II.J - Federal Aviation Regulations And Publications Flashcards


Explain the differences between Faa approved airplane flight manuals, pilot operating handbooks, and owners manuals


The owner manual is a document developed by the aircraft manufacturer and contains general info about the make and model of aircraft

  • It is NOT approved by the FAA and is not specific to an individual aircraft
  • provides gear like info about the operation of an aircraft, is not kept current, and cannot be substituted for the AFM/POH

AFM is a document developed by the manufacturer and approved by the FAA.

  • Specific make and model of aircraft, usually by serial number
  • contains info and instructions to operate and aircraft safely, along with the operating procedures and limitations of that aircraft

The POH is a document developed by the aircraft manufacturer and contains Faa- approved AFM info.
- the POH for most light aircraft made after 1975 is also designated as the Faa approved flight manual

AFM and POH appear similar for the same make and model, but each manual is unique and contains specific info about a particular aircraft.
If a manual does not indicate a specific aircraft registration and serial number, it is limited to general study purposes only

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