?
Bradycardia of 40 to 60 beats/min is frequently associated with certain types of indigestion.
The bradycardia can be alleviated (afhjulpet)
by subcutaneous administration of 30 mg of atropine,
differentiating increased vagal nervetone from a primary cardiac conduction disturbance.
Recognition of bradycardia in association with other signs of ruminal dysfunction is probably most useful as evidence that stimuli for an increased heart rate, such as inflammatory, infectious, or fluid balance disturbances, are not prominent factors in individual disease occurrence.
Hvornår ses forhøjet puls?
Animals with advanced cases with severe abdominal distention or fluid imbalances (or both) frequently show elevated heartrates (over 80 beats/min) .
Er opkastning almindelig for ruminanter?
Hvad kan forårsage det?
Vomiting is uncommon in ruminants, but
when it does occur, it generally reflects forestomach disease.
Explosive vomiting of fluid ingesta in large quantity occurs when the reticulorumen is irritated and occasionally when it is overdistended.
Vomiting may accompany diaphragmatic herniation of the reticulum, inflammation of the reticulorumen caused by actinobacillosis, vagal indigestion, or obstruction of the reuculoomasal orifice.
Vomiting also occurs with certain intoxications , most notably azalea, rhododendron, and sneezeweed toxicity and some organophosphate toxicities .
Hvad bruger man ruminal væske analyse til?
Hvordan udtager man prøven?
Hvad er vigtigt for at undgå kontaminering med spyt?
Betyder det noget hvornår man vurderer den udtagne prøve?
Evaluation of ruminaI fluid characteristics is an essential procedure in establishing the cause of the indigestions of abnormal fermentation.
Needle puncture of the ventral rurninalsac (rumenocentesis) may yield a satisfactory fluid sample.
Oral or nasal passage of a collection tube.
Ruminal fluid samples collected in an expeditious (hurtig) manner yield the most useful results. When the animal strongly resists sampling and a prolonged time is required from introduction of the tube until the fluid is obtained, saliva contamination of the sample increases. This contamination alters the pH and consistency of the sample.
The sample should be evaluated as soon as possible
after collection to minimize the effects of cooling and air
exposure on protozoal activity and pH.
The more elaborate (omfattende) chemical tests such as chloride, acid, and ammonia concentrations can be delayed up to 9 hours for a room temperature sample and up to 24 hours for a refrigerated sample and still yield reliable results.
Hvordan ser rumen væske ud fra kvæg med acidose?
Fluid from cattle with acidosis tends toward a milky gray.
Hvordan ser ruminal væske ud fra kvæg med forlænget stasis eller nedbrydning af ruminal intesta (eller begge)?
Ruminal fluid from animals with prolonged stasis or decomposition of the ruminal ingesta (or both) is a darker greenish black.
Hvad kan gøre en normal viskøs ruminal væske mere vandig?
Normal ruminal fluid has a slightly viscous consistency.
The fluid becomes more watery when the rnicroflora is
Hvordan lugter normal rumen væske?
Hvad kan give en unormal lugt?
Ruminal fluid has a typical odor that has been called “aromatic.” The odor is less prominent when the microflora is inactive.
Abnormal odors include the acidic smell of lactic acidosis, the putrid, foul odor of protein decomposition or spoiled milk with putrefaction of rumlnal ingesta, or the ammonia smell of urea poisoning .
Hvordan er pH i rumen væske, og hvad påvirker det?
Ligger normalt mellem 6 og 7, eller 5,5-6,5 ved dyr som mest fodres med korn.
Spyt = Forhøjer pH
Fermentering = sænker pH
In animals heldoff feed the ruminal pH rises
above 7 within 12 hours after a hay meal and within 24
hours after a high-grain meal. Therefore consideration of
the most recent feed consumption is important to the interpretationof the ruminal fluid pH measurement.
Rumina! pH values of 7 to 7.5 are common in animals
with anorexia.
A cow with ruminal acidosis can be normal if a sufficient period of anorexia precedes the ruminal fluid analysis.
Subacute or chronic ruminal acidosis usually is accompanied by a ruminal pH in the range of 5 to 5.5.
Hvad kan give abomasal reflux, og hvilken betydning har det for pH i rumen væsken?
Abomasal reflux into the reticulorumen caused by abomasal disease, vagal indigestion, or intestinal obstruction can cause mild decreases in ruminal pH
because of the acidic nature of abomasal contents.
Abomasal reflux is better assessed by measurement of the ruminal chloride concentration.
Hvordan kan man vurdere mikroflora aktivitet?
The sedimentation activity time, or sedimentation-
flotation test, provides a quick evaluation of microfloralactivity.
It must be conducted promptly after collection of the sample.
The aspirated fluid is allowed to sit in a tube, and the time for completion of sedimentation and flotation of the solid particles is measured.
Normally the finer particles settle to the bottom and the coarser (grovere) particles float, buoyed by the gas bubbles of fermentation.
The normal time for completion of this activity is 4 to 8 minutes.
This test provides a crude evaluation of microfloral activity but does not differentiate well among the different forms of indigestion.
Hvordan er sedimentations testen ved inaktiv mikroflora?
Grossly inactive fluid shows very rapid sedimentation, and none of the material may float. This occurs with rumina! acidosis, prolonged anorexia, and inactive microflora caused by indigestible roughage.
Hvad beskriver rumen væskens redox potentiale?
Hvordan tester man dette potentiale?
The redox [reduction-oxidation] potential
of ruminal fluid is a biochemical characteristic that
reflects the anaerobic fermentative metabolism of the bacterial population.
Thus the methylene blue reduction time provides an assessment of the degree of bacterial fermentative activity.
An indirect determination of the redox
potential can be achieved by measuring the time required
by ruminal fluid to decolorize methylene blue dye.
Reduction times up to 15 minutes and
longer occur with diets of indigestible roughage, in anorexia of several days’ duration, and after ruminal acidosis.
Hvad bruger man viden om antal og aktivitet af protozoer i rumen væsken til?
Hvordan udføres testen?
Evaluation of the number and activity of protozoa in the ruminal fluid provides a sensitive indicator of the normalcy of the sample.
This is easily accomplished by examining a drop of fresh, warm fluid under a microscope.
Microscopically both ciliate and flagellate forms of varying
sizes and shapes can be observed with ciliates usually outnumbering the flagellates.
Hvorfor findes protozoer i vom væsken/rumen væsken?
The protozoa are normal inhabitants of a healthy ruminant’s ruminal fluid.The importance of the protozoa from a clinical viewpoint is their sensitivity to abnormalities in the fluidmilieu. The normal animal should show a wide variety of sizes of protozoa, in large numbers that are easy to see, and with active motility.
Hvordan kan man se ud fra protozoerne at der er dårlig fordøjelse?
Reduced numbers occur in inactive fluid samples.
The larger species are more susceptible to abnormalities; therefore a predominance of only small protozoa would suggest a mild indigestive disturbance. All protozoa are killed off when the ruminal pH drops below 5.
Hvordan vurderer man om en ko har ruminal acidose ved at kigge på bakterierne i vomsaften?
Although elaborate isolation methods for evaluating ruminal bacterial growth are not clinically applicable. examination of an air-dried. Gram-stained smear of ruminalfluid can be useful in diagnosing ruminaI acidosis. Normal ruminal fluid should contain a variety of morphologically distinguisha ble bacterial forms, with a predominance of gram-negative organisms. After the overconsumption of readily digestible carbohydrate (grain engorgement), a population of streptococci and lactobacilli proliferates as ruminal lactic acidosis develops. This shift in the bacterial population can be distinguished microscopically, and a predominance of gram-positive cocci and rods is seen. The findings are best confirmed by comparing a smear from a herdmate.
Hvordan vurderer man chlorid koncentrationen i vomsaft?
The chloride concentration in ruminal fluid can be determined from the supernate from a centrifuged sample using standard chloride titration devices.
A delay in measurement does not appreciably affect the value.
The normal ruminal fluid chloride concentration is less than 30 mEq/L.
Saliva contamination has minimal effect on the results.
This test can be very helpful in differentiating abomasal
refluxfromruminal lactic acidosisas the cause oflow
ruminal pHandabnormal fluid accumulation in the retirulorumen.
Hvad kan en forhøjet koncentration af chlorid i vomsaften være tegn på?
In the clinical evaluation of forestomach dysfunction ,
elevated ruminal chloride suggests secondary indigestion
caused by abomasal disease or obstruction of intestinal flow.
Generally cattle with elevated ruminal chloride also have hypochloremia (i blodet) and metabolic alkalosis as a result of the chloride sequestration in the forestomach.
Hvilke test kan man lave for at vurdere mikrofloraens aktivitet i vomsaften?
Need le puncture of the ventral rurninalsac [rumenocentesis} may yield a satisfactory
fluid sample.
Oral or nasal passage of a collection tube produces more fluid volume with no risk of peritoneal contamination but with an increased risk of saliva contamination.
1) Color, Consistency, and Odor.
2) Ruminal fluid pH.
3) Sedimentation.
4) Redox potentiale.
5) Mikroskopisk undersøgelse (protozoer).
6) Ruminal chlorid koncentration.
7) Numerous other tests of the ruminal fluid have been
described for the evaluation of digestive activity of the ruminal microflora. These include cellulose digestion, glucose fermentation, nitrite reduction, and measurements of titratable acidity, VFAs, lactic add, and ammonia concentration.
Hvilke sygdomme der giver dårlig fordøjelse, kan påvirke blodet samtidig?
The primary exceptions are TRP or rumenitis, in which
neutrophilia and hyperfibrinogenemia are routine findings.
An inflammatory leukogram can also be observed in some cases of vagal indigestion when inflammatory disease is responsible for dysfunction of vagal innervation and forestomach motility. Chronic bronchopneumonia in calves and TRP in adult cattle are commonly implicated as causes of vagal dysfunction.
A hematologic reflection of an inflammatory response may also be seen after** ruminal acidosis** if the ruminal wall and other organs suffer secondary pathogen invasion, and likewise in the occasional cases of primary rumenitis or reticulitis.
The more common hematologic abnormalities associated
with indigestion are reflections of fluid disturbance or stress response.
A stress leukogram would be anticipated in cases of indigestion that are acute or distressing, such as acute bloat.
When indigestion is chronic, especially in calves, in
which the Indigestive disturbance may go unrecognized or
undiagnosed for a long time, a state of malnutrition may
develop. In these instances a mild to moderate anemia
may develop
Hvilke sygdomme der kan give dårlig fordøjelse, kan påvirke blodets biokemiske profil samtidig?
In lactating or heavily pregnant animals, anorexia may induce a secondary form of acetonemia, which is detected by the presence of urine ketones. The animal must be carefully examined to differentiate ketosis with secondary anorexia and decreased ruminaI activity from primary indigestion with secondary ketosis.
Mild to moderate hypocalcemia and hypokalemia are commonly identified abnormalities in many cases of indigestion, especially when anorexia has been prolonged.
Dramatic alterations of the blood biochemical characteristics may accompany **severe ruminal acidosis. **Affected animals have metabolic acidosis with decreased blood pH and plasma bicarbonate. Blood lactate levels rise with the acidosis.The urine pH falls into the acidic range as the kidneys excrete some of the excess acid, but eventually severe dehydration results in renal failure and anuria, elimina ting this route of acid excretion. Decreased renal function is reflected by elevated serum creatinine and urea nitrogen concentrations.
Phosphat konc. = Stiger
Calcium konc. = Falder lidt
Portal bacteria and toxins from the damaged ruminal mucosa contribute significantly to the increased serum liver enzymes.
Measurement of the serum electrolyte concentrations provides important clues about the site of obstruction of ingesta flow and is useful in adjusting fluid therapy.
Hvilke symptomer (biokemisk) ses ved kvæg hvor det primære problem er mangel på flow gennem reticuloomasal orifice?
When the primary problem is failure of flow through the reticuloomasal orifice, the rumen fills and grossly distends with fluid, but significant abomasal reflux does not occur. Affected patients generally show mild or no serum electrolyte abnormalities.
Hvilke symptomer (biokemisk) ses ved kvæg hvor det primære problem er at ingesta ikke kan passere videre end abomasum?
When ingesta fail to pass from the abomasum, reflux of
the high-chloride abomasal contents into the rumen
results in elevated ruminal chloride concentrations and
associated hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis.
Hvad kan give ruminal hypomotilitet?
Ruminal hypomotility, for example, is commonly a physiologic response to problems such as abnormal ruminaI contents, a ruminal wall lesion, pain, or overdistention.
HUSK!! Eliminating the underlying causative problem more effectively resolves the disease than does treatment directed at the disease signs.
Man skal i dette tilfælde IKKE give rumenatorlcs (e.g., nux vomica, ginger, tartar emetic) or parasympathomimetics (e.g., neostigmine, carbamylcholine) for at stimulere motiliteten.
Hvornår må man behandle dårlig fordøjelse med alkaliserende agenter som magnesium hydroxid?
The treatment of indigestions with alkalinizing agents such as magnesium hydroxide is indicated only when the pH of ruminal contents is low.
Hvordan behandler man free gas bloat?
Kan forveksles med frothy bloat.
Passage of a stomachtube to help in this differentiation is very important and may alleviate (lindre) the acute
problem if free gas is present.
Evidence of respiratory or cardiovascular distress indicates that the bloat is an acute, life-threatening problem that requires emergency treatment.
Cardia og oesopagus obstruktion er alvorligt.
Chronic free gas bloat does not respond to the antifermentatives or surfactants commonly used for frothy bloat. Only the restoration of physiologically normal reticuloruminal function corrects this type of bloat.
Inflammatory lesions may respond to long-term administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. This is also the treatment of choice when purulent lung infections appear to be the cause of the bloat.
Man kan lave en fistula i siden af koen (vindue): Release of the fermentatlve gas in this manner is important for the reestablishment of normal forestomach motility, which is inhibited if distention is extreme.
Ved free gas bloat pga løbedrejning, kan en operation være nødvendig.
PROGNOSE = Failure to respond within about 3 weeks suggests that the treatment is not effective, and slaughter should be recommended after an appropriate withdrawal time.
Hvordan vurderer man der er læsioner i rumenvæggen?
Diseases of the ruminal wall may be suspected on the basis of the physical examination findings and results of a CBC, abdominocentesis, and ruminal fluid analysis.
In most cases exploratory laparotomy is required to confirm the diagnosis.
PROGNOSE: Rumenitis or reticulitis may respond to antibiotic therapy, but the prognosis in these cases is guarded.
Parakeratosis is best treated by correcting the causal feeding error (reducing the amount of concentrate and increasing the feeding of long-stemmed forage).
PROGNOSE for parakeratose: The prognosis associated with this problem is good if inflammation of the ruminal wall is not also involved.
Hvordan behandler man vagal indigestion?
Se også billede.
Exploratory laparotomy and rumenotomy are essential for establishing an accurate assessment.
The evaluation of animals with vagal indigestion with a
large fluid-filled rumen should include assessment of the
fluid and electrolyte stat s. Abnormalities such as dehydration, hypocalcemia, hypochloremia, and hypokalemia should be addressed with supportive fluid therapy. Treatment should be administered parenterally, because oral treatments are ineffective or deleterious (skadelig). The forestomach should be emptied of the excessive ingesta accumulation either at
surgery or with a large-bore stomach tube.
This procedure may have to be repeated if the recovery period is prolonged. Relief of persistent forestomach distention is cruical to the reestablishment of normal motility. Limited feed and water should be offered to prevent repeated accumulations in the reticulorumen, and intravenous fluid therapy should be continued until reticuloruminal motility is reestablished and oral fluid intake can be allowed at normal levels.
Once the ruminal distention has been alleviated(lindret), several liters of ruminal fluid transfaunate from a healthy donor should be administered.
The limited diet must be palatable (spiselig) and should consist primarily of long-stemmed hay or green feed for maximum stimulation of the normal forestomach motility pattern. A temporary ruminal fistula may be indicated if tympany is a prominent sign.
Hvordan behandler man fermentativ indigestions?
Se også billede.
PROGNOSE: With the exception of severe acute ruminal acidosis, the disturbances of reticuloruminal fermentation generally are not fatal unless the disease is undiagnosed for a prolonged period, leading to extreme debility.
Treatment of fermentation disorders centers around restoring a normal ruminal fluid environment that allows normal microbial metabolism. Identification of ruminal fluid parameters and the nature of the forestomach ingesta
directs the appropriate treatment.
Hvordan er prognosen ved vagal indigestion?
Vagal indigestion is a chronic and insidious problem that generally warrants a guarded to poor prognosis.
Hvad kan vagal indigestion forveksles med?
Diaphragmatic herniation and masses that obstruct the reticuloomasal orifice cause signs indistinguishable from those of vagal indigestion that results from inflammatory lesions of the reticulum.
PROGNOSE: 1) Ved diafragma hernia er prognosen ikke så god. 2)Removal of pedunculated masses or foreign bodies at the reticuloomasal orifice can promptly correct such problems.
Hvad er de to typiske årsager til vagal indigestion?
Hvad er deres prognose?
The two most common causes of vagal indigestion syndrome are inflammatory lesions of the reticuloomasal region and abomasal diseases that involve gross distention, twisting, or vascular impairment of the organ.
PROGNOSE: Vagal indigestion caused by abomasal disease carries a poor prognosis, whereas the prognosis for animals with reticular involvement is more variable.
When abscesses are identified at the reticulum or liver, surgical drainage may help resolve the forestomach motor disturbance.
Hvilken behandling er vigtig ved højresidig løbedrejning eller volvulus?
Identification of adhesions and active inflammation indicates that broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy may be beneficial; it is essential that aggressive
antimicrobial therapy be administered before and after the surgical correction of a right -sided abomasal displacement or volvulus.
Hvordan behandler man fodringsproblemer?
Ændrer foderet.
Because the imbalance may have gone on for weeks, especially in cases of calf indigestion, correction of the problem may also take some time.
Fresh green grass, however, remains one of the best means of stimulating normal forestomach digestion and motility. The second best type of diet includes a balance of palatable (spiselig) and digestible sources of energy, protein, fiber, and mineral nutrients.
Hvordan behandler man kvæg med nedsat mikroflora aktivitet eller levedygtighed?
When the viability or activity of the ruminal microflora is in question, as in the primary fermentative disorders and most cases of secondary indigestion, ruminal transfaunation is indicated.
This should be obtained from a healthy individual that preferably is adapted to a ration similar to the one the patient is expected to consume.
After the large particulate matter has been strained from the fluid (cheesecloth or large stockinette can be used), it can be administered through a stomach tube.
In calves inoculation with 1 L is appropriate, whereas 3 L is minimal in an adult cow, and 8 to 16 L is more desirable.
As discussed, one of the primary stimuli for active
ruminal contraction is mild forestomach distention. In
addition to the administration of ruminal transfaunate, it
usually is beneficial in these cases to administer enough
oral fluid to produce mild ruminal distention. Vandet skal opvarmes, tilføres salt (isotonisk opløsning. Saltet hjælper mod mangel og giver en hurtig omsætnng af væsken fra rumen til den nedre mavetarmkanal.
When the distention is caused by accumulation of abnormal ingesta, normal contractions
do not return and the ruminal tympany is not resolved until the distention is relieved. This situation is best exemplified by cases of microfloral inactivity caused by **poor-quality roughage (grovfoder) **and is the underlying problem in calves with haybelly. One approach to this problem is to restrict the animal to small quantities of readily digestible feed given several times a day. Repeated transfaunations during this time help reestabllsh a more normal microflora. This approach relies on motility and microbial activity sufficient to break downthe ingesta and pass them to the lower tract. An alternative approach is to remove the accumulated ingesta by means of rumenotomy, after which the animal is transfaunated and allowed access to moderate amounts of feed until normal motility is restored.
Ved hvilke sygdomme er det vigtigt at få pH abnormaliteter inden for den normale pH på 6-7?
Hvordan behandles de to sygdomme?
Ruminal acidosis eller alkalosis.
Alkalinizing agents such as magnesium hydroxide
and sodium bicarbonate are indicated for treatment of acidosis at an initial dose of 1 g/kg.
Emptying the rumen surgically is the treatment of choice when spoiled milk, putrefactive ruminal ingesta, or severe ruminal acidosis is detected.
Ruminal alkalosis can be corrected with the infusion of acetic acid (vinegar, initial dose of 2 ml/kg. up to 12 I.). All of these agents are best administered in several liters of warm water to ensure good distribution through the ruminal fluid.
Ved unormal fermentering, hvad kan være den primære inhibitor af formavemotilitet?
Overdistention of the ruminaI wall may be a primary
inhibitor of forestomach motility in some cases of indigestion caused by abnormal fermentation.
Hvordan behandler man et dyr som har dårlig fordøjelse sekundært til en depressiv eller febril sygdom?
Animals with prolonged anorexia caused by a depressant
or febrile disease that produced secondary indigestion
may not return to feed or have normal ruminal motility
even after normalcy of the ruminal contents has been
restored. Chewing activity is one of the strongest stimulants for ruminal motility, and these individuals sometimes benefit if palatable hay or grass is placed forcefully into the mouth by hand. An alternative is to give such individuals access to pasture. Both the ruminant and its ruminal microflora have trace mineral requirements that are often not met by the type of diets that may induce microfloral inactivity.
Hvordan får ruminater B-vitamin?
The ruminal microflora is also responsible for supplying the animal with its vitamin B requirements.
Hvordan behandler man kalve der har dårlig huld pga kronisk dårlig fordøjelse, og hvad kan forårsage dette?
The stunted, poor body condition of calves affected
by chronic indigestions may reflect these deficiencies (vitamin B), as well as protein energy malnutrition. Oral
supplementation of minerals and parenteral supplementation of the B-vitamins may be helpful until normal ruminal digestive function is established.
Adult cattle, especially lactaring animals with high metabolic demands, may also benefit from B vitamin supplementation when ruminal function is impaired.
Hvordan behandler man kvæg med uønskede populationer af ruminal mikroflora?
lntraruminal administration of antibiotics has been used
to kill undesirable populations of ruminal mikroflora. A
2- to 3-day course of treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is not readily absorbed is useful only when an overgrowth of undesirable bacterial species is present and should be followed by transfaunation. Drugs used for this effect include **neomycin or tetracycline for ruminal alkalosis **or urea toxicosis and chlortetracycline or erythromycin for ruminal acidosis.
Hvordan behandler man AKUT ruminal acidosis?
Severe grain overload requires prompt and aggressive
treatment. Animals showing severe depression, an unresponsive condition, apparent blindness, and gross ruminal distention warrant a grave prognosis. Immediate slaughter should be considered for animals with similar signs that are still able to stand.
Emergency rumenotomy and removal of the acidic ruminal
contents may be lifesaving if the procedure can be
performed before significant amounts of ingesta have
passed into the lower gastrointestinal tract.
An alternative treatment in less severe cases is repeating flushing of the rumen with wann water th rough a largebore stomach tube.
Administration of magnesium hydroxide into the rumen
and sodium bicarbonate solution (5%) IV is necessary to counter the acidosis. Intravenous fluid therapy should be continued until the animal has recovered to provide support against hypovolemic shock.
Other treatments that may be considered include NSAIDs and intraruminal antibiotics. The other therapeutic measures discussed, such as transfaunation
and dietary adjustment, should be continued during the
recovery phase.
Hvad ledsages dårlig fordøjelse ofte af? Hvordan behandler man dette?
Indigestion often is accompanied by varying degrees of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
When these abnormalities are only mild or moderate,
the animal’s fluid homeostasis may correct as the normal
digestive processes are restored.
Restoration of normal fluid balance improves attitude
and appetite and normal gastrointestinal motility.
Empiric treatment with a balanced electrolyte solution administered IV is sufficient in most cases, because gross disturbances of the body fluid electrolytes are uncommon in most in digestions. The greatest exceptions to this are cases of severe ruminal acidosis or vagal indigestion with pyloric outflow failure and sequestration of abomasal chloride.
Hvilke mineraler er der ofte mangel på i blodet ved dårlig fordøjelse?
Hvad er symptomerne på dette, og hvordan behandler man det?
Hypocalcemia and hypokalemia are routinely present in
many cases of indigestion. Low serum concentrations of
these elements can produce muscular weakness and impair gastrointestinal motility. Both calcium and potassium should be included in the administered fluids.
Hvad er den mest alm. grund til vagal indigestion?
Hvordan forhindrer man dette?
The most common cause of vagal indigestion syndrome is inflammation of the reticular area caused by TRP. Prevention of this disease by keeping metallic
foreign bodies out of the feed or by prophylactic administration of a ruminal magnet.
Hvordan forhindrer man mikrobial-fermentative formave sygdomme?
The microbial-fermentative forestomach disorders are
best prevented by proper feeding management. A wellbalanced diet of palatable feeds with an adequate amount of well-structured roughage (not finely ground or pelleted} prevents most problems.
Når man ændrer foderet hos kvæg, hvor lang tid skal det så gøres over?
Dietary changes should be introduced slowly (over 2 to 3 weeks) to allow adaptation of the microbial flora to the new substrate.
Hvorfor giver man køer buffere, og hvilke bruger man?
Because they reduce the disease problems associated with heavy grain feeding and diets that are low or marginal in effective fiber.
These buffers stabilize the ruminal pH and alter the mechanics of ruminal fluid outflow, thus decreasing the chances of overgrowth of the lactate-producing organisms.
Commonly used buffers include sodium bicarbonate,
sodium sesquicarbonate. sodium bentonite, magnesium
oxide, and calcium-magnesium carbonate, of which only
the sodium carbonates are truly buffering agents in the
chemical sense.
Hvad bruger man ionophore antibiotika til hos kvæg?
The ionophore antibiotics (e.g., lasalocid, monensin)
and some other antibiotics (e.g., the sulfur-containing
peptide antibiotic thiopeptin) have also proved effective in
reducing lactate production in animals fed high-grain diets.
The effect of these agents is to suppress the lactate-producing organisms while not appreciably affecting the lactate users.
Hvad kaldes Hoflunds syndrome også?
Vagal indigestion
Hvad består vagal indigestion syndrome af?
Vagal indigestion syndrome (vagus indigestion, Hoflund’s syndrome) is composed of a group of motor disturbances that hinder passage of ingesta from the reticulorumen or abomasum or both.
Failure of omasal transport with hypermotility of the rumen is the most common naturally occurring form of the disease.
Failure of omasal transport.
Pyloric outflow failure.
Chronic recurrent (tilbagevendende) bloat.